RSO Policies
- 1 University Student Centers Student Organization Policies
- 2 Becoming a Recognized Student Organization by the USC
- 3 Student Organization Rights and Responsibilities
- 4 Student Organization Alcohol and Social Policies
- 5 RSO Semi-Formal/Formal Policy
- 6 Student Organization Events/Activities Policies
- 6.1 5k Races or Fun Runs
- 6.2 Auctions
- 6.3 Balloons
- 6.4 Canning
- 6.5 Chalking
- 6.6 Drones
- 6.7 Events Sponsored by External Organizations:
- 6.8 Film Showings
- 6.9 Food Eating Contests
- 6.10 Games of Chance
- 6.11 Information Tables/Kiosks
- 6.12 Late Night Parties
- 6.13 Major Event Approval
- 6.14 Novelties (Inflatable games, carnival games, photo booths, etc.)
- 6.15 Outdoor Events
- 6.16 Speakers on Campus
- 6.17 Theater Set Construction
- 7 Travel by a Student Organization Using University Motor Pool Vehicles
- 8 Travel by a Student Organization Using Buses to Pick Up and Return to Campus
- 9 Student Organization Marketing and Advertising
- 10 Student Organization Food Policies
- 11 General Student Organization Policies
- 12 Recreational Registered Student Organizations Policies
- 13 Registered Student Organizations Financial Policies
- 13.1 Policy on Conflict of Interest and Ethical Conduct
- 13.2 Campus Sales and Solicitations (collecting money on or off campus)
- 13.3 Treasurer Responsibilities/Record Keeping
- 13.4 Equipment Inventory
- 13.5 Checking Accounts/Reimbursements
- 13.6 Deposits of Revenue (cash or check)
- 13.7 Expenditures (making payments, etc.)
- 13.8 Unauthorized Expenses
- 13.9 Contracts (Agency, Bands, DJs, etc.)
- 13.10 UD Internal Accounts
- 13.11 Payroll
- 13.12 Travel Reimbursements
- 13.13 Corporate Sponsorship/Approaching Businesses for Funding
- 13.14 Financial Reviews
- 13.15 Requesting Funds from the University’s Comprehensive Fee
- 14 The Allocation Board Policies
- 14.1 Allocation Board
- 14.2 Meeting or Communication with the Allocation Board/Advisor
- 14.3 Allocation Board Member Attendance at Events
- 14.4 Funding That Is Not Used
- 14.5 Requirements for Eligibility to Request Allocation Board Funds
- 14.6 Guidelines and Restrictions That Determine Levels of Funding
- 14.7 Types of RSO Funding
- 14.8 General Operating Budget
- 14.9 Event Supplemental
- 14.10 Admission Requirements
- 14.11 Event Requests of $5,000 or Over
- 14.12 Non-Funded Events
- 14.13 Non-Funded Event Items
- 14.14 Secondary Items for Event Supplementals
- 14.15 After Event Report
- 14.16 Series Supplemental
- 14.17 Conference Supplemental
- 14.18 Capital Supplemental
- 14.19 Catering Supplemental
- 14.20 Internship and Career Experience Grant Intended Use
University Student Centers Student Organization Policies
The following policies are specific to the two types of student organizations officially recognized by the University Student Centers (USC): Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) and recognized Fraternities and Sororities. Unless specified, the term “student organization” is used globally to refer to both of these types of student organizations. In addition, when policies below are specific to facilities usage then the term “student organization” refers as well to other recognized student organizations on campus for which the USC does not have direct oversight including sports clubs, residence hall groups, graduate organizations and departmentally recognized student groups.
Failure to comply with student organization policies may result in immediate referral to Community Standards & Conflict Resolution, loss of privileges, loss of recognition or a combination of sanctions.
Becoming a Recognized Student Organization by the USC
Freedom of Association:
Students are free to organize and join associations to promote their common interest. The University believes it is appropriate to share its resources with associated groups in order to fulfill the University’s overall educational function. Therefore, associated groups may apply to become Registered Student Organizations or recognized Fraternities or Sororities, as applicable, in order to access University resources and privileges as described later in this document.
Becoming a Registered Student Organization (RSO):
- Submit a list of six full-time matriculated undergraduate students that share a common interest.
- Apply by following the New RSO Procedure.
- An advisor that is full-time faculty or exempt staff is required.
- A constitution that includes the University’s non-discrimination and Title IX language. Constitutions must be drafted, approved and maintained by the RSO.
