The Honors Planning Board (HPB) serves to offer programming that reaches all Honors students, especially upperclassmen, those without cars, and those who live off-campus. HPB offers additional leadership positions within the Honors College and enables students to have great influence in co-curricular programming and planning decisions. HPB seeks to engage students through a variety of programs including field trips, outdoor adventures, professional development workshops, faculty dinners, and current event discussions.

To get involved, start by emailing


  • Out & About: These field trips are organized & led by students and are designed to get Honors students Out & About in the area. We’ve gone to sporting events, museums, theme parks, historic sites and cities, all for a reduced cost to you.
  • Honors Adventure Club: These field trips have an adventurous twist – so far they’ve gone hiking, camping, horseback riding, and to National Parks in our region.
  • 12 at the Table: Have you thought about balancing your budget or resolving a conflict in your life? Our faculty at UD have such interesting things to say, but not always about their subjects or in a lecture hall. Take a professor to dinner with 11 other students and have a conversation on any interesting topic. It’s a great way to connect with faculty outside of the classroom and to indulge your intellectual curiosity.

All Honors students are welcome to participate in HPB.  Read the Honors Weekly Update emails to find out more