Welcoming Heather Into the World of Blogging


Blog. Have you ever tried saying that word over and over again until it doesn’t sound like a real word anymore? Blog blog blog blog blog. Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve been thinking about that word a lot recently. This is my first time writing for a real blog, and while it is really exciting, it can be scary too! What if people don’t like my entries? What if I sound boring or weird? But I decided not to let those thoughts get to me, because writing is my passion, and this is my chance to share that passion with all of you readers out there!

So, let me tell you about myself. My name is Heather and I am a freshman here at UD. I will admit, I was unsure of whether I would like it here or not. I am from Maryland, so most of my close friends ended up going to the University of Maryland. Choosing UD meant that I wouldn’t really know anyone, and that was scary because I am a pretty shy person. However, I have been making so many great friends here and I have had some pretty amazing experiences. I really can’t wait to see what else is in store for me here!


I am also a Human Services major, which is social work, but with a different name! I love helping people, and I know that when I am older I want to be doing something where I am helping people in some way, so Human Services seemed perfect. I am really interested in human rights though, specifically human trafficking. I hope to one day work with an organization or non-profit or maybe even the state department to fight against human trafficking. So, some of my future blogs will most likely talk about human rights issues!


Now that you know a little about me, get ready for some awesome blog posts that are coming your way! I love writing, as I mentioned before, and I am excited to write about my experiences as a freshman at UD. I have always wanted to be a blog writer, and now that I am, I promise not to disappoint!

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1 Comment

  1. So excited to have you on the team. 🙂

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