Student Organization Name and Use of UD Logos:
- Student organizations may not use the phrase “University of Delaware” or “UD” in the start of their name such as “University of Delaware ABC Club” or “UD ABC Club.”
- Student organizations may use the word “University” or “Delaware” in the start of their name. Examples include: “University ABC Club” or “Delaware ABC Club.”
- Student organizations may use the phrases “University of Delaware” or “UD” at the end or their name to refer to a location such as “ABC Club at UD.”
- Student organizations may not use any official UD logos within their organization’s logos or marks.
Students interested in starting a recognized fraternity or sorority should contact the Associate Director in Fraternity and Sorority Leadership & Learning (FSLL) to inquire about the expansion process for new organizations
Every student organization must choose an advisor from the University’s full-time faculty or exempt staff. Graduate students, University non-exempt staff and/or part-time staff do not qualify and no exceptions will be made. The selection of an advisor is the prerogative of the student organization. In a limited number of activities (SGA, WVUD, Greek Governing Councils, BSU, CPAB, RSA, HOLA, SCPAB and Lavender Programming Board) advisors are appointed in accordance with stated University or organization requirements. Registration is not withdrawn solely because of the temporary inability of a student organization to secure an advisor. However, a student organization that is without an advisor for 30 days must meet with the Associate Director of the University Student Centers or their designee to discuss how to go about securing an advisor. The termination of the advisor relationship may be made by either the student organization or the advisor. Student organizations may create additional advisor positions; however only one advisor will be listed as the recognized advisor with the organization.
Denying Recognition:
The University may deny registration to any associated groups or withdraw registration of any student organizations that:
- fail to maintain a minimum membership of six full-time matriculated undergraduate students
- promote unlawful aims and goals;
- pose a substantial threat of material disruption, such as interruption of classes, damage to the property of others, interference with the rights of others, exposure of students or others to an unreasonable risk of harm or disruption of the regular and essential operation of the University;
- are unwilling to be bound by University policies or the Code of Conduct.
Please note: Associated groups affiliated with residence halls or special interest housing should consult their respective Complex Coordinator, Hall Director or Residence Life and Housing Office. Associated groups that are competitive sports should consult with University of Delaware Recreation.
Student Organization Rights and Responsibilities
Student Participation in Institutional Governance:
As constituents of the University community, students are free, individually and collectively, to express their views on issues of institutional policy and on matters of general interest to the student body. The Student Government Association (SGA) serves as the student government body for undergraduate students. Subject to the provisions of Delaware Code Section 5111 of Title 14, students have a major role in the formulation of University policies directly affecting them and, through the Student Government Association, may formulate and recommend to the University Faculty Senate policies pertaining to student social activities and conduct. Such policies must be consistent with federal, state or local laws.
Affiliation with Other Organizations:
Student organizations may have an affiliation with other organizations—international, national, regional and/or local—outside of the University. They may also be subject to policies and requirements of the parent organization, provided that this relationship involves no conflict with any University policies or procedures. In all cases, University policies supersede any requirements or policies of a parent or other affiliated outside organization.
The parent organization cannot be deemed a for-profit entity. The University may request proof of non-profit status at any time. Proof of the organization’s non-profit status is official documentation from the IRS and must be provided before the RSO will be recognized.
Membership, Voting and Officers:
- RSOs may not discriminate on membership on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, age, veteran status, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation or any other characteristic protected by applicable law in its employment, educational programs and activities, admissions policies and scholarship and loan programs as required by Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other applicable statutes and University policies. The University of Delaware also prohibits unlawful harassment including sexual harassment and sexual violence and other applicable statutes and University policies.
- Only full-time undergraduate matriculated students may serve as officers and voting members of a registered student organization unless specific exceptions are approved by the Executive Director of the University Student Centers or their designee.
- All full-time undergraduate students, at any University of Delaware campus, are eligible to join, vote and/or hold office within a student organization.
- Subject to this limitation, policies and actions of a student organization are determined by a vote of only those persons who are members of the student organization, as described in the organization’s approved constitution or by-laws.
- Community members, University staff, graduate students and part-time students may not hold any office in an organization or vote in its official proceedings. Officers of registered student organizations should maintain at least a 2.5 GPA in order to hold office.
- Presidents, Co-Presidents, Officers and/or Treasurers of a student organization may not be an employee or intern of an outside organization directly affiliated with their student organization. Students may maintain a volunteer or unpaid/uncredited relationship with an outside affiliated organization.
- When establishing a new RSO, the President, Co-Presidents and Treasurer may not be a President, Co-President and/or Treasurer of any other RSO.
