It feels as though I was just moving into Redding Hall the other day. It was wicked hot, crazy busy, and extremely nerve-wracking all at the same time. This mix of emotions left me feeling a little queasy; not a great thing to feel when you are moving into your first ever college dorm. Luckily for me, the first friend I ever made at college was thanks to the elevator. Side note: I have decided that an elevator can be an extremely ideal place to meet people, as neither person can run away from the other until the doors open. The ride is never usually that long either, so it’s basically the equivalent of speed friend dating. A friendly girl named Mia and I joked about how long it took to get a cart to move our belongings with, and how the huge dorm seemed like a madhouse. We said goodbye once the elevator reached our floor, and then we realized we were living next door to each other! What a relief to have made a friend within the first 30 seconds of being at college.

Now, I just moved out of Harter Hall, the last dorm I will ever live in. I got to live with my first college friend ever, Mia, and our other friend Madison in a triple in the upper-division honors housing. While it isn’t the same as Redding, we did our best to make it feel like home, with our other friends living right down the hall. It is crazy to think that my undergraduate career is halfway over – two years can go by in a flash. I am thankful to have lived with such great people, made so many wonderful friends, and for all of the opportunities UD has provided for me.

Sophomore year is kind of weird. Seen as the “forgotten middle child” of the school years; you’re both expected to take on more responsibilities than freshman year but you’re not yet old enough to be recognized as an official upperclassman, there is definitely a struggle in striking a balance in the work-school-fun realm of responsibilities (yes, finding room for fun is a responsibility). One of the best things about sophomore year is that new opportunities will begin to open up for you. College is what you make of it, and if there is something you might be slightly interested in pursuing, my advice is to go for it!

Nevertheless, I am ready to take on the challenges that junior year will bring. I’ll be living in an apartment with five of my closest friends. I have parted ways with my good friend, Caesar Rodney dining hall, and opted to cook at home. I’ll be student teaching, heading the Student Literacy Council and Educational Honor Society, continuing to work at the university Writing Center, and writing for 186 South College too!

UD is a gem of a place. Whenever I see tours walk past, I simultaneously want to force people to come here, but also keep the campus to myself. I know it sounds selfish, but sometimes, it seems as though the campus is too good to be true. I am thankful to have two more years here and, in this ode to UD, intend to make the most of them.

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