Tag: advice (page 10 of 16)

“Imagine Anything” by Erin Jackson

Biology is one of my favorite subjects. A huge topic in biology is evolution, and one cornerstone of evolution is that it is a long, slow process – basically, we cannot genetically evolve as human beings in our lifetime. It takes mutations of our DNA to build up over generations via natural selection to come to the true meaning of biological evolution. We have the hard work and revolutionary ideas of Charles Darwin to thank for this idea that most students now take for granted.

Imagine Dragons is my favorite band, and their latest album released this summer is called Evolve. Two weeks ago, I saw Imagine Dragons perform in Philadelphia, and their lead singer, Dan Reynolds, made me want to throw away the biological ideals which I value so dearly and instead believe that we as individuals and as the human population can evolve during our lifetimes. Continue reading

“Embracing Colder Weather” by Lorraine Capenos

As we progress further into the year, with students’ minds swimming with thoughts about exams, holidays, and spring registration, the temperature outside is getting colder and darker. And admittedly, I used to be one of those people who absolutely could not stand the cold weather and became miserable every time I had to step outside into the cold, complaining and generally annoying everyone around me. But recently, I’ve started loving the cold weather. I enjoy going outside when it’s cold. And although winter will probably forever be my least favorite season, I have learned a couple things that have helped me learn to love—or at least tolerate—the colder weather. Continue reading

“What I Learned in my First Month of College” by Lorraine Capenos

College is all about learning: having new experiences, meeting new people, and studying new topics. That being said, in my first month I have learned many things in the classroom, but even more outside of class. Here are some examples: Continue reading

“Get Outside! The Wonders of White Clay” by Erin Jackson

My dream job has probably always been to be a photographer for National Geographic someday. That being said, I just biked into White Clay between classes one day and snapped this picture on my phone because, why not? There is an explorer inside of everyone – a piece of them that’s waiting around to see the world the way they want to. I’m here to say, don’t wait. Hop on your bike or just your own two legs, and find your future adventure today. Continue reading

“Practicing Gratitude” by Avery Beer

Each day it seems as though we wake up and the world has some sort of bad news to offer. Any time I check the news app on my phone, I am immediately swarmed with negative stories—whether it’s about politics, natural disasters, or senseless human acts, it seems as though we cannot escape it.

Being in college is the most liberating experience that most of us have had in our lives so far, yet sometimes I know I personally can feel a bit helpless. As college students, we are truly in a bubble. We are in our own world of academics, of finding our passions, of playing sports or joining clubs. I know I am not alone in thinking that, sometimes, we forget that we are human, too. We forget that these horrible things in the news can happen to us, we are not protected even in our bubble. Although it is scary, we are no longer too immature to understand this concept. So, now to my point, it is incredibly important to practice the act of gratitude. When all of this negativity happens in the world, practicing gratitude is a way to bring humanness back into the world, to bring positivity and light when it is dark. Continue reading

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