- Students may not be President, Co-President and/or Treasurer of three or more RSOs.
- Students with a leadership role within an RSO may not be paid in any way for creating, maintaining or managing the RSO by an outside affiliated organization.
Minors Policy:
- If your student organization intends to invite non-UD minors to campus for a specific event, program and/or service specifically targeted to them, please review the Protection of Minors policy. RSOs must abide by any federal, state or local laws as they apply to working with non-UD minors on or off campus. Any questions pertaining to this policy must be referred to the Executive Director of the University Student Centers or designee. When a waiver is required, UD minors (those under 18) need parent approval to participate.
RSO Constitution Policy:
- RSOs creating, amending or completely changing their constitutions must have that document reviewed and approved by the Student Involvement Office. The new constitution must be adopted in accordance with the current constitution’s guidelines on amending the constitution. RSO Presidents and Executive Boards are advised to meet with Student Involvement staff before making any changes to their constitution. An updated copy of the constitution must be uploaded to Student Central and placed in the RSO’s history file in Student Involvement.
University Privileges:
- Student organizations may use University facilities and/or services designated by University policy for meetings and other programmed activities when the facilities and/or services are available and the events are properly planned and scheduled.
- For certain types of services and use of certain facilities, the groups may incur charges. In these instances, student organizations receive advance notification about the charges.
- Student organizations using University facilities and/or services will be charged for any damages to facilities and/or services for which they were responsible.
- Provided that a student organization complies with all applicable University policies and procedures, no student organization will be denied privileges granted to another student organization.
- No student organization will be subjected to regulations not binding on another.
- University privileges and/or the registration status of a group may be suspended or revoked for failing to follow established procedures or violating the University’s Code of Conduct.
Student Organization Alcohol and Social Policies
- Student organizations may not hold events on-campus that promote or include the consumption of alcohol, except for events at the Barn in adherence with athletic department policy.
- Student Organizations are not allowed to purchase alcohol with any funds and there are no exceptions to this policy.
- Student Organizations may not hold fundraisers that promote the consumption of alcohol or that benefit from the sale of alcohol. This means that student organizations cannot promote the event with associated drink specials, drinking games or other similar instances that can be associated with the consumption of alcohol.
- RSOs may not sponsor bus trips for date parties, mixers, etc. to off-campus locations unless coordinated as a Semi-Formal or Formal (see below)
- RSOs may not have members use private vehicles to attend off-campus date parties, mixers, etc. and are encouraged to hold end of year events, socials or banquets on campus or within walking distance.
- RSOs may hold fundraisers at restaurants that serve alcohol as long as none of the restaurant’s alcohol sales are given to the club and the RSO does not promote the event as a drinking event.
RSO Semi-Formal/Formal Policy
Any RSOs looking to plan Semi-Formal or Formal Banquets must adhere to the following.
- The RSO must designate one responsible student leader as the coordinator of the event.
- The coordinator will communicate directly with the President and Treasurer of the RSO to ensure compliance with all RSO Policies.
- The coordinator of the Semi-Formal must submit a Semi-Formal Registration Form at least 30 days before the day of the actual event. Failure to be timely may result in the cancellation of the event.
- The coordinator that submitted the Semi-Formal Registration form must submit an unsigned contract with the venue to the Student Involvement Office at least 21 days before the day of the actual event. Failure to be timely may result in the cancellation of the event.
- It is the responsibility of the coordinator to follow-up with the Student Involvement Office to ensure all paperwork has been received and is being processed.
- The coordinator of the Semi-Formal must provide the name of the RSO’s advisor that will chaperon the event.
- The advisor of the RSO is required to attend the entire event and must be present at the bus before it departs to and leaves from the event. The advisor is not required to ride the bus. The advisor is expected to support the president to ensure that members of the RSO treat the venue and its employees appropriately. The advisor is also expected to address any incidences of underage alcohol consumption or alcohol overdoses in the appropriate manner.
- The coordinator is to ensure that the venue will not provide an open bar and can only serve of-age students via a cash bar.
- If the semi-formal is to provide alcoholic drinks for of-age students, the coordinator is responsible for ensuring that an appropriate number of sober leaders are available in case of an emergency. It is expected that the coordinator maintains sobriety.
- If you have any questions about this policy or how to properly plan a Semi-Formal for your organization, please stop by 015G of Perkins Student Center to meet with a professional staff member. Please give yourself and your RSO plenty of time to plan this event to guarantee success.
