I don’t know about you, but I am certainly ready for all of this snow to be gone. I have simply had enough of the constant wintry precipitation and the Polar Vortex that comes with it. Yes, I will agree that the UD campus looks marvelous covered in all that white stuff, but then again, this campus would probably look beautiful in the middle of a mudslide.

SNOWI will admit that while I was in Spain (where I thought 40 degrees was cold), I was wishing for snow. I looked jealously at all of the pictures taken on a snowy afternoon at UD and was incredibly envious when my siblings had their schools cancelled. But then, I returned home to New Jersey for winter break. And there, I got more winter weather than I asked for.

The wind was always biting, the air chilled to the bone, and there was always snow to shovel. I easily shoveled more snow this winter than I have in the last three combined. Sure, that was good for my biceps but not so conducive to my desire to stay indoors. Admittedly, there were some days that were so treacherous that I didn’t even leave the house, as I could not force myself to brave the cold.

I naively assumed that since it is March, all of this snow nonsense would be over and done with. Of course, I was wrong. I still bundle up to go outside and am constantly hoping that I will not fall flat on my face due to the icy sidewalks. So far I have succeeded, in case you were worried.

But now, after we have had two snow days and countless inches of snow, it is high time for it to start feeling like spring. No, I do not want to build a snowman or have to wear gloves all of the time. I am ready for the days were I can walk around campus feeling the sun on my face and not having to worry about frostbite.

But not to worry, the gorgeous spring days of Delaware are not to far out of our grasp (although it may feel like it). A few weekends ago, the sun was shining, it was above 40 degrees, and it seemed as if everyone on campus had come out of hibernation. Although those two days were quite a teaser, it is nice to know that good weather is on the horizon. After all, there are only 16 days until the first day of Spring (and free Rita’s!) and 24 days until Spring Break.

So, keep bundling up and pushing through this (hopefully last) week of cold weather, because before we know it we will be breaking out the flip-flops and playing Frisbee on the Green.

~Rebecca Jaeger

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