Tag: goal

“Running Towards My Dreams” by Brittany Connely

Ever since I was young, I have always wanted to run a marathon. Running a marathon is not an easy task. It requires perseverance and dedication, and thus, would be a major accomplishment for me. And while I had never run a race before, I used to imagine how good it would feel to cross the finish line. When I was finally ready to work towards my dream, life, unfortunately, got in the way. I was diagnosed with Hip Dysplasia and couldn’t even run a mile, let alone anything further than that. I had multiple surgeries, but there were no promises that I would be able to run ever again. Nonetheless, I continued working as hard as I could to try and achieve that dream. Continue reading

“Goal-Setting: A Semesterly Tradition” by Alex Stone

It is the start of the spring semester and almost two months into a new year. That means “new me” goals are being made and New Year’s Resolutions are being broken. Working out more or spending less time on our phones may have been among some of those soon-to-be-forgotten resolutions. However, it is the start of a new semester and many of us may take time to set our semesterly goals.

As Honors students, we tend to aim high when setting our goals, but some of these goals may take a tumble once the semester gets busy. We set our goals too high, or make them too broad, so when it comes to actually achieving them, they become unrealistic (I know, for me, the latter is where I tend to struggle when goal-setting). But don’t fret! I have a few tips on how to set and keep your goals for the semester by walking you through how I have done so for myself.

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