Tag: task

“Running Towards My Dreams” by Brittany Connely

Ever since I was young, I have always wanted to run a marathon. Running a marathon is not an easy task. It requires perseverance and dedication, and thus, would be a major accomplishment for me. And while I had never run a race before, I used to imagine how good it would feel to cross the finish line. When I was finally ready to work towards my dream, life, unfortunately, got in the way. I was diagnosed with Hip Dysplasia and couldn’t even run a mile, let alone anything further than that. I had multiple surgeries, but there were no promises that I would be able to run ever again. Nonetheless, I continued working as hard as I could to try and achieve that dream. Continue reading

“The 3 Ps to Your Success” by Shrinidhi Dandibhotla

Before I get started, I want to clarify something: I am no expert and I am not perfect. But what I’m about to tell you has truly changed my life in the last 8 months, and I hope you will find my experiences and advice useful for your own life.

We all have goals and ambitions in life, but we often find ourselves complaining that we don’t have enough time to achieve all of them. Well, who actually ever has enough time? According to a national survey conducted by Gallup, about 48% of Americans say that they don’t have enough time to do the things they want to do. Between Honors classes, homework, work life, and other extracurricular activities, students often find the days just slipping right past them, not giving them time to socialize, hang out with friends, or even just sit back and relax. 

If you’re feeling that way right now, trust me, you’re not alone. With finals just around the corner and wrapping up coursework for the semester, it’s common to feel that “mid-semester slump” and get caught up in the spiral of wondering if you should just quit. But remind yourself that you can do it. Continue reading

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