Tag: Campus (page 3 of 5)

“Burnt Out? Learn to Take Effective Breaks” by Alex Stone

It is that point in the semester again: the dreaded but inevitable burnout. We are so close to being done! I must admit, I never understand how the semester passes by so quickly. However, with the break just within our reach, classes become harder, assignments pile up, and the burnout seems to get worse. I still have exams, projects, lab reports, essays, and presentations for the Honors section of my medical Spanish writing course. As a Writing Fellow, there are conferences I need to schedule with Honors freshman and essays I need to read. It all feels so overwhelming at times. There is so much to do in a day, and I do not know how it will all get done–especially now that it feels like the days are shorter with the sun setting at 5 PM. Continue reading

“Work From Outside Home” by Chris Hope

Our school lives continue to become intertwined with our lives at home, especially over the past year or so. This manifests itself in many ways: sitting at dinner only to get a dreaded Canvas notification that your test was graded, a random email from your professor on a weekend evening where you thought you might be able to relax, and the amount of distractions present on our phones and computers while in a virtual class or doing schoolwork online. This last one is a real struggle for me, even while writing this article! Something I’ve found that helps me a bit, however, is doing my work physically outside of the house! Obviously, this hasn’t really been too much of a possibility during the pandemic (and even now, some may still feel uncomfortable, and that’s okay), but I’ve found that being in a public place helps me focus more on my work than if I’m alone in my room. In a way, the presence of other people holds me accountable. With all that said, here are some nice places around campus for working or studying away from your room.

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“The Power of Lemonade” by Gianna Richason

My first month of college has been full of searching. As a typical freshman, I’ve searched for my classes, for my dorm key (after already losing it twice), for new friends, and for RSOs to join. However, my most important search so far has been where to get lemonade on campus. 

I love lemonade. There’s something about the tart yet sweet flavor that makes it my go-to order at every restaurant and my go-to fill at every dining hall. As I slowly explored the University of Delaware, I discovered three top-tier locations to get my lemonade fix: Caesar Rodney, Perkins, and Trabant. Each of these places has a dispenser for pink lemonade and they simply do not disappoint. Continue reading

“More Than Just Spring Break” by Brittany Connely

As a freshman, there are so many options for student organizations to get involved in. The possibilities seem endless, especially when attending the Fall Involvement Fair. Seeing all the tables all around campus is simultaneously overwhelming and exciting. Like many of my Honors friends that I made in Redding, I wanted to get involved as much as I could. Therefore, I signed up for as many clubs as I could.

One of the programs that I signed up to be involved with was UD’s Alternative Break Program (UDaB). I have always had a passion for serving my community and thought it would be amazing to spend my Spring Break in another city with a group of students just as passionate about service as I am. So, when it came time for applications to be opened, I filled out the form right when it was released. After several workshops and interviews, I found out that I had gotten into the Spring Program in Boston, working at Community Servings, a non-profit organization that makes meals for individuals and families living with chronic illnesses. I was ecstatic to be in a new place serving others. Continue reading

“New Starts, New Semesters, New Year’s Resolutions” by Alex Stone

Being on campus again feels like I have been transported back to my freshman year. Everything feels brand new. Just walking around campus, I find myself looking at a map to be sure that I know how to get to my Women and Gender Studies class in Gore Hall. And, just the other day, I had to have my roommates remind me that the Scrounge in Perkins is called the Den. I am learning to adjust to life on campus all over again, but this time, I am not the same person as I was freshman year. I am looking at this semester as a fresh start and a second attempt at my freshman year. It is all about new beginnings and new experiences, and with new beginnings, come new resolutions; this school year, I have decided to make a New Year’s resolution: I want to journal more. Continue reading

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