- RSOs utilizing bus services other UD Shuttle Buses must submit and have confirmation for an on-campus Bus Pick-Up Location via the Bus Notification Request Form. Allow two weeks for this form to be processed.
Student Organization Events/Activities Policies
Registered student organizations may only have events from the first day of classes until the last day of classes of each semester. Chapters are permitted to meet/host events over break. No events are permitted to occur on or after reading day or during finals week.
The following events/activities have specific policies governing how the event/activity is to be carried out.
5k Races or Fun Runs
- In order for student organizations to host a 5K on campus, the group must first submit an Outdoor Use Form.
- After confirmation of the space, the student organization will meet with the appropriate RSO or Fraternity & Sorority Assistant Director from the University Student Centers to choose a route and receive guidelines.
- There are three 5k route options to choose from.
- UDPD is required for the event.
- All participants must complete an Agreement to Participate form.
- Using an official timing company is optional but not required.
Student organizations may only hold auctions for tangible items such as movie tickets, clothing, jewelry, artwork, etc. Auctions in which people or people providing services such as cooking, cleaning, etc. are not permitted.
In accordance with Environmental Health and Safety protocols, the University of Delaware forbids the use of latex balloons within its buildings. Therefore, any student group hosting an event in any University building may not have any latex balloons present. An event held in an outside location may have latex balloons but it is strongly discouraged out of respect for possible participants who may have severe and life threatening latex allergies. Alternatives to latex balloons include Mylar, vinyl or plastic. Violations or questions on this subject should be referred to Environmental Health and Safety at 302-831-8475.
- Student Organizations must reserve space on campus for the purpose of canning to collect money.
- Funds collected from canning are subject to the Sales/Solicitation Policies (see later in policies)
- Canning on Main Street sidewalks must be approved by the City of Newark. Canners are not to be in the street.
- Canning on major roads, intersections, highways, etc. is governed by the following State and City codes:
- Delaware Traffic Code: 21 / § 4147 Pedestrians soliciting rides or business: No person shall stand in a highway for the purpose of soliciting any employment, business or contributions from the occupant of any vehicle.
- Newark Traffic Code: Sec. 20-194. – Soliciting rides or business: No person shall stand in a street for the purpose of soliciting a ride, employment, business or contributions from the occupant of any vehicle.
No one is permitted to use chalk on campus walkways, patios, buildings, paths, etc. for promoting events, playing outdoor games or for any purpose. Clean-up charges as well as additional sanctions will be imposed for any individuals or groups found violating this policy.
Sanctions may range from fines to loss of all University facility usage privileges to suspension of the organization.
Please review the policy for chalking near Residence Halls.
Student Organizations wishing to use unmanned aircraft systems (UAS)—commonly referred to as drones—must adhere to the following:
- All UAS operators must complete an application for approval, prior to flying UAS on any University property. The policy requires the operators to follow Federal Aviation Administration regulations, as well as state and local laws regarding UAS.
- Hobby or recreational use of UAS is strictly prohibited on or above University property, except as part of a course or University-sanctioned educational program or for an event organized by a student organization recognized by the University. UAS flights are permitted for research, educational and some other commercial/business ventures, with prior permission from the University.
- The UAS policy provides safeguards for the privacy of individuals and prohibits recording where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy (examples include, but are not limited to, restrooms, locker rooms, residence halls, medical facilities, etc.). UAS shall not be operated over areas of public assembly, stadiums or athletic venues and any approved UAS flight must not operate beyond limits proscribed by the FAA.
- The policy is posted under University Policies on the Office of General Counsel website and on the Campus & Public Safety website, where the new policy is posted along with a link to the UAS application and a helpful FAQ document. UAS operators MUST submit an application to Campus & Public Safety at least two weeks in advance of the planned flight. The application will be returned to the applicant with a final approval decision in a timely manner.
Events Sponsored by External Organizations:
In accordance with the Use of University Facilities by External Groups Policy, events planned, organized, hosted, sponsored or paid for by external organizations must work with Conference Services for any on-campus event. The external organizations must pay the Conference Services rates and may not ask a student organization to reserve the space, host the event or fund the event in any way.
Film Showings
Student organizations who want to have an event in which they show a movie/tv show can only do so through obtaining public showing rights through an authorized college distributor. Regardless of whether your event has an admission charge or is free; regardless if the event is open or just for invited guests; and regardless of whether or not you own a copy of the movie/tv show, it is a violation of federal copyright law to show a movie on campus without securing the rights.
