Category: Chris Hope (page 1 of 4)

“What Comes Next? Pieces of Advice” by Chris Hope

This is now my fourth year with 186 South College Ave. I have been with the blog since my freshman year and am now coming to the end of my senior year, and the question that always comes is “what are you doing next?” Everyone has their own path after graduating – whether that be immediately finding a job, being on the search for one, taking time off, or pursuing further education (my own path!). I wanted to take the opportunity, from my own experience applying to graduate programs earlier this year, to give some pieces of advice on the process.

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“New Habits From New Experiences” by Chris Hope

Like so many students here at UD, I spent our comparatively long Winter Break taking Winter Session classes – more specifically studying abroad! I traveled alongside about 20 or so other UD students to Leipzig, Germany for a four-week long Winter Session. It was a truly amazing opportunity, and I’m so thankful to the German Department and IGS for organizing the session alongside the institute where we studied, InterDaF, for making this all possible! I was initially set to go on this study abroad program back in January 2022, but due to the situation at the time the program was unfortunately canceled. Thus, getting to go this time was an opportunity I did not want to take for granted. I could go on and on about the entire experience, and I could probably write another whole article or two about it, (isn’t that the typical experience of talking with someone who’s just studied abroad? We, accidentally or not, always find a way to bring it up!) but some of my experiences over in Germany truly encouraged me in different ways, even those outside of the classroom. Of course the program helped me with my language skills, but living over there for a month taught me new things about myself and habits I’d like to keep up during my final semester and beyond.

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“What If?” by Chris Hope

I’m the type of person who thinks way too much about things, whether that be about decisions I make or about media I watch or listen to. Funnily enough, both of those aspects of myself fit together perfectly, because the past two weeks I’ve had working on the Harrington Theatre Arts Company’s recent production of the show If/Then. If you weren’t able to catch it, the story of If/Then focuses on Elizabeth and two timelines branching out from a single decision: one where she chooses to go with her newfound friend Kate (who calls her Liz) and one where she chooses to go with an old college friend Lucas (who calls her Beth). That single decision has a huge effect on her life as well as the lives of her friends and acquaintances. People who may meet and fall in love in one may never meet at all in the other, all because of a single decision. I, like many people, also tend to think long and hard over the possibilities that are presented in life’s choices; there can be advantages and pitfalls to such overthinking, but there are of course ways that media such as If/Then explore how one can overcome all of those pitfalls.

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“Lessons Learned in a Busy Week” by Chris Hope

This semester has been quite the busy one, though it might be hard to find someone who won’t relate to that statement. Midterms ending some weeks ago, fall break on the horizon but just out of reach; it can be a time of wanting a rest from what just was, but not being able to have that rest just yet. For myself, a piece of that business has been occupied by the recent showing of HTAC’s Shrek the Musical and the Tech Week preceding it. 

For the unaware, Tech Week for a theatre company is the week before opening night where all hands are on deck with daily rehearsals and constant work to improve upon performance and technical aspects, which in my case included creating or improving the show’s props and finding places for them backstage. Over the course of the week I realized that the sort of shifting emotions and work relate to the way they similarly shift throughout the academic semester, and each day has a way to be summarized and has something that can be learned from it. With that said, here are some lessons I learned from each day of Tech Week.

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“The Art of Live Performance” by Chris Hope

With the return of many in-person events both on and off-campus, live performances are having a resurgence of their own. I’ve attended or plan to attend a fair amount recently, ranging between concerts, comedy shows, and theater performances. In fact, finding live shows has been made easy by the wonderful variety of talent brought to us by our campus partners and RSOs! If you’re looking for some activities where you can sit down and enjoy a good show without having to stray far from campus, then wait no longer, because UD’s RSOs provide a wide variety of live entertainment. Continue reading

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