
The College Democrats work with a number of student organizations on campus to educate students about the Democratic Party Platform and to promote Democratic candidates. The College Democrats also assist state politicians in Delaware and aid local efforts in Newark. Please consider our policies in contacting the Executive Board with inquiries.

Co-Sponsor with the College Democrats!

The UD College Democrats periodically co-sponsor events. To request the College Democrats co-sponsor please email the Secretary (secretary at uddemocrats.com) We only request that:

  1. Notification of a co-sponsorship request is received more than two weeks in advance of the event.
  2. If you’re requesting the College Democrats assist in funding an event, please understand that the Executive Board must first deliberate before responding to your request with a decision. If at all possible give us more than two weeks to consider whether or not we want to assist in funding the event.
  3. If the group requesting co-sponsorship is not affiliated with the University of Delaware (i.e. a candidate or political organization), we still do encourage you to contact us so long as we get two weeks notice. Please understand that the College Democrats are restricted from using University of Delaware funding to support any particular candidate or political organization.

Request for a Speaker from the College Democrats

Groups on campus frequently contact the UD College Democrats requesting a representative come to their organization or meeting to express the opinion of the Democratic Party or engage in a debate with the Republican Party. While we encourage groups to email the Executive Board requesting a speaker, we ask their understanding of our limited resources and often busy schedules. During periods of high political activity, the College Democrats get numerous requests for speakers, and unfortunately, we cannot accept each one. We sincerely hope for your understanding.

As with the co-sponsorship policy, please email the Executive Board with two weeks advance notice of your event.

Endorsement Policy

The College Democrats endorse candidates at the federal, state and local levels. To receive an endorsement from the College Democrats in a contested Democratic primary a candidate must receive a 2/3 vote of active College Democrats members.

We support any Democrat running in an uncontested Democratic primary or general election campaign. However, we cannot guarantee that we will issue a candidate a supportive press release or offer volunteer support. See Volunteer Support below.

Media Inquiries

Contact the Director of Communications at press@uddemocrats.com for official comment to a media inquiry.

Also see the Press page for press releases and College Democrats press stories.

Volunteer Support

The College Democrats provide candidates and organizations with volunteer support. University of Delaware students gain invaluable campaign experience through canvassing and phone banking.

To receive volunteer support from the College Democrats:

  1. The College Democrats Executive Board must vote to offer volunteer support to a campaign or organization. A campaign can email the Director of Political Affairs (polaffairs at uddemocrats.com) or send a letter to 218 Trabant University Circle, Newark, DE 19716 requesting volunteer support.
  2. If the candidate is running in a contested Democratic primary, the College Democrats must endorse the candidate before offering volunteer support. See Endorsement Policy above. The active membership of the College Democrats need to vote 2/3 in favor of a candidate or organization. If the candidate would like to speak with the College Democrats membership before an endorsement vote, we could schedule a meeting where the candidate can come and present their views. We will vote to endorse at a later meeting.
  3. Once the membership votes in favor of a Democratic candidate in a contested primary the Director of Communications will issue a press release supporting the candidate or organization.
  4. We only issue press releases supporting candidates to whom we intend to offer and deliver volunteer support.

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