“Coping The Day After” by Heather Brody

Today was a rough day for many students at UD. While we all have different ways of coping, and are all at different places in the healing process, I wanted to take some time to reflect on how I got through this gloomy day.

I did things that made me feel good. I stayed home from my internship to get more sleep. I cried a lot. I painted something that I am proud of. I watched an episode of Gilmore Girls. I ate yummy food and treated myself to some ice cream.

I also made sure to be around people today. I went to my WOMS class, where we were able to meditate and reflect together through our tears. I went to Hillel multiple times, finding support in the staff members and students who were around. I talked with my 186 South College co-editors about how we were feeling and how we could move forward.

Each of these moments and actions, however small, made today a little easier for me. It took away the numbness for a little while and helped me see the beauty in the world and in the people around me. Although it is tough for me to find the right words, even writing this blog post is helping.

Self-care is so important, especially as college students, and especially with the current state of our nation. I encourage you to do what you can to actively practice self care over the next few days, whether it is watching a movie with friends, or following a guided breathing exercise. Do what you need to do to feel okay and know that you are loved and supported.

If you need to talk to a counselor or to a Sexual Offense Support (SOS) representative, you can call the 24/7 UD Helpline at 302-831-1001.

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1 Comment

  1. sgeorger@udel.edu

    November 10, 2016 at 1:16 pm

    Thank you for writing this and pointing students to helpful resources.

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