Tag: UD (page 2 of 3)

“The Yellow House on the Corner” by Grace Kearns

Going home at the end of my first semester was bittersweet. As I filled up my suitcase, I packed away the people, places, and routines that had become a part of my daily life. It would be seven weeks until I returned to them. Once I completed my last final, though, I beamed at the sight of my mom’s car pulled up to the lightly-frosted Green. Suddenly, all I could think of was curling up in my childhood bedroom, the endless holiday baking about to ensue, and a houseful of siblings coming from three different states. I was ready to go home. Continue reading

“Aca-knowledging Little Victories” by Grace Kearns

If you found yourself on the second floor of Trabant Student Center on any Tuesday evening, you would think you had just wandered onto Barden University’s campus by mistake. In the cinematic masterpiece that is Pitch Perfect (2012), Barden University is home to four collegiate a Cappella groups. UD just so happens to one-up Barden with eight groups on our very own campus. 

As a first-year member of the MelUDees, I have yet to be in a Riff-Off or perform for the Obamas, and I (thankfully) have been spared from singing any horrendous mashups of “I Saw the Sign” and “Bulletproof.” However, to answer the question that all of my hometown friends and family first asked when I joined in September: yes, it is a lot like Pitch Perfect. I have lived some of the most iconic scenes in the movie, from the involvement fair, to performing gigs around campus, and even hanging out with the other a Cappella groups. My most movie-like moment so far, though, was competing in the International Championship for Collegiate a Cappella (ICCAs) last month.  Continue reading

“Women in STEM: Experiences of Fellow Blue Hens” by Alex Stone

It is officially March—the time of the year when the weather starts to get warmer, the days start to get longer, and the semester starts to get busier. March is also Women’s History Month, and on March 8th, we celebrated International Women’s Day!

In years prior, I didn’t give Women’s History Month too much thought. March was simply another month that came and went. However, this year, I want to change that. I want to take some time to learn about women’s history as well as the lived experiences of women today. Specifically, I want to learn about the experiences of women in my life, which happen to mainly be women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). So, I set out to ask my fellow UD Honors College students, Hannah Bockius, a Junior Biomedical Engineering major, and Felicia Seybold, a Junior Applied Molecular Biology and Biotechnology major, about their experiences as women in STEM. Continue reading

“Running Towards My Dreams” by Brittany Connely

Ever since I was young, I have always wanted to run a marathon. Running a marathon is not an easy task. It requires perseverance and dedication, and thus, would be a major accomplishment for me. And while I had never run a race before, I used to imagine how good it would feel to cross the finish line. When I was finally ready to work towards my dream, life, unfortunately, got in the way. I was diagnosed with Hip Dysplasia and couldn’t even run a mile, let alone anything further than that. I had multiple surgeries, but there were no promises that I would be able to run ever again. Nonetheless, I continued working as hard as I could to try and achieve that dream. Continue reading

“My Senior Year Bucket List” by Brittany Connely

As the fall semester gets even closer to ending, it reminds me just how short my time left here at the University of Delaware is. It feels like just yesterday that I was a freshman walking into the Honors dorm, ready to begin a new chapter of my life. Now, I’m applying to internships, full-time jobs, and figuring out what direction I want my life to go in. However, while time feels faster than ever, I want to take the time to remember my past four years at UD and enjoy my last one. So, to do this, I came up with a bucket list of four things that I want to do by the end of Spring Semester before walking across that graduation stage. Continue reading

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