First-Year Honors
Living and learning together builds a great foundation for the Honors community, so we require all first-years to live in Louis L. Redding Hall together (unless commuting from home). Munson Fellows, upper division peer mentors, live in the building with them and help build community and guide them through that first year. To learn more about Louis L. Redding, who the building is named for, click here.
Upper Division Honors
Students can continue their Honors experience whether they live on campus or in the Newark area. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors will have the opportunity to attend events throughout the year either on campus or within the surrounding area. Whether it’s having ice cream on the porch at Honors, attending an Honors alumni event, or connecting with faculty for coffee on Main Street there’s always something to do in Honors.
Munson Fellows

What is a Munson Fellow?
Munson Fellows are peer mentors who help our Honors first year students adjust to college life and make sure that they are doing well academically, personally, and socially. Munson Fellows help Honors first year students with resources and activities on campus, as well as direct them to faculty or staff that can give more in-depth answers to certain questions. As upper-division leaders in the Honors College, Munson Fellows help facilitate the first-year experience. You’ll see them planning section events or larger building wide events such as Dr. Munson’s Study Breaks, the New Student Kick-off, and Faculty Chats. Ultimately, Munson Fellows are an essential part of the living learning community who love connecting and working with our first-year students.
Munson Fellows are named for Dr. Burnaby Munson, who was an influential chemistry professor at UD. He was also instrumental in creating the Honors experience. Dr. Munson instituted Wednesday night study breaks and left a generous fund for faculty engagement activities to continue.
Students interested in serving as a Munson Fellow must have lived on campus in Honors housing for at least one semester. The application process runs from late November to mid-March.
Application and Interview Process
We encourage any potential applicants to review the Position Description linked above.
Apply today: https://tinyurl.com/MFAPP2526
Munson Fellow candidates will participate in a 30 minute individual interview with the Honors Co-Curricular Coordinator.
Munson Fellow Selection Timeline:
- Late November/December: Munson Fellow information sessions start & Munson Fellow application opens
- February: Munson Fellow application closes & recommendation due
- Mid February–Early March: Munson Fellow interviews
- March: Munson Fellow status update sent to candidates
- May: Munson Fellow orientation
First Year Fellows
What is a First Year Fellow?
First Year Fellows are Honors students who work with the Munson Fellows to develop community in Louis L. Redding residence hall as well as the Honors first-year community in general. We recruit First Year Fellows (FYFs) in the early fall semester and take around 30 students into the program. FYFs shadow Munson Fellows and learn about programming to then be able to primarily work in small groups to plan fun events for the entire first-year community for the spring semester of their first year. FYFs work in larger groups to plan large scale programs as well. These students are dedicated and regularly attend meetings and seek feedback from their peers. Being a First Year Fellow is a great way to get connected to Honors in your first year!
If you are interested in any of these Fellows positions, please contact our Honors Co-Curricular Coordinator.