Promoting Green Jobs on Capitol Hill

On Monday, March 2nd 13 leaders from the College Democrats and Students for the Environment met with Senator Tom Carper’s staff in his Washington, DC office to discuss green technologies, green jobs and sustainable development.

The meeting, arranged by the Energy Action Coalition, was intended to help shape the fight over climate change and lobby our Congressional leaders for a new generation of clean technology.

The College Democrats are proud to support this fight against drastic climate change. We believe it is urgent that Congress adopts new legislation that promotes new clean coal technologies and corporate incentives to create a new generation of green jobs. Further, we support the President’s plan to reduce carbon emissions by 80% by 2050. Read the President’s plan here.

Overall, 12,000 college students from across the nation gathered in DC last weekend to rally for sustainable development. We are proud that Senator Carper supports our goals and we look forward to working with our Democratic leaders on the climate change issue.

PowerShift 2009

PowerShift is a summit of over 10,000 college students in Washington DC from Febuary 27th March 2nd. We encourage you to check out the website as it has a world of information about all of the events. The Roots will be performing live on Saturday the 28th and there are a plethora of other musical groups. The last Powershift (in 2006) atracted guests such as Nancy Pelosi, Ralph Nader and Al Gore and there is a very good likelihood that the President himself will stop by this year.

In addition to working with 10,000 other students to help make our congress adopt better energy practices, there will be several resume building seminars, and grass-roots organizing training. It’s going to be a lot of fun, and we hope you can make it.

If you are interested in attending, please email me at as soon as possible. The current rate is $40 per registration but you need a special code to get this discount and it expires on Saturday!!!

Attend an Inaugural Ball in Washington, DC

WASHINGTON, D.C. – President-elect Barack Obama will host a Youth Inaugural Ball, five Regional Inaugural balls, and a ball for his Home States – Illinois and Hawaii. Vice President-elect Joe Biden will host a ball for his Home States as well: Delaware and Pennsylvania. These balls round out the list of official inaugural balls to be held on Tuesday, January 20, along with the previously announced Neighborhood Inaugural Ball and Commander in Chief’s Ball. The President-elect and the Vice President-elect will appear at each of the ten inaugural balls.

“This is America’s inaugural celebration in every way,” said Presidential Inaugural Committee Executive Director Emmett S. Beliveau. “Young people are more engaged in this country’s future than ever before and we want to harness that excitement by inviting them to participate in this historic occasion. In that same vein, we are hosting events to bring people from all walks of life and from across the country – from the President-elect and Vice President-elect’s home states, as well as every corner of the nation – to celebrate this country’s unity moving forward.”

The Youth ball is intended for young Americans aged 18-35 and will celebrate the inauguration of the new president and the role young Americans can play to serve their communities. Tickets will be available at a reduced price of $75.

The Regional Inaugural Balls are an inaugural tradition that President-elect Obama will continue, inviting guests from the Midwest, the West, the East, the South, and the Mid-Atlantic regions to their own celebrations. Tickets will be available to invited guests for $150.

To cap off the night, Obama and Biden will each host guests from their home states to a ball to celebrate their inaugurations with those who know them best – their friends, families and local supporters. Tickets to this event will also be available to invited guests for $150.

Additional details about the balls are below:

  1. Youth Inaugural Ball – Young Americans aged 18-35; Washington Hilton
  2. Obama Home States Inaugural Ball – Illinois and Hawaii invited guests; Walter E. Washington Convention Center
  3. Biden Home States Inaugural Ball -Delaware and Pennsylvania invited guests; Walter E. Washington Convention Center
  4. Eastern Inaugural Ball – CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT, PR, and USVI invited guests; Union Station
  5. Mid-Atlantic Inaugural Ball – MD, VA, DC, NY, NJ, and WV invited guests; Walter E. Washington Convention Center
  6. Midwest Inaugural Ball – KS, IN, IA, MI, MN, ND, NE, OH, SD, WI, and MO invited guests; Walter E. Washington Convention Center
  7. Southern Inaugural Ball – AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN, and TX invited guests; National Guard Armory
  8. Western Inaugural Ball – AK, CA, ID, MT, OR, WA, WY, AZ, CO, NV, NM, UT, OK, GUAM/AS invited guests; Walter E. Washington Convention Center
  9. Neighborhood Inaugural Ball – DC residents, additional guests; Walter E. Washington Convention Center
  10. Commander-in-Chief’s Inaugural Ball – Enlisted active duty and reserve military; National Building Museum

An Open Inauguration

WASHINGTON, DC — In keeping with its pledge to make the inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama one of the most open and accessible in history, the Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC) announced today that, for the first time, the entire length of the National Mall will be opened to the public so that more people than ever before will be able to witness the swearing-in of the President from a vantage point in sight of the Capitol.

