Academic Transitions: Matriculation requirements



Memorial Hall

What must I do to finish AT and start full-time university studies?

In Academic Transitions (AT), students may matriculate after AT2 or AT3.

There are several requirements that students must meet in order to matriculate after completing AT. These requirements can be organized into two categories: Grade requirements and credit requirements.

Matriculation after AT2

Grade requirements

Component Grade
ARSC 150 C+ (at least 78%)
ARSC 151 C+ (at least 78%)
ELI ENGL 110 C+ (at least 78%)
2 UD content courses C+ (at least 78% in each course)
AT1 Cohort 78%
UNIV101: First Year Experience Passing grade (78%)
Cumulative AT GPA of 2.0 or better

Credit requirements

ARSC 150 3
ARSC 151 3
ELI ENGL 110 3
2 UD content courses 6
UNIV101 1
Total 16
  • Students will only receive credit for courses for which they receive a minimum grade of C+.
  • New students who place directly into AT2 are placed in UNIV101, which they are required to complete prior to matriculation.
  • New students who place directly into AT2 during their first session and who meet all matriculation requirements in AT2 (including only the UNIV101 portion of the Cohort Experience) may be approved for matriculation. (Note: they must earn a minimum of 10 university credits.)

What if I cannot matriculate after AT2?

Students will advance to AT3 if they have earned a grade of at least C+ in ELI ENGL 110 during AT2, but have not yet met the required minimum of 16 credits to matriculate. Note: Students who do not earn the minimum grade of C+ in ELI ENGL 110 will be required to repeat the course and will also be considered an AT2 student.

Repeating AT2

Cohort requirement

  • If you did not meet your Cohort requirement, then you will continue in Cohort in upcoming sessions until you have done so.
  • If you did meet your Cohort requirement, then you need to take and pass UNIV101 in AT2

University content course requirement

You will take two university content courses (and their respective co-requisite discussion classes) that will help you to meet either major or university requirements. Remember, if you earn a grade of C+ (or higher) in your AT2 courses, you will earn credit for them when you eventually matriculate.

Additional tutoring

Students may be assigned private or cluster tutoring hours for additional support

Repeat limit

Students are only permitted to repeat an AT semester one time (i.e., you can only take an AT semester a maximum of two times.) Students who fail an AT semester twice may be dismissed from ELI and lose their admission to UD.

Matriculating after AT3

Grade requirements

Component Grade
ARSC 150 C+ (at least 78%)
ARSC 151 C+ (at least 78%)
ELI ENGL 110 C+ (at least 78%)
2 UD content courses C+ (at least 78% in each course)
AT1 Cohort 78%
UNIV101: First Year Experience Passing score (78%)

Credit requirements

Course Credits
ARSC 150 3
ARSC 151 3
ELI ENGL 110 3
2 UD content courses 6
UNIV101 1
Total 16

Note: Students will only receive credit for courses for which they receive a minimum grade of 78%.

What if I do not earn the required grades to matriculate after AT3?

Students who cannot matriculate after AT3 must repeat AT3.

Note: Students are only permitted to repeat an AT semester one time (i.e., you can only take an AT semester a maximum of two times). This means that you can only take the following courses two times: ARSC150, ARSC151, ELI ENGL 110 and ARSC152. Students who fail an AT semester twice may be dismissed from ELI and lose their admission to UD.

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