Category: Avery Beer (page 2 of 4)

“The Beauty of Yoga” by Avery Beer

I remember walking in the studio for the first time, timid yet eager to embark on this new journey. I was greeted by so many friendly people in such a small, zen area. Stacey, the teacher, had a toned figure, sparkling eyes, and silky gray hair falling just below her shoulders. I wanted to do yoga not so much for the physical benefit, but to silence the everyday screams and worries of my mind. I was not ready to surrender to my anxiety, not yet. I knew yoga was the place I may let my body and mind to coexist without battling each other. Yoga is my safe haven. I don’t need special equipment, or physical space, I just need my mind, body and my desire to receive clarity from my practice. At a time where I wanted safety and lucidity, at a time where I needed to be uplifted, I found yoga. I am forever grateful.

The art of moving your body through sequences of poses and breathing sounds strange. I never understood that this ancient expressive art would have an impact on a person like myself. Yoga is not changing yourself to fit a stereotype, or changing your personal spiritual beliefs; it is working with the beautiful body and brain you were given and learning to accept everything that comes with it. In doing this, you can be happy and peaceful each day. Instead of everyday workouts: cycling, running on a treadmill, or weightlifting, etc., this incredible art encompasses the heart space—so it is not just about a physicality. It works to benefit all parts of the body, not just to burn calories. Each person may say their own intentions for their own practice. Everything is personalized, even in a class-type yoga setting. Continue reading

“Tips for Making the Best Use of Your Space” by Avery Beer

Space is not something that people really think about. By space, I am talking about the physical area where you live and habituate, perform daily activities such as studying or hanging out. Space, and the elements that make it up, are extremely important to make better use of your time and extract all of the meaning from what you are using that space for. Here are some tips that I have found to be really beneficial for creating environments where you can be your best self.

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“Friends 4 Friends” by Avery Beer

Friends 4 Friends: a new community, a new movement, and one of the new RSO’s on UD’s campus. It is an empowering community of students who are actively changing the way mental health is viewed on our campus and raising funds to better our campus’ resources along the way. This is the way we are ditching stigmas centered around mental health and standing up to be advocates for ourselves and for each other.

In September of 2016, we lost a fellow blue hen, a passionate friend, and someone loved by so many. Connor Mullen, who I did not personally know, took his own life tragically, and his presence is missed every day. I remember exactly where I was on the day when we all mourned his loss together as a college campus. I remember feeling immense sorrow, to the point of tears, despite not even knowing him. I have always felt a deep connection to this cause after my mom’s long battle with depression, which eventually led to her suicide when I was just seven years old, so I felt the need to be there for the people that I know and loved that were so heartbroken by his loss. I remember writing a blog about it on this day, featured on my personal blog, so I’m just going to give a quick excerpt from that to show how emotional it was for many. I wrote: Continue reading

“Internships 101” by Avery Beer

To put it simply: finding an internship is TOUGH, especially when you’re applying to competitive companies that look at thousands of applicants for one position. However, internships are important: they help you narrow down what you would like to do post-graduation, they help you make connections, and they help you realize your strengths and weaknesses. However, actually obtaining one can be difficult, so I I am going to share my personal tips and tricks for scoring an internship experience for you! Continue reading

“Practicing Gratitude” by Avery Beer

Each day it seems as though we wake up and the world has some sort of bad news to offer. Any time I check the news app on my phone, I am immediately swarmed with negative stories—whether it’s about politics, natural disasters, or senseless human acts, it seems as though we cannot escape it.

Being in college is the most liberating experience that most of us have had in our lives so far, yet sometimes I know I personally can feel a bit helpless. As college students, we are truly in a bubble. We are in our own world of academics, of finding our passions, of playing sports or joining clubs. I know I am not alone in thinking that, sometimes, we forget that we are human, too. We forget that these horrible things in the news can happen to us, we are not protected even in our bubble. Although it is scary, we are no longer too immature to understand this concept. So, now to my point, it is incredibly important to practice the act of gratitude. When all of this negativity happens in the world, practicing gratitude is a way to bring humanness back into the world, to bring positivity and light when it is dark. Continue reading

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