An Ode to Judy

Dear Judy,

You probably don’t know me, but I am one of your biggest fans.

I was a freshman in the fall of 2012. I came to college spoiled, overtly privileged in terms of caffeine. You see, in my house, there is always a fresh pot of coffee on the counter, prepared by some java fairy (my mother).

I was lost those first few weeks of school, unsatisfied with the taste of the hot brown “coffee” they served in Russell Dining Hall, and appalled by the miniscule amount of joe that my roommate’s Keurig generated.

Then one morning, I had an epiphany. My first class of the day was in Purnell. Which meant that I passed right by Perkins. Which contained a Dunkin Donuts. Which served coffee. You were there that morning. You took my order and said to me, ever so sweetly, “Anything else, hun?”

Morning coffee with you became a routine. In the beginning, it was a small iced French vanilla with cream. Later it was a medium hot pumpkin coffee with skim. Some days there were celebratory chocolate chip muffins. Some days there were sympathy-seeking extra large iced coffees with cream and sugar. Some days there were homesick donuts. But for every purchase, you were there, referring to me as “hun” and providing me with the most appreciated form of liquid found on college campuses.

I don’t often make it to Perkins anymore, and after realizing that pumpkin coffee contained 180 calories without milk, I try to stick to the traditional varieties. But whenever I see a student walking down the green with a Styrofoam cup in hand, I think of you and the moments we shared in the Scrounge. You completed my freshman year, and I know you’ll continue to encourage the studies and caffeine addictions of the newest Honors students.

Best of luck to you, and please continue calling everyone “hun”.

Yours truly,
Erin Dugan

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1 Comment

  1. Celebratory muffins? Or love muffins? Or muffins celebrating love?? Muffins <3

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