Month: September 2013 (page 1 of 4)

That One Time My Week Was an Emotional Rollercoaster Ride…

Whew, what a whirlwind of a week! And what a difference seven days can make. I mean, just to mention the obvious example – anyone with rudimentary religious knowledge is probably sighing in acknowledgement right now – of that one time God casually made the world, and the animals, and the oceans, and the trees…and, you get the idea. Seven days. Just seven days, people.

You, arbitrary audience member, might be wondering, “Caitlyn, what exactly happened this week?” Well, curious audience member, besides extreme sleep deprivation, this past 168-hour period was filled with SO MANY EMOTIONS. As my younger sister says whenever she can’t adequately express her emotional reactions, “All the feels!” This phrase perfectly describes my week because my emotions were somewhat kaleidoscopic, a.k.a. all over the place. There was happiness, numbness, excitement, devastation, pride, hunger (especially while studying for the Nutrition 200 exam I had this past Wednesday), discomfort, nervousness, fulfillment, and of course tiredness. Unfortunately, elaborating on all of those sentiments would take forever. So, I’m just tackling the major ones.

(Air of mystery: Can you guess where I’m going?)

EXCITEMENT: At the beginning of this week, I had zero idea what I’d be doing over Winter Session. Now, I’m going to be studying abroad! It was a sort of last-minute thing, and by last-minute I mean, I-literally-filled-out-the-application-and-got-the-professor-recommendation-and-submitted-the-deposit-and-interviewed-with-the-professor-in-a-24-hour-period. No lie. As a Spanish major, I’m beyond excited to have the chance to visit a place in which I’ll be 100% immersed in the language. I can’t wait!

DEVASTATION: I care more about grades than I sometimes realize. This week, I learned the score of a test I had taken last Friday. I found out this Monday. It was 11:15 a.m. or so, after my first class, and I was on my computer when I noticed that yet another email had sailed into my inbox. The email was from the new UD Canvas site and its message was simple: “Your assignment has been graded.” I clicked on the email, was redirected the Canvas site…and devastation ensued. “What even HAPPENED? Why do I study so much for nothing? Why am I even a Spanish major? Why bother?” Ugly, irrational thoughts immediately shut out everything else. After a good cry – sometimes necessary – my solution was action. I met with the professor, and hopefully, maybe, next time I’ll do better.

HUNGER:Quite simply, nothing prepared me for the dangers of studying for Nutrition 200. I WAS READING ABOUT FOOD. NOTHING BUT FOOD.

Oh, yeah, why am I in Nutrition 200 as a senior? Don’t put off your Group Ds, kids. Then you’ll be that one senior in a sea of freshmen. Seriously though: on the first day the professor innocently instructed, “Raise your hand if you’re a freshman!” And my only thought was, “They’re everywhere!” I was so outnumbered that I decided right then and there to pretend I was a sophomore/junior. It was safer.

But back to the actual late-night study session, I could only eat so many bananas before I went straight for the cookies. Newfound knowledge be darned.

My limited wisdom? Everything can change in an instant. My week started on a sour note, and ended more sweet.

(Yes, yes I am throwing in nutrition terms purposefully.)

Ruby Reviews the Renovations


These freshmen don’t know how good they’ve got it…UD has unveiled some pretty amazing renovations and brand new buildings this fall. While I’m so jealous that the Class of 2017 gets four whole years to enjoy them, I do appreciate that I get one. We can all agree that the renovations are stunning improvements, but here’s my review.

Little Bob (The Carpenter Sports Building) – The gym expansion was probably the most hotly anticipated among the changes to the UD campus. I started going to the gym at the end of junior year (it’s never too late to start), and looking back on it the amount of cardio equipment available then was incredibly inadequate for a school of 16,000 undergrads. The new gym is gorgeous, with a ton of fancy new machines that I have no idea how to use and will probably never know how to use. Nevertheless, I highly endorse the elliptical machines with built-in TVs! My only complaint is that there are not enough lockers.

ISE Lab (Interdisciplinary Science & Engineering Lab) –  As a Political Science major, I probably can’t fully appreciate this entirely new “194,000-square-foot facility [which] brings together students and faculty from various disciplines to teach, learn and conduct research in a collaborative environment,” as the UD ISE Lab website states it. I’ve heard that the lab classrooms are pretty amazing, though. Much of the first floor is a huge open study space with couches, tables, and of course Einstein Bagels; I think this area is perfect for studying and especially meetings.

Alison Hall – It seemed like this academic building was under renovation for years. It still looks like a high school inside, but a much nicer high school! However, I am not at all a fan of the new furniture in the classrooms. The desk-chair combos on four wheels are very unstable, and it always feels like you’re going to accidentally knock into a neighbor when you sit down.

Redding Hall – I recently visited this brand new freshman dorm, which mostly houses Honors freshmen, and it was all I thought it would be and more. This is probably the renovation I am most jealous about, because I lived in the Honors freshman dorm last year as a Russell Fellow – meaning I just missed out on a huge room in Redding by one year! Russell was already pretty nice, but from the countless spacious lounges to huge hallways to a kitchen with an island, it’s safe to say Honors definitely got a dorm upgrade with Redding. Enjoy it while you can, freshmen!

The new Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Building

What’s your favorite UD renovation?

~Ruby Harrington

Attending the James R. Soles lecture with Senator Coons


On Monday September 16, I attended the third annual James R. Soles lecture given by Senator Chris Coons. He gave a speech on the constitution and citizenry, two very important concepts that the late-Professor Soles cared for very much. Additionally, my public policy professor Dr. Rich announced that UD is planning to apply for community engagement classification by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. It was a very packed and important event.


