RSO Travel: Risk Management and Incident Response

RSO Travel: Risk Management and Incident Response



Discuss health and safety concerns with your lodging site and local contacts (like a park ranger).  Be sure that RSO leaders have discussed the area around where they are staying for the week and are aware of any potential issues. If there are recommendations made by the local contact, these must be discussed with the RSO leaders at both pre-departure meetings and reiterated once students arrive on site.

Note participant health concerns. Any allergies, medication or other health concerns should be documented and communicated to RSO leaders prior to the trip.

Prior to departure, the RSO leaders should check with local contacts to identify the nearest hospitals and authorities. Relevant addresses and driving directions to hospitals should be documented and all RSO leaders should always keep a copy with them during the trip.

Phone numbers of all local contacts, lodging sites, RSO leaders and participants should be shared with the Student Involvement Office prior to departure. This can be done using the Mandatory Trip List. Leaders should plug the following contacts into their phones before departure:

Be sure all participants also have the contact information of RSO leaders. In any emergency, make sure participants know to alert their RSO leaders immediately.

All participants are required to be covered by health insurance. Health insurance information will be made available to RSO leaders.

If a student requires medication or medical care and it is not covered by their insurance, it is their responsibility to pay. Encourage them to carry a credit card and have a conversation regarding this with their parents or guardian prior to departure.

Set expectations and communicate emergency action plan with the team. Set clear guidelines on acceptable times and procedures to separate from the group and be away from lodging or service site. Be sure there is no discrepancy on what activities are appropriate or the actions to take in case of an emergency. If needed, set a consistent and clear meeting place for your team whenever you separate or in case of an emergency.

Discuss procedures for packing and storing valuables. Given the nature of the trip, it is strongly recommended that all laptops, tablets, jewelry and other valuables are left at home. It is still likely that individuals will have some of these items or cell phones. Be sure that security concerns for these items are discussed beforehand and reiterated once on site. Check to see if there is a place where these can be locked up at your lodging site. Never leave valuables unattended in motor pool vehicles.


Incident Response:

Remove group or individual from imminent danger. The priority in any situation is to remove oneself from further risk.

Notify proper authorities. If the situation requires police or medical attention, notify them immediately. Secondly, contact UD Public Safety. If needed, also notify the contact at your lodging site. If it is a motor vehicle incident, follow the outlined procedures provided by Motor Pool. If someone is taken to the hospital, an RSO leader MUST go with them to the hospital. Any other RSO leaders must remain with the group.

Assess the situation. How long will it last? What is the severity of the incident? Does a student have medications, allergies or conditions that need to be considered

Keep calm and keep others calm. Do not panic. Discourage students from escalating the situation. Be sure to address anxiety and concern from any students.

Identify the best course of action. Work with RSO leaders to identify the best course of action. Do parents or guardians of participants need to be notified? Do students need to return to UD?

Communicate with Student Involvement. Give participants as much and as accurate information as possible and as is relevant to the situation. Work with the RSO leaders and participants to identify steps to take to avoid incidents for the remainder of the program. Be sure that students involved have been able to debrief the incident, feel safe and healthy, and that RSO leaders continue to follow up on their conditions after the incident.

Keep Student Involvement posted. Always keep the Student Involvement staff involved as decisions are made and the situation is resolved. It is better to provide an update indicating that no new information is available than to remain silent.

Trip First Aid Kit. A basic first aid kit should be brought by your RSO on any trip. It should contain very basic supplies for minor injuries and incidents. If a participant should require more specific first aid treatment, they are financially responsible to cover the cost of treatment supplies.


Contact Information:

  1. If it is not urgent, call 302-831-2429 and leave a voicemail. Messages are checked daily and responded to within 24 hours.
  2. If it is urgent, call Alex Keen at 302-831-3470 (work) or 302-733-0773 (cell). Please respect our privacy and do not give this number to parents or students. If a student needs to reach someone, you can call and provide me with their information, and I will gladly return their call.
  3. If it is an emergency, outside of office hours and you cannot reach me on my cell, call 302-831-2222 (UDPD), and explain that you are an RSO leader. UDPD will call an emergency Student Life staff roster until they reach someone.

Safe travels and enjoy your program!