Tag: life (page 3 of 3)

“The Power of Lemonade” by Gianna Richason

My first month of college has been full of searching. As a typical freshman, I’ve searched for my classes, for my dorm key (after already losing it twice), for new friends, and for RSOs to join. However, my most important search so far has been where to get lemonade on campus. 

I love lemonade. There’s something about the tart yet sweet flavor that makes it my go-to order at every restaurant and my go-to fill at every dining hall. As I slowly explored the University of Delaware, I discovered three top-tier locations to get my lemonade fix: Caesar Rodney, Perkins, and Trabant. Each of these places has a dispenser for pink lemonade and they simply do not disappoint. Continue reading

“New Starts, New Semesters, New Year’s Resolutions” by Alex Stone

Being on campus again feels like I have been transported back to my freshman year. Everything feels brand new. Just walking around campus, I find myself looking at a map to be sure that I know how to get to my Women and Gender Studies class in Gore Hall. And, just the other day, I had to have my roommates remind me that the Scrounge in Perkins is called the Den. I am learning to adjust to life on campus all over again, but this time, I am not the same person as I was freshman year. I am looking at this semester as a fresh start and a second attempt at my freshman year. It is all about new beginnings and new experiences, and with new beginnings, come new resolutions; this school year, I have decided to make a New Year’s resolution: I want to journal more. Continue reading

“Your Life is Your Choice” by Shrinidhi Dandibhotla

There comes a point in everyone’s life when they question why they started what they did in the first place. Why did I choose to do this? What was I thinking?

As a first-year Honors student, I know how stressful and intimidating it can be to start this new chapter of your life during a global pandemic. While the world is fighting to keep people alive, you are fighting your own battles with virtual education and extracurriculars. And trust me, I know it’s not easy no matter what anyone else tells you. 

Honors students tend to be high achievers, setting high, possibly even unrealistic, goals for themselves. And while staying so focused on getting to the finish line, it’s easy to forget where the race even began. They begin to blindly run towards an unclear destination. And I don’t want to sit here and tell you that the journey to achieve your goals is easy and to just stay focused on your target, because if I did, I would be lying. The path of life is far from easy–but it’s not impossible.  Continue reading

“A Path Through the Forest” by Alex Stone

As Honors students, I think we all have experienced that spark for learning, that love for all things we do not yet understand, but seek to discover at some point in our lives. It was what set us upon this path to seek higher education and become Honors students. It is the drive to uncover mysteries and discover all that is amazing in this world. I know, for me, it was in my middle school life sciences class where I first felt that spark, that fascination with living things and life. I wanted to discover all that I could about the human body and understand how we all started from something so small and became what we are now. Continue reading

“Learning How to Say No” by Rachel Gray

These are unprecedented times with loads of uncertainty, whether that be with grades, work, relationships, or home life. Everything has been up in the air. If you’re like me, you’ve been feeling “bleh” a lot recently, mostly from our situations right now. Like many others, online schooling has taken a toll on my mental health, so finding the positives in this trying time has been super important. At this current point in the semester, staying motivated might seem super difficult, but it’s not impossible. Continue reading

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