I borrowed a roommate’s formal dress and another’s cardigan and went on my way to the lecture. I had to give my name to check in. I recognized one person in the sea of suits and sat next to her immediately. The room soon filled with important (and old!) people.


My POSC300 professor, Dr. Mycoff, and I mingled. He and I mingled with my academic advisor from my summer, Dr. Wilson. The department chair for Political Science and International Relations, Dr. Gretchen Bauer was there. Dr. Rich and our doctoral student Mr. Barnes said “hi.” President Harker was there! He shook my hand and asked me how my summer was. More and more people of academic strength and university importance soon crowded around lunch. Did I mention there was free lunch?


Mingling led to more mingling led to more mingling. I ran into more friends- some there as guests and some there as Soles Fellows (aka scholarship receivers). I was extremely humbled by everyone in the room.


After meeting and greeting tons of people, it all settled into the pomp and circumstance of announcements and speeches. Senator Coons gave an amazing speech and took one of my questions at the end. That was nerve-wracking- try following up a doctoral candidate’s question about foreign committee seating with one that can impress a room. Hint: It’s pretty impossible.


Listening to Senator Coons, Dr. Bauer, Dr. Rich, and chatting with many more was an amazing experience. The lunch was even good. This experience would not have happened if I didn’t reach out to my professor. Which brings me to a practical piece of advice:


If you reach out and make connections while you’re here at the university, amazing opportunities will embrace you. The Honors Program shrinks the complex world of navigating connections into a more manageable realm, but it is not impossible to do so on your own.


In the end, I left an informed, and well-fed, undergraduate student. I also left with eight cookies in my backpack, but that’s just a small bonus.

~Shannon Poulsen



Who Wants to Rush Oozma Kappa?

In light of recent events surrounding the UD campus life, many people have been asking me what I like to do to spend my time on the weekends.   To be honest, I personally have a wide range of interest of things I like to do.  From going to see plays, to grabbing dinner on Main Street, I try to spend my weekends with not just my books studying for my classes next week, but instead I choose to have some fun with my friends and see what is going on around campus.

As if you didn’t already know, many RSOs have different events on the weekends for students to go out and partake in.  However, my favorite RSO that is a pro at putting on weekend activities is SCPAB: the Student Centers Programming Advisory Board.  They are the people that are bringing everyone’s favorite red-headed singer, Ed Sheeran, to the Bob this Wednesday, and made my dreams come true by letting me meet the amazing Harry Shum, Jr. from Glee last semester.  Besides this, SCPAB is also in charge of showing films in the Trabant Theater every Wednesday and every weekend.

Each semester they also try to put on an outdoor movie event on the North Green, which just so happened to have been on September 13.  The movie shown was Monsters University, the prequel to Monsters, Inc. and one of my favorite new movies.  So, when I saw that it was playing this weekend I was so excited to go and begged my roommates to come see it with me even more when I found out it was being played outside under the stars!  I assumed there was going to be somewhat of a crowd, but the actual turnout was unlike anything I had ever seen.  At one point during the movie, I turned around to see and the green was packed.  It looked like one of the pictures from the Freshman Twilight Induction Ceremony where the green was swarmed with all of the freshmen.  The place was just a sea of blankets, people and popcorn!

Regardless of what had happened around campus earlier in the week, by Friday night, a vast majority of the school had gathered outside to watch and laugh along to a Disney movie. It almost makes me wish UD offered an Oozma Kappa fraternity, the one Mike and Sully must join to compete in the Scare Games in the film, where watching Disney movies was the only requirement! Yet, it still made me super proud and excited that even though part of our student body image may have been tainted a bit, it showed me that many of us still love to bring out our inner child, especially when Disney is concerned.

Hopefully, something similar to this can happen every weekend with the SCPAB Film Series. I know I can’t wait to see Despicable Me 2 when it comes on October 4th and 5th.  Who knows? Maybe a similar experience to Monsters University will result, too!

Hannah Tattersall

Welcome to the Trabant Jungle

After class on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays I always meet up with my friends for lunch at Trabant at 12:05. All throughout my 11:15 class my mind wanders to eating my signature wheat wrap (complete with spinach, apples, grapes, edamame, avocado, feta, and balsamic dressing) from Greens to Go of course to debriefing the morning’s shenanigans with my friends. There’s just one problem: the amount of people waiting on line for lunch at Trabant is comparable to the worst traffic jam you’ve ever been in.

Whoever gets out of class first always sends the same text message in our group chat – “I’ll try to snag a table.” By snag a table we mean casually pace around the seating area until it looks as if someone is about to get up. When that happens, we briskly walk over to the soon-to-be-available table and pretend that we’re not about to throw our backpack onto the chair the second the current occupant stands up. Then comes the inevitable “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to rush you…” conversation, and we’re in.

Once we’ve finally secured a place to sit, we have to venture into the tangled mess of lines in order to satisfy our now grumbling stomachs. Sushi is by far the easiest option because you just grab it and get on line to pay, but we can’t do that every day. Waiting on line for a burger or a wrap is almost as bad as waiting in line at the DMV. Of course you can always count on making awkward eye contact with that one person who you were hoping you wouldn’t see, but that’s all part of the fun of waiting for lunch at Trabant.

While I can’t blame the massive lunch crowd at Trabant for having the same break as my friends and I or for wanting to eat at the best place on campus, it would be nice to stroll in and just sit wherever we please. On the other hand, the hunt for a table and the struggle to get our food before our break is over always gives us something to laugh about while eating. Although we haven’t quite mastered the system yet, I’m sure we’ll be experts at table-snagging by the end of this semester.

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