Many student organizations assume that if someone in the group owns a copy then they are allowed to play it on campus as an event; this is not the case, nor is renting a physical film, streaming it from Netflix or renting it on Amazon and playing it on campus as an event.
There are also misperceptions that calling the showing of a film an educational event waives the need to acquire rights. This is not true. Only films shown by a professor in a for-credit UD course (one found in the course catalog) are free of rights for the specific showing in class.
Rights range in price from $200 to $1200 depending on the age of the film. The Student Involvement Office works with several companies that handle license rentals and can provide contact information.
Additionally, the Allocation Board can fund such license fees for Registered Student Organizations if applied for through an Event Supplemental.
RSOs can also request to work with local movie theaters, such as the one on Main Street, Newark, to streamline the process of obtaining film rights. Please contact Student Involvement for more information.
Food Eating Contests
Student Organizations choosing to hold food eating contests on campus may do so by following these requirements:
- The food must be provided by UD Catering Services. Content of the food with regards to allergies (such as peanuts, gluten, etc.) must be displayed and announced prior to consumption.
- The University of Delaware’s Emergency Care Unit must be hired for the entirety of the event and emergency responders must be present in event location; this expense is to be covered by the sponsoring organization.
- Registered Student Organizations may not hold food eating contests off-campus.
- Fraternities and Sororities are discouraged from holding food eating contests off-campus, but if choosing to do so, it is strongly recommended that local emergency response personnel are hired for the event.
- Please note: Any type of forced, coerced or encouraged consumption of food and/or beverages by student group leader(s) to group member(s) is a violation of the University’s Hazing Policy and DE State Law.
Games of Chance
(such as 50/50s, Bingo, Texas Hold ‘Em, Raffles, Poker, Casino Nights, etc.)
Charitable gambling fundraisers are regulated by the State of Delaware Gaming Control Board. The below policies are based on DE State Law.
- Only Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) are permitted to hold raffles and 50/50’s for their organization under the following two conditions:
- The total prize is valued at less than $5,000
- The selling price for a ticket for the 50/50 or Raffle is less than $5.00 per ticket.
- RSOs may not hold events in which there is an admission charge or cost to participate in bingo, poker or other games of chance for which a “winner” or “winners” will win a prize.
- RSOs may charge admission for a Casino Night, a bingo game, etc. as an event in which to have fun; but in which no REAL PRIZES (whether cash, donations, gifts, etc.) may be distributed as a result of participating.
- RSOs may sponsor an event with games of chance with prizes if there is no admission charge or fee for playing the game.
- RSOs money collected through admission is subject to the Sales/Solicitation Policy (see later in RSO Policies)
Fraternities and Sororities do not fall under the University’s tax identification code and therefore must apply for a gaming license for all charitable gambling events including raffles regardless of the prize value and/or ticket sale price. The University Student Centers do not endorse such activities and cannot assist with their arrangement. The State of Delaware Gaming Control Board provides the necessary steps for applying for a gaming license. Please keep in mind that the Gaming Control Board must receive all completed applications and fees by 4:30 p.m. ten (10) days prior to their next scheduled meeting. The Gaming Control Board meeting schedule is provided on the above link. If you hold such an event on University property then all approved paperwork must be submitted to the Director of University Student Centers or their designee one week before the event.
Information Tables/Kiosks
Student Organizations may request a kiosk or information table in the Trabant University Center for up to a two hour block of time, up to 9 times per semester (with no more than 3 in the same week).
Blocks of time are as follows:
* 8:30–10:30 a.m.
* 10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
* 12:30–2:30 p.m.
* 2:30–4:30 p.m.
* 4:30–6:30 p.m.
- All reservation requests must be submitted online via the Event Reservation Request Form Requests must be submitted at least 14 days prior to the date requested.
- Due to the high demand for space, space usage is monitored. Student organizations who arrive late by 15 minutes or more for their scheduled reservation time will be considered a no show and *will be charged a no show fee of $25.00.*
- Cancellations of scheduled dates/times must be submitted by 3:30 p.m. on the last business day before your scheduled event. Cancellations that are submitted late will be considered a no show and *a no show fee of $25.00 will be charged to your organization. See Section 2: ‘Cancellations’ in our Facilities Policies.
Late Night Parties
The priority for all parties held at the University of Delaware is the safety and security of all persons and property. Recognizing this need, the University of Delaware Police Department (UDPD) in cooperation with the University community will strive to properly assess the safety and security needs of evening/late night parties.
