Tutoring Zoom Directory

Last updated – March 17, 2022, 2:46pm (EST)

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Tutoring Center main room:


Come to this room between 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Monday through Thursday for online tutoring.  Tutors will be able to help you during your regular, scheduled tutoring or work with you for extra tutoring.

Contact the Tutoring Center Manager

Ken Hyde
Zoom PMI: 263-220-1020
Office hours: 1-5 p.m., Monday – Thursday
Email: kenny@udel.edu


(for scheduled tutoring and extra tutoring)

At your scheduled tutoring time, use the Zoom PMI listed below for your tutor to join their meeting (tutors whose information is crossed out are not tutoring this session.)

If you would like extra tutoring, use the “chat” function to send a message to your favorite tutor to find out if they are available. If you have “OD – On Demand” tutoring on your schedule, follow the same procedure.

Initial Zoom PMI Name Email
AD 362-843-7486 Aura Draper amdraper@udel.edu
CL 217-038-9543 Charles Lutz clutz@udel.edu
CF 892-844-4453 Cynthia Funk cfunk@udel.edu
JF 710-653-5429 Joan French jyfrench@udel.edu
JM 548-268-6261 Jill McCracken jmcreate@udel.edu
JP 610-734-7626 Jeremy Penna jpenna@udel.edu
JS 669-810-6281 Julie Stanton Nichols jtsn@udel.edu
JT 367-390-8632 Janice Thompson jpt@udel.edu
KG 778-092-8975 Kristin Grant kbeahmg@udel.edu
LF 293-769-4720 Lori Fisher lofisher@udel.edu
LH 801-353-1180 Lee Horzempa leemary@udel.edu
MZ 584-331-0900 Myrna Zaetta zaetta@udel.edu
NL 530-230-1301 Nina Leech nileech@udel.edu
RD 448-969-5311 Rosana Dempsey rdem@udel.edu
RH 808-362-3243 Richard Herring rherring@udel.edu
SF 272-129-6782 Susan Foy sfoy@udel.edu
TH 848-707-2719 Theresa Hartel tnhartel@udel.edu

Writing Table

The Writing Table will be available from the start of each session. Simply come to the Hub (or online at the TC Zoom room) and ask for Writing Table help.

AT Tutoring help for AT2 and AT3 students:

AT Walk-in Tutoring has been reinstated for the current session.  If you are an AT2 or AT3 student and need tutoring help, please feel free to join us in the Hub (or online at the TC Zoom Room) and look for the recommended AT Tutors listed below.

Recommended Tutors for AT

The following tutors are recommended for AT Program students. These tutors are familiar with the curriculum of the AT Program and the requirements of regular assignments. These tutors are scheduled from 1 to 5 p.m. and can be asked for tutoring when their regularly scheduled tutoring students are absent.

Initial Zoom PMI Name Email
AD 362-843-7486 Aura Draper amdraper@udel.edu
JP 610-734-7626 Jeremy Penna jpenna@udel.edu
KG 778-092-8975 Kristin Grant kbeahmg@udel.edu
MZ 584-331-0900 Myrna Zaetta zaetta@udel.edu
RD 448-969-5311 Rosana Dempsey rdem@udel.edu
TH 848-707-2719 Theresa Hartel tnhartel@udel.edu

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