President – Matthew Binder (mbinder@udel.edu)
Defines the agenda of the UD College Democrats, organizes and leads events and meetings.
Vice President – Jaelyn Brown
Assists the President and takes on projects of his or her choosing.
Secretary – Jaelyn Brown
Records minutes of meetings, manages email lists, assists President and Vice President in administrative matters.
Treasurer – Sarah Fulton
Manages club budget and finances.
Director of Communications – Shestin Thomson
Acts as the official representative and spokesperson of the College Democrats to the media.
Director of Political Affairs – Kyle Offenbecher
Acts as UD College Democrats’ liaison with on-campus politics and political campaigns.
Director of Development – Hirak Mukhopadhyay
Maintains UD College Democrats blog and Facebook page. Increases visibility of UD College Democrats and issues on-campus.
Director of Programming – Jon Patterson
Organizes and directs programs and fundraising events for the club and club supported issues.
Webmaster – Shane Moran
Oversees maintenance of all UD College Democrats online presence.
Email List
To add yourself to the email list follow this link