Category: Jenna Newman (page 3 of 3)

“A Home Away From Home: Coffee Shop Culture” by Jenna Newman

If you have walked up and down Main Street you may have been overwhelmed by all of the various coffee shops. You have your typical commercial coffee shops like Dunkin’ Donuts, Saxbys, and Starbucks, but you also have local shops such as Brew Haha, Central Perk, and Brewed Awakenings. Even if you are not a coffee drinker – although I most definitely am – there is still something appealing about going and sitting down in a coffee shop with headphones and homework.

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“’How Are You?’: What do people really mean when they ask?” by Jenna Newman

Imagine yourself walking across the green in between classes. Walking toward you is a girl who lives on your floor. You don’t really know her. You’ve spoken to her maybe once on move-in day and once again during your first hall meeting, but you don’t really know her. You both have your own friend groups and are completely content with the limited interaction that you have had. As you’re thinking all of this through, you move closer and closer together until you are within talking distance. All of a sudden you are making eye-contact and the recognition is there, but you don’t know what to say. Before thinking it through you blurt out, “How are you?” The problem is, you don’t really care how this girl is doing. It’s not personal by any means, but you just aren’t genuinely interested in this girl’s day and you instantly regret not just simply saying hi. The girl replies with a vague “good” followed up by asking about your well-being. You also reply with a “good,” but by the time you reach this point in the conversation – if you could really call this impersonal interaction a conversation – you and the girl are no longer within speaking distance. Continue reading

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