This is a list of the important phone numbers that you should know while you are an ELI student.
- Fire, police or ambulance: 911
- Newark Police (off-campus): +1-302-366-7111
- University Police (on-campus): +1-302-831-2222
If you need to contact Dr. Stevens (Director) in an emergency, please call Public Safety at 302-831-2222.
Note: If you are on campus and have an emergency, you can use the blue light phone boxes located all over campus. They are a direct open line to the University Police. You do not need to know where you are because the phones are connected to a digital map of campus. The police will be happy to assist you.
Other Important Numbers:
ELI Numbers
- ELI Office: +1-302-831-2674
- ELI Admissions: +1-302-831-3787
- Conditional Admissions: +1-302-831-2674
- International Student and Scholar Services: +1-302-831-2115
- Student Health Center: +1-302-831-2226
- Post Office: +1-302-737-5770
- Train (Amtrak): +1-800-872-7245
- Greyhound Bus: +1-302-655-6111
- Telephone Number Information: +1-302-555-1212