Sure, we all swear that we’re so good at being organized and that we have the best note-taking skills on the East Coast. However, there are plenty of times when that isn’t true. As GenY, social media tends to take precedence in our lives over say, that English paper you should have written yesterday or that 10 page lab report that is due tomorrow. We also run into little problems as college students such as our computer crashing (okay, maybe that isn’t so little) or having to make the decision whether or not to get that expensive protein shake from MainStream Nutrition. Regardless, here are a few apps to help you in your next few years of college.
1. bPay – (Free) This is a really helpful app, especially on our college campus. If you haven’t noticed the big “bPay Mobile” ads on our buses and jumped on the bandwagon with the rest of campus, do it. Formerly known as Barclaycard, bPay shows all local offers that are available. All you have to do is sign up for a bPay account and connect it with your credit card. You scan a QR code and you’re good to go! It’s easy app pie, er, as pie.2
2. Any.DO – (Free) If you’re one of those people who has to make to-do lists like me, this will be your best friend. Not only can it show you how productive you’ve been today, but it will give you your stats from every other day since you downloaded the app. In addition, you’ll see that little notification in the corner of the app that shows you how many things you have left for today. If you’re like my roommate who can’t stand those, you will get them done immediately.
3. Dropbox – (Free) I would say that this app saved my life and by life I mean grades. Dropbox is essentially an online storage space where you can store and share files with other people. Just before finals in the fall of sophomore year, my computer crashed, seemingly deleting all of my files. Luckily, I was able to access Dropbox from my iPad where I had previously placed my notes for some of my classes. I studied everything from there until I had my computer fixed and all of my notes were replaced. Definitely download this and save yourself some stress if the same thing happens to you.
Of course there are also some fun apps that help you block social media (Self Control, but only for Macs) or for those of you who are infamous for contacting people you shouldn’t contact while out on the weekends (Text Hold’Em or Don’t Dial!). Luckily, there are about 30 different apps for everything you could ever imagine, so you have your choice! These are just some options to help you get started and manage your four years here in the best way possible.
Take it easy
~Chelsey Rodowicz