Tag: student organizations

“The Blue Hen Guide to Getting Off Campus” by Nadya Ellerhorst

One fantastic – and somewhat ironic – aspect of our awesome campus is its proximity to other awesome places. With that said, it’s only natural that we Blue Hens may want to spread our wings and explore regional gems, from big cities to charming beaches.

It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of our campus. You’re bound to find this Blue Hen roosting in one of the many nooks and crannies of the university on any given day. But as an out-of-state, car-less student with insatiable Henergy for exploring, I personally place an especially high value on the prospect of trips elsewhere. I’ve also discovered that leaving campus for a bit can sometimes be a great way of unplugging from academics and recharging, even if it’s just a trip to the grocery store for candy with friends.

Here are some ways of exploring the surrounding area that I’ve utilized over the past few semesters. Safe and happy travels!

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“Splashing Colors on Campus – Indian Student Association Holi” By Yamini Vyas

As mentioned in my previous posts, I am a third year Honors student serving as the President of UD’s Indian Student Association. Each year, one of our biggest events of the spring semester is the celebration of Holi. You may know Holi as the festival of colors, but here is your chance to learn more about the specifics and origins of the holiday!  

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“Springing Back to Campus” by Chris Hope

With the end of winter break and, for many, Winter Session classes, comes the spring semester. The spring semester marks a nice return to campus to see friends again, and even as a break from the break! I’m glad to have had the long break; however, since my winter study abroad was canceled, I had that itch to return to the groove of campus and the classes I enjoy. What’s even more poignant about this spring is the return of the student body altogether. Many of us haven’t experienced a full, in-person spring semester either at all or since spring 2019. My first spring semester was cut short by COVID’s beginnings, and in my second spring, I happened to have a single on-campus class, allowing me to be here last year. Because being on-campus all spring long is new for so many students, here are some ways to really take advantage of the spring semester no matter your year. Continue reading

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