Tag: community (page 1 of 19)

TBT: “A Little Love for the Library” by Erin Jackson

As we get closer to Finals week here at UD, please enjoy this Throwback Thursday post about Morris Library written by Erin Jackson in 2018. Through humorous anecdotes, Erin describes the sense of community and some of the many resources Morris has to offer.

Though we have all been to the Hugh Morris Library at some point by now, the building holds a different meaning for all of its attendees. For some people it is the only place they can get work done; for others it’s the ultimate destination for group projects. Some people go there as a social event, and still others use it as a way to escape the noise of an active college community. For a while, I had no idea where I fit in among these classifications of library-goers. It started out as a necessary destination whenever I needed to print something before I invested in a printer of my own. Then, after my first semester of freshman year when my laptop somehow got blacklisted from the UD internet for reasons unknown to this day, I again was forced to the library to either rent a laptop or spend time there on their desktops, knowing that someday I’d again have a functional laptop and could have more control over my study location.

It was not for a while that I began attending the library out of choice instead of necessity. I would occasionally go to the reading room between classes, or wander around the third floor until I found a rare empty seat, afraid to cough or breathe too loudly and disrupt the population already there. Even then, I felt a little lost, not having a spot of my own, a routine location I could count on. I still didn’t fit into any of my pre-determined library stereotypes, but I kept trying.

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“The Honors Capstone” by Felicia Seybold

I remember the experience of checking my degree audit during my first year here at the University of Delaware. At the time, nothing was fulfilled and there were a million and one classes that I had to take (or so it seemed). The requirement that I felt the most far away from completing was my Honors capstone course, which must be completed within the last two semesters of your degree. Well, I am now in my last semester, taking my Honors capstone. I am an Applied Molecular Biology and Biotechnology major (a mouthful, I know; I just say biotech), and we have a unique capstone course. We are placed at laboratory internships to apply and practice the skills we have learned in class. This semester I was placed at MIDI Labs (now part of Biolog), a local microbial identification lab in Newark, Delaware.

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“Dear Deceased Poet” by Juliana Castillo

Join us this Tuesday in continuing our National Poetry Month celebration with a guest poem by Juliana Castillo, a Philosophy major of the class of 2025. Juliana uses imagery of membranes, liquid and light in this fictional “love letter” to a poet who was influential to the narrator.

Dear deceased poet, who lived to 

Twenty-five – I miss you, even though you died

Years before I was born; years before today, when 

I am already twenty-six. Dear deceased poet, I can 

Hear your voice, telling me that life is a membrane

To stretch around the vesicles of water, nutrients, and the other

Vacu-sealed ingredients that enable existence.

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“The Blue Hen Guide to Getting Off Campus” by Nadya Ellerhorst

One fantastic – and somewhat ironic – aspect of our awesome campus is its proximity to other awesome places. With that said, it’s only natural that we Blue Hens may want to spread our wings and explore regional gems, from big cities to charming beaches.

It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of our campus. You’re bound to find this Blue Hen roosting in one of the many nooks and crannies of the university on any given day. But as an out-of-state, car-less student with insatiable Henergy for exploring, I personally place an especially high value on the prospect of trips elsewhere. I’ve also discovered that leaving campus for a bit can sometimes be a great way of unplugging from academics and recharging, even if it’s just a trip to the grocery store for candy with friends.

Here are some ways of exploring the surrounding area that I’ve utilized over the past few semesters. Safe and happy travels!

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“What Comes Next? Pieces of Advice” by Chris Hope

This is now my fourth year with 186 South College Ave. I have been with the blog since my freshman year and am now coming to the end of my senior year, and the question that always comes is “what are you doing next?” Everyone has their own path after graduating – whether that be immediately finding a job, being on the search for one, taking time off, or pursuing further education (my own path!). I wanted to take the opportunity, from my own experience applying to graduate programs earlier this year, to give some pieces of advice on the process.

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