Important announcement about requesting a cluster:
The following clusters are being offered this session. Some of these clusters are closed (they already have the maximum number of students signed up). Please do not make an appointment to ask to be added to a closed cluster.
- Kitchen Clusters (open)
- Women’s Conversation Cluster (open)
- Engineering Cluster (open)
- IELTS Writing Cluster (open)
- Garden Cluster (open)
- Pronunciation Cluster for Levels IV, V, and VI (open)
- Grammar Cluster (open)
- Idioms Cluster (open)
- Vocabulary Cluster (closed)
- Business Cluster (open)
Requesting a change in your Tutoring Schedule:
Please read the following information very carefully. It will make requesting a change in your tutoring schedule much easier.
First, before you do anything else, check your updated tutoring schedule online. If you like your new schedule, you do not need to come and see me. Don’t waste your time by making an appointment to change a schedule that you like. Also, if you want to change one of your tutoring hours to a Kitchen Cluster, you do not need to make an appointment. There will be a sign-up sheet for Kitchen Clusters on my office door. Finally, remember that the changes you request must follow the basic rules for Tutoring: hours must be balanced (1:00pm & 5:00pm or 2:00pm & 4:00pm or 3:00pm & 3:00pm in the afternoon), you cannot request the same tutor twice a week, and you cannot join a cluster if it is full.
Now, after all that, if you still want to make an appointment, I will start meeting with students and making changes to tutoring schedules on Wednesday, March 13th at 1:00pm. In order to request a change to your tutoring schedule, you must make an appointment to meet with me. My appointment calendar will start on the 9th.
I use “Google Appointments” to schedule my appointments. This is a part of the GoogleApps Calendar. In order to view my available appointments, you will need to log in to Google using either a gmail or a udel account. If you do not have a Google account, you can go to the SALC. There are tutors there who will help you create your appointment. If you use your own Google account to log in, make sure that your computer and Google settings are set to Eastern Standard Time. All of my appointments are between 1:00pm and 6:pm EST. If the scheduling calendar lists different times, there is probably a problem with your time zone setting. If you cannot fix the time zone problem, please use the computers in the SALC. Please do not ask the SALC staff to reset your computer, since they are very busy during the first week.
To be fair to everyone, here are a few rules: 1) do not make more than one appointment for yourself. If you make an appointment for a friend, make sure you put their name on the appointment. 2) do not make an appointment during a time when you will be in class or in a lab. Make your appointment for a time when you know you can come to my office. 3) be on time for your appointment. If you are more than 5 minutes late, you may lose your appointment. 4) if you know that you cannot come to your appointment, please cancel it so that someone else can come at that time.