So you want to show off your photography skills (and maybe win a gift card or two), but you just don’t know what to photograph. Never fear, because I’m here to share some ideas. Feel free to use any of these. Just don’t forget to tip me if you win.
Best Honors floor photo: Do a theme. Get a bunch of people who live your floor and take a photograph of you all doing something similar. Perhaps you’re all wearing different Delaware shirts or are dressed up in costumes (superheroes are always good). Maybe you’re acting out playing a sport on the floor. Any of those would make for an entertaining and unique photo.
Best Honors professor photo: If you’ve got a really cool professor, maybe do one of the things recommended above. Get some friends in your class together, talk to your professor, and take a few funny theme pictures of your classmates and your professor.
Messiest dorm room: This one’s easy. Just dump all your clothes, books, and other junk on the floor. Just be sure your roommate is ok with it—and that you don’t mind cleaning it up afterward.
Most beautiful photo of campus: With the weather expected to (mostly) continue to be nice over the course of the next week, get outside and bring your camera with you! Just walk around and look for things that catch your eye. Blooming flowers are always nice.
Best representation of Honors student life: This is similar to the first category. Get together with some friends, and stage something. Dress up in spirited clothes, play a sport, or just hang out and see if there’s an opportunity to take a good picture. Remember, you’re looking for something that shows what the Honors Program is all about, and you’re a member of that program, so it shouldn’t be hard to decide what to photograph.
Well, I hope these ideas helped. Now get out there and take some pictures!
~Matt Bittle