January 30, 2017
Dear ELI Students:
Many of you heard about President Trump’s order to stop citizens from seven countries from coming to the United States. Those countries are Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. This is a temporary action. It will last three months. Then we believe it will end. We have two ELI students from these countries. They can continue to study here. ELI will assist these students and support them in any way we can. If they have immigration questions, they should see advisors at OISS.
Please know this: visitors and students from all other countries and all faiths are still welcome in the United States. President Trump’s order did not change that. There is nothing you have to do differently. Many educators, politicians, and other leaders are working hard to make sure our government continues to support and welcome students from every country in the world.
Last night, University of Delaware President Assanis sent every student a letter. In that letter, he said international students and professors are very important members of the UD community. He told us that UD is a learning community that gives everyone a chance to succeed. It is a community that shows respect for every culture and religion.
The teachers, administrators, and staff of the ELI believe we are so lucky to work with students like you every day. We learn so much from you. And you fill us with hope because you will be future leaders in the world. You understand the importance of making friendships with people of every nation—and showing care and compassion to those in need. Please know that you are always welcome in the ELI family. If anyone has any questions about recent events, please contact me or arrange to see me.
I wish you a great week!
Scott G. Stevens, Ed.D.
Director, English Language Institute, College of Arts and Sciences
Administrator, MA TESL Program, School of Education
See additional information about President Trump’s Executive Order and recommendations to students.