Category: Lauryn Magill

“Main Street, I Love You!” by Lauryn Magill

Main Street is a part of the University of Delaware that deserves endless recognition.  When I first drove down the long stretch of restaurants and shops, I was in awe.  Coffee, ice cream, cookies, pizza, movies, and more; all within a half-mile radius.  I could envision myself walking along on the sidewalk and stopping to grab a drink before finding a quiet spot to sit and study, relax, or people-watch.

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“Don’t Forget to Explore!” by Lauryn Magill

UD has an interesting statue near the center of campus: a stone book with one page carved with symbols of science, art, and literature, and the next page blank.  There are many interpretations of the statue (and to be honest I’m not sure what the correct one is) but I like to think that it represents the importance of knowledge and keeping and the future as subject to change.

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“There’s So Much More” by Lauryn Magill

This past weekend I saw the movie “Dr. Strange” (it was incredible- especially if you’re a Marvel fanatic you should totally go see it).  One particular section of the movie, not to give away spoilers, basically goes to teach us that we’re looking at life through a keyhole.  We can only really see a fraction of what’s out there and what life’s meaning truly is.  I like to think that there is always a much bigger picture, one that we tend to forget about during the hustle and bustle of our daily lives.  Often when I’m feeling overwhelmed or stressed I like to stop and think about the fact that I am one of several billion people on this planet, and that this planet is a spherical rock essentially hanging in the middle of empty space in a universe that is mostly hostile to life.  That tends to humble me a bit, and puts my stressors into perspective.

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“What the First Month Taught Me” by Lauryn Magill

The first few days and weeks of college are an experience unlike many others.   From the rollercoaster of emotions to the swarm of new information, people, and places, freshman year can be quite overwhelming.  Personally, I’ve never been away from home or from my parents for more than a week at a time.  I consider myself a homebody- someone who is most comfortable in the confines of their house’s four walls- so as you can imagine, watching my parents drive away on move-in day was nothing short of terrifying.  I didn’t know anybody, I didn’t know where any buildings or classes were, I was homesick, and I was devoid of any sort of routine.  It was rough.

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