Tag: 186 south college

“A Letter to My Freshman Year Self” by Alex Stone

Dear Freshman-Year self,

On a beautiful and sunny September day during the start of senior year, I decided to take a bike ride. I have always wanted to explore the trails around UD. But it wasn’t until senior year that I discovered the trails by the train tracks on South Campus extend way beyond North Campus as well. So, on that fateful day in September, I rode along those leaf-strewn trails, under the shade of the towering trees, and beside the rushing sounds of the river. Since it did take me four years to happen upon these trails, I couldn’t help but think: what would it have been like if I found them freshman year? 

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“A Word of Advice” by Brittany Connely

Time has flown by fast. It seems like just yesterday that I was a freshman from across the country, eager to grow up and have new experiences. Never would I have guessed back then that I would become the person I am today and meet people that I cannot imagine my life without. Many of my posts this past year have been me reminiscing about what used to be and what could have been while trying to make the most of each day. With this being my last post for 186 South College, I wasn’t sure how to wrap up all of my experiences into one short blog post. If I were to write a post about everything that has happened since I first came to UD, it would be the size of a book. So, instead of that, I want to give one piece of advice to current graduates, future graduates, and anyone else who needs it.

It’s okay to not know what you are doing. Continue reading

“Reading With 186 South College” by Jenny Gloyd

When was the last time you read a book cover to cover? I’m guessing that this question will have plenty of different answers ranging from, “I reread one of my favorite novels over the weekend,” to “I have not picked up a book since 9th grade.” If you fall closer to the former, amazing! Books are a fantastic way to entertain yourself, to inform yourself, and to gain new perspectives! If your answer lies closer to the latter, you may just need to find out what kind of book you like, or find the proper time and incentive to read. I know that in college, I spend a lot more time reading journal articles and textbooks for classes than anything else, and that is why I am so happy 186 South College started a book club! Continue reading

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