Author: abhiarao (page 4 of 10)

“Springing Back to Campus” by Chris Hope

With the end of winter break and, for many, Winter Session classes, comes the spring semester. The spring semester marks a nice return to campus to see friends again, and even as a break from the break! I’m glad to have had the long break; however, since my winter study abroad was canceled, I had that itch to return to the groove of campus and the classes I enjoy. What’s even more poignant about this spring is the return of the student body altogether. Many of us haven’t experienced a full, in-person spring semester either at all or since spring 2019. My first spring semester was cut short by COVID’s beginnings, and in my second spring, I happened to have a single on-campus class, allowing me to be here last year. Because being on-campus all spring long is new for so many students, here are some ways to really take advantage of the spring semester no matter your year. Continue reading

“My Senior Year Bucket List” by Brittany Connely

As the fall semester gets even closer to ending, it reminds me just how short my time left here at the University of Delaware is. It feels like just yesterday that I was a freshman walking into the Honors dorm, ready to begin a new chapter of my life. Now, I’m applying to internships, full-time jobs, and figuring out what direction I want my life to go in. However, while time feels faster than ever, I want to take the time to remember my past four years at UD and enjoy my last one. So, to do this, I came up with a bucket list of four things that I want to do by the end of Spring Semester before walking across that graduation stage. Continue reading

“Being An Undergraduate TA” by Chris Hope

Last spring, I was approached by one of my professors who suggested that I apply to be a UTA–an undergraduate teaching assistant. It has been a wonderful opportunity, and despite any extra work that I might have to do for the position, I am happy to have this experience under my belt. But how exactly did I get the position? What work do I have to do? What are the helpful experiences that I (and you!) can get from something like this? Continue reading

“Waiting to Enjoy” by Gianna Richason

Recently, I took a trip with the Honors College to the Six Flags amusement park in New Jersey. The lines there were absolutely insane. The wait for each ride was probably an average of two hours, and we only got to ride three rides. However, it was one of my favorite days of the semester.

Now, you are probably wondering: how could a day at an AMUSEMENT PARK where you only went on three rides become one of the best days of an entire semester?

 Let me explain.   Continue reading

“Burnt Out? Learn to Take Effective Breaks” by Alex Stone

It is that point in the semester again: the dreaded but inevitable burnout. We are so close to being done! I must admit, I never understand how the semester passes by so quickly. However, with the break just within our reach, classes become harder, assignments pile up, and the burnout seems to get worse. I still have exams, projects, lab reports, essays, and presentations for the Honors section of my medical Spanish writing course. As a Writing Fellow, there are conferences I need to schedule with Honors freshman and essays I need to read. It all feels so overwhelming at times. There is so much to do in a day, and I do not know how it will all get done–especially now that it feels like the days are shorter with the sun setting at 5 PM. Continue reading

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