As the year comes to an end, I decided to reach out to past 186 South College editors to see how they have been doing since graduating from UD. Take a look at what they have to say:
As the year comes to an end, I decided to reach out to past 186 South College editors to see how they have been doing since graduating from UD. Take a look at what they have to say:
Today, a protest broke out as a group of church members showed up on I Heart UD Day to verbally harass students. They began on the Green, near Gore Hall, where they shouted at female students, telling them to close their legs and that they were whores. Sophomore Liv Rogal saw what was happening, and decided that she would not stand by and let this happen. She called the police, who then escorted the church members to West Delaware Avenue, where they were able to continue standing while holding signs that said “Jesus is Truth,” and promoting hate toward Muslims, the LGBTQ+ community, and others.
Luckily, more students had the same thoughts that Liv did.
Wow, what an amazing day. On Saturday, January 21st, 2017, I marched alongside hundreds of thousands of people of every age, race, and gender with the same mission: to have our voices be heard. We stomped across our nation’s capital, cardboard signs flying high and fuzzy pink hats shining through the fog, refusing to be ignored. It was an amazing and exhilarating experience, and finding out once I got home that people across the country and across the WORLD were marching too filled me with hope.
As my first semester as an editor of 186 South College comes to an end, I feel incredibly grateful to have been able to work with such a creative, dedicated, amazing group of editors and writers. I decided to look back at the articles that have been posted over the past few months, and I noticed that an interesting theme had emerged. Many of our writers chose to explore difficult topics of stress, anxiety, self-acceptance, self-care, and more. Topics that society often discourages us from talking about were brought to light through the words of our Honors students. Our writers were real. They were raw. They were unapologetically themselves. And I want to take a moment to thank them for that.
Today was a rough day for many students at UD. While we all have different ways of coping, and are all at different places in the healing process, I wanted to take some time to reflect on how I got through this gloomy day.
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