Category: Lauren Wrightstone (page 1 of 2)

“A Breath of Fresh Air” by Lauren Wrightstone

When the University originally closed last spring, like most other students, I came home and completed online classes from my bedroom. For most of us, this trend has continued into this spring, and even students who now live in dorms are attending Zoom classes from their desks. 

Being in your bedroom all day can be a bit of a downer, especially if you’re like me and move directly from your bed to your desk to attend class. One way I’ve found to make myself feel a bit more comfortable is to rearrange and reorganize my room! 

Ultimately my goal was to make it as breathable as possible, which actually turned out to be a difficult task. Last April, I rearranged the whole room, even transplanting my old chest of drawers into our basement. This accomplished two goals. One, I had more floor space to walk around and do my yoga routines in. And two, I was able to make space for different, smaller furniture. The end goal is to make your space as tailored to you as possible. I opted for more floor space because it worked for me, but what works for you may be something totally different. And that’s okay! Continue reading

“Thoughts on the Apartment Search” by Lauren Wrightstone

As many first-year college students can attest, the idea of independent living is an exciting one. I have been planning for my very own apartment since I was about twelve years old. So when a few of my friends said they were looking for another roommate, I jumped at the chance. 

My friends and I met in Redding last year, back when all the freshman Honors students lived together. One of them was actually my randomly assigned roommate, but all four of us spent the whole of last year practically inseparable, so I knew we’d work well sharing an apartment. My floor was very closely connected, even if we weren’t all best friends, and I missed living with people my own age. That’s the thing I’m looking forward to most next fall semester. 

Our first step was identifying our building or property management company of choice. We knew we wanted either two or four bedrooms, depending on price. We also wanted two bathrooms. Like most people who have lived in a dorm building, we desired at least a little more privacy than we had there.

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“Fitness in Quarantine” by Lauren Wrightstone

Being stuck at home can be stressful, especially when you have practically nothing to do but homework, like I do. After all, there’s only so many times I can check Canvas before I start to go a little nuts. One thing I’ve noticed that helps is exercise. 

Now, I know what you’re thinking. Obviously, we’re supposed to be staying active, but plenty of people are busy enough with their homework or catching up on all the sleep and TV shows they’ve missed. Well, here are a couple of tips to stay active while stuck at home.

I think the most obvious solution is to go on walks. I can’t tell you how many people I see walking past my house everyday, so there’s something to be said about that particular activity. But what if you live in an area where you can’t go on walks? Whether it’s a crowded city or a highway, lots of people don’t have a walking path readily available. 

There are so many other options for simple, indoor workouts. You don’t need any fancy equipment to do a quick workout to get your blood flowing. There are just about a million YouTube channels that can walk you through simple exercises with or without equipment. Channels like POPSUGAR fitness offer a wide variety of videos for any level of experience. They provide many different types of workout videos, from the daily ten-minute one to an intensive hour-long version. They even have a whole section for beginners. And these types of channels aren’t limited in types of exercises, with many channels having different focuses.  Continue reading

“Food for Thought” by Lauren Wrightstone

As Honors students, we have very easy access to most of the food on campus. The Caesar Rodney and Russell dining halls are extremely close to Redding, as is Perkins and the Harrington POD. Even Pencader is less than a fifteen-minute bus ride if your tastes vary in that direction. Our dining plans make it easy to access all these different options, whether that’s through regular meals, meal exchanges, points, or Flex. 

I’m partial to the 175 meal block plan, but I know everyone has their preferences, and I wanted to figure out what they are. I interviewed a few Honors students to get the inside scoop.  Continue reading

“A Trip to the Big Apple” by Lauren Wrightstone

My friends in Redding and I had been wanting to take a trip to the “Big Apple,” or New York City, for a while now. It was originally just timing and money holding us back—buses are expensive!—so when we found out that the English Language Institute was sponsoring a bus ride there and back for only twenty dollars, we hopped on it.  Continue reading

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