I know, I know. “Honors activities are only for freshmen.” While that may or may not be true, it doesn’t have to be. Before you close this page, just hear me out. Maximizing your Honors experience is like picking your schedule for next semester (and I don’t mean stressful) – you have to tailor it to your interests. Below are the five easy steps to taking advantage of the Honors community.


1. Pick one major Honors event to attend a year

The Honors Program brings many influential speakers to campus. This semester the University had the privilege of hearing Wes Moore speak (See Ruby’s review here) thanks to the Honors Program. Before the semester is out, we will also hear a poetry reading by Rita Dove who previously served as Poet Laureate of the United States. These speakers don’t come to speak to an empty room – so go and bring a few friends.

2. Exclusive Honors opportunities

If you haven’t seen the study abroad video yet check it out. It highlights the first ever Honors study abroad program and two spring break trips that have been offered. I cannot speak highly enough of the Honors study abroad, so if you have ever wanted to go to Italy I encourage you to apply to this year’s program with Dr. Fox . As Honors students, you have the opportunity to plan the entire trip from where you want to go, to what you want to do. Check out our blog from 2012.

In addition to fantastic opportunities like this, the Honors program takes trips to see performances such as LOL at The Grand in Wilmington or various performances on campus. Show some support for your friends or reunite with your friends from freshman year, take a break from studying (like we all know you’re doing on a Friday night) and take advantage of these great offerings.


3. Dr. Munson’s study breaks

If you have never been to one, just go. There are plenty of gummy bears. Enough said.


4. Attend an Honors info session featuring a professor 

These sessions may be in the Honors freshmen dorms but that doesn’t mean you can’t go as an upperclassman. Some of your favorite professors give you a preview of their classes or an interesting topic that they may feel too nerdy to share with people who well…aren’t nerds like us. Seriously, at least go to one. You’re guaranteed a night of intellect and laughter.


5. Make friends for life

That sounds incredibly cheesy, but for real. My manager says this before every shift at work and I just laugh but it is extremely applicable in our case. I am best friends with my freshman year roommate. I know people that are living with Honors classmates from their first year and I will be friends with not only my Italy classmates, but also my study abroad professor for years to come.


There you have it. Five easy steps to maximizing your Honors experience. You’re only at college once (well…those of you who really love learning might not be) so take a gander at all of the opportunities (classes if we’d like to continue the metaphor) and tailor your experience (schedule) to best suit your interests.


Take it easy.

~Chelsey Rodowicz




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