The PIC has worked closely with officials from the District of Columbia government, the National Park Service, the Armed Forces Inaugural Committee (AFIC), and the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies (JCCIC) to make space at this historic location available to members of the public who are unable to obtain tickets to the swearing-in. Those who come to witness the swearing-in on the Mall will be able to watch and listen to the ceremony on large screens that will be provided by the PIC along the Mall.
View the press release.

For more information on the inauguration, visit the Presidential Inauguration Committee website:

Mike Migliore for State House – Special Election

Here are some opportunities to help get Mike Migliore elected to the State House of Representatives. This is our last chance to make a difference in the 2008 election, and also a great way to get experience with a campaign!


  1. Saturday, December 6th at 11am; meeting at the Edgemoor Community Center (500 Duncan Rd., Wilmington)
  2. Sunday, December 7th at 1pm; meeting at the Edgemoor Community Center (500 Duncan Rd., Wilmington)

Phone Banking

  1. Tuesday, December 2nd at 5pm at Delaware Democratic Party HQ (19 E. Commons Blvd, 2nd Floor, New Castle)
  2. Wednesday, December 3rd at 5pm at Delaware Democratic Party HQ (19 E. Commons Blvd, 2nd Floor, New Castle)
  3. Thursday, December 4th at 5pm at Delaware Democratic Party HQ (19 E. Commons Blvd, 2nd Floor, New Castle)
  4. Friday, December 5th at 5pm at Delaware Democratic Party HQ (19 E. Commons Blvd, 2nd Floor, New Castle)
  5. Monday, December 8th at 5pm at Delaware Democratic Party HQ (19 E. Commons Blvd, 2nd Floor, New Castle)

If you need transportation or more information, contact Alyssa Koser at 302.249.9739 or join the Facebook group

November Victory!

We would like to thank the over 300 volunteers who helped the UD for Obama campaign over the last two months.

Here are the facts:

  1. Every weekend we sent between 15 and 80 people into Pennsylvania. In total, we knocked on over 1,500 doors.
  2. Every Pennsylvania student living on campus received an absentee ballot request form through the College Democrats regardless of party affiliation… that’s over 1,000 students.
  3. We registered over 200 new voters.
  4. 25 media mentions, approximately 4 each week.
  5. Rally for Change with Joe Biden: the Pennsylvania campaign saw the amazing turnout at the University of Delaware every weekend and thought it worthy of Senator Biden’s time to campaign on campus. Over 5,700 attended the most visible political rally in UD history, over 160 students volunteered.
  6. Over 130 UD students went to Pennsylvania on Election Day covering 260 volunteer shifts (that’s about 25% of the shifts needed in crucial West Philadelphia field offices). The University of Delaware provided more volunteers than Drexel and UPenn.

As an organization, we couldn’t be more proud of the University of Delaware. Just two years ago we were said to be one of the most apathetic college campuses in the country. Today, we can’t believe so. The enthusiasm we have seen over the past two months and the strong desire for change are evidence of a reinvigorated generation ready to believe again.

Now is about making change a reality. The agenda of President-elect Barack Obama will not be implemented without a strong coalition of College Democrats at his back. On November 4th, we reached a terrific milestone electing the first African American to the presidency. But we have many challenges ahead. Join us as we work to push the Obama agenda at the state and national level – it’s time to get down to business, it’s time to move forward.



Paul Ruiz
President, College Democrats at the University of Delaware

Special Election Results

The College Democrats are proud to announce the election of Andrew Grunwald as the new Director of Communications for the 2008-2009 academic year. Andrew was confirmed unanimously by College Democrats membership Thursday evening and is assuming office immediately.

Andrew is originally from Silver Spring, MD. He comes to the College Democrats as a former field organizer for the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and is the current Director of Communications for Students for Barack Obama in Delaware.

Andrew can be reached by phone at (301) 526-5951 and via email at

The College Democrats are also pleased to announce Amy Kilgallin as the new Dems’ Secretary, and Andrew Lease & Sophie Latapie as the new Executive Board Members at Large.

Joe Biden Picked as VP: College Democrats’ Statement

Vice Presidential Nominee Joseph Biden
The Time for Change is Now!

After months of speculation the Democratic Party has picked it’s vice presidential nominee. Senator Joe Biden, a University of Delaware alumnus and six-term senator from the First State is now prepared to accept the Democratic vice presidential nomination. Senator Biden’s thirty-five years of experience in the senate will bring about the change our country so desperately needs. Further, Senator Biden has consistently been a warrior for the middle class, the little man, and those without a voice. This commitment to service and doing the right thing for American will only help to ensure that we will change the way business is done in Washington.

Two dreams, one hope. A dream for change driven by the idea that America can once again be the greatest country in the world is now paired with the dream that Delaware can be the greatest State in the union. In their first public appearance together, yesterday in Springfield Illinois, Senator Biden stated that this could be the last chance for us to save our nation and take back our Country. No truer words have been uttered in this election season.

The time is ripe for change, and the opportunity for success has only been strengthened. The College Democrats at the University of Delaware are thrilled at the vice-presidential choice of Senator Barack Obama.