Life in Honors

First Year Honors LLC

All first-year Honors students live together in a living learning community with upper division peer mentors called Munson Fellows. They plan fun events to foster camaraderie and inclusion and and provide academic guidance to keep you on track with Honors requirements and your personal goals.

Upper Division Honors LLC

Want to live in Honors housing after your first year? Move to the North Green with friends and stay connected in the Honors living learning community. Events are planned by Honors Community Fellows, upper-division students committed to developing fun and enlightening programs for LLC residents.

Real Student Experience: Shailja Gangrade '19

“I used my Honors experience to develop art, exploration, or other forms of communication. I wrote blog posts in my Honors colloquium about climate change. I painted Broadway-poster decorations for the Welcome Back dance. I explored outdoor landscapes as a leader in the Honors Adventure Club. All of these experiences were highlights of my undergraduate career. With support and mentorship from the Honors faculty, I was given creative freedom to develop my own interests and attract a group of Honors students around me with similar goals.”

Shailja earned an Honors Degree in Environmental Engineering and went on to the prestigious Scripps Institute of Oceanography at UC San Diego. 

Real Student Experience: Zachary Senzer '17

“My involvement in the Honors Program allowed me to craft skills – specifically, prioritization and project planning – which are critical to my career. I am a Product Manager at Google and the experience I received via my extracurricular leadership is something I’m able to leverage on a daily basis as I lead projects with large teams. These experiences have proved to be an incredibly valuable complement to my coursework at UD and contributed to my success post-graduation.”

Zachary Senzer (pictured second from the left) served as a First Year Fellow, Senior Fellow (now called Community Fellows), and an executive on the Honors Planning Board.  He studied computer science and graduated with an Honors Bachelor of Science degree with Distinction.

Real Student Experience: David Sang '15

When Dave was a junior, he served as a Munson Fellow.  During that time he mentored a freshman, but they kind of mentored each other: “We always gave each other advice and pushed each other. In particular, one time we were brainstorming how we could use some sort of specific skill that we had to help others. We came up with the idea of prociding resume help, interview guides, and career help to others in need, and organized our first session together at a local homeless shelpter in Newark.”  This idea became the Lazarus Rising organization, now an inter-collegiate organization recognized and awarded by the Clinton Foundation and Salesforce. Dave reflected, “[It’s] always funny to think how it all started in our dorm room.”

Dave earned a Master’s Degree in Accounting simultaneously with an Honors Bachelor of Science in Finance and Accounting. 

A few times each semester the Honors staff dish out free UDairy on the front porch of our office building.

Explore the area from NYC to DC!  Students get to go to museums in major cities, theme parks like Hershey or Six Flags, apple picking at a local orchard, and more, all for a reduced cost.

One professor and 12 students enjoy a meal together at one of the many Main Street restaurants and discuss topics like economic policy or self-care.

This Registered Student Organization plans regular service projects and plans a large day of service each semester to engage Honors students in the Newark and Wilmington communities.

A tradition in the Honors College, professors come to Louis L. Redding residence hall for weekly study breaks.  Ask your questions, play games, and enjoy snacks for an hour before getting back to work.

The Honors Planning Board is always up for event suggestions – you can join the board and lead your own events even as a first year student!