Tag: exams

“My Senior Year Bucket List” by Brittany Connely

As the fall semester gets even closer to ending, it reminds me just how short my time left here at the University of Delaware is. It feels like just yesterday that I was a freshman walking into the Honors dorm, ready to begin a new chapter of my life. Now, I’m applying to internships, full-time jobs, and figuring out what direction I want my life to go in. However, while time feels faster than ever, I want to take the time to remember my past four years at UD and enjoy my last one. So, to do this, I came up with a bucket list of four things that I want to do by the end of Spring Semester before walking across that graduation stage. Continue reading

“Burnt Out? Learn to Take Effective Breaks” by Alex Stone

It is that point in the semester again: the dreaded but inevitable burnout. We are so close to being done! I must admit, I never understand how the semester passes by so quickly. However, with the break just within our reach, classes become harder, assignments pile up, and the burnout seems to get worse. I still have exams, projects, lab reports, essays, and presentations for the Honors section of my medical Spanish writing course. As a Writing Fellow, there are conferences I need to schedule with Honors freshman and essays I need to read. It all feels so overwhelming at times. There is so much to do in a day, and I do not know how it will all get done–especially now that it feels like the days are shorter with the sun setting at 5 PM. Continue reading

“Self-Care Tips for Finals” by Brittany Connely

The semester is quickly coming to an end, with group projects, exams, and final papers starting to pile up. While as Honors students it may feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day to complete everything, it is important to remember to continue to take care of ourselves. It is easy to get overwhelmed, but allowing yourself a second to breathe is a must. Here are four easy and quick self-care activities for finals to help make you ready to succeed during this upcoming week. Continue reading

“The 3 Ps to Your Success” by Shrinidhi Dandibhotla

Before I get started, I want to clarify something: I am no expert and I am not perfect. But what I’m about to tell you has truly changed my life in the last 8 months, and I hope you will find my experiences and advice useful for your own life.

We all have goals and ambitions in life, but we often find ourselves complaining that we don’t have enough time to achieve all of them. Well, who actually ever has enough time? According to a national survey conducted by Gallup, about 48% of Americans say that they don’t have enough time to do the things they want to do. Between Honors classes, homework, work life, and other extracurricular activities, students often find the days just slipping right past them, not giving them time to socialize, hang out with friends, or even just sit back and relax. 

If you’re feeling that way right now, trust me, you’re not alone. With finals just around the corner and wrapping up coursework for the semester, it’s common to feel that “mid-semester slump” and get caught up in the spiral of wondering if you should just quit. But remind yourself that you can do it. Continue reading

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