Every party and facility is unique when determining security needs. As such, staffing levels will be determined on a case-by-case basis taking into account the following: the nature and purpose of the party, amount of advertising, professional staff support, expected attendance, the times of the party and the facility being used.
The following are common factors that warrant party staffing:
* Cash sales at the door
* The event is scheduled to end later than midnight
* A disc jockey, live band or performance is the primary activity
* Facility has a capacity of 300 or more
- All parties must be held in the Trabant University Center Multipurpose Room(s).
- Predetermined lighting levels are made for each facility and will remain constant throughout the Party.
- Contraband will not be permitted inside the party. This includes alcoholic beverages, smoking materials, pepper spray, dangerous instruments or weapons.
- Attendance/Guests
- Only college students with a valid college ID and active military personnel with a military ID, will be admitted to late night parties.
- No in-and-out privileges. If a guest leaves the building, their wristband will be removed by security. The guest must pay [again] to re-enter the event.
- Advisor:
- An advisor, who is a University of Delaware full-time faculty member or exempt employee, must be present at all late-night parties. If the recognized advisor is unable to attend, the student organization is responsible for finding another faculty member or exempt employee to attend.
- The advisor must be present the entire time of the event. If the advisor does not show up or leaves early, the event will be canceled at that point and all bills will be charged.
- Finances:
- Sales/Solicitation policies apply to late night parties
- All money collected at the door must be deposited on the evening of the event. No Exceptions! Any cash collected at late night parties must be left in the Trabant safe after the event has concluded. The money must then be deposited the following business day between 12-5pm in the Perkins Student Center.
- The DJ cannot be paid with money collected at the door.
- The organization’s treasurer must meet with Student Involvement staff in 015G Perkins to make arrangements for petty cash (if needed) at least five (5) days before the event.
- Admission prices must be displayed on all advertising and posted at the entrance to the event. Admission prices cannot be changed once set and posted.
- Security:
- Requesting security and UDPD is the responsibility of the sponsoring group (RSO, Chapter or any other on-campus group). University Student Centers will request any security needs for events sponsored by the Trabant Now program.
- A safety meeting with UDPD, the contracted security supervisor and the party sponsor will be held 30 minutes before the party is to begin.
Security staffing levels: - Three MPRs: (800 max capacity standing room):
– 4 full-time officers and 4 staff from an outside security contractor. - Two MPRs; (450 max capacity standing room)
– 3 full-time officers and 3 staff from an outside security contractor. - UDPD will be on duty a minimum of 5.5 hours from 9 p.m. until 2:30 a.m. If an incident occurs that requires an officer to work after 2:30 a.m., the event sponsor will be charged for the additional time.
- UDPD reserves the right to adjust staffing levels to meet the security needs of any event.
- The night of the Party, the Detail Commander will:
- Conduct pre-party and post party inspection of the MPR. This includes blocking off the loading dock and fire lane circle with cones and securing the interior doors leading to the loading dock and back hallway.
- Assign officers to the main hallway to check IDs, watch the money and for general crowd control.
- At the end of the party, UDPD will help patrons leave the building.
- The Security Supervisor will:
- Assign staff from an outside contractor to conduct security checks.
- Assign staff to the lobby and MPR.
- At the end of the party security staff will help patrons leave the building.
- Sponsor Responsibilities:
- Collect funds and issue wrist bands to all paying and non paying patrons.
- Monitor the MPR’s; the area leading to the BHLP and package center; bathrooms; and the emergency exit door near the package center stairs.
- If the sponsor does not have enough UD students to staff the party, the party will be canceled.
- Sponsor will assist UDPD in clearing out the facility.
- Sponsor is responsible for clearing excessive trash inside the facility.
- Sponsor will ensure that DJ is responsible for making any announcements requested by University staff.
- Party End:
- The lights must be turned on by 1:40 a.m.
- The DJ’s equipment must be cleared from the building by 2:15 a.m.
- The DJ may load and unload from the loading dock area but must park the vehicle in a legal parking space during the Party.
- Trabant Building Supervisor Responsibilities:
- Issue wrist bands to the party sponsor
- Conduct pre-party and post-party inspections of the facility and MPR.
- Monitor the Party and maintain the predetermined lighting levels.
- Communicate any problems that occur to UDPD and resolve cooperatively.
- Secure the interior hallway doors separating the MPR hallway from the main section of the building.
- Cancellations:
Late Night Events must be canceled at least 48 hours prior to the event. See Section 2: ‘Cancellations’ in our Facilities Policies.
Major Event Approval
- Any student organization planning to host a major event must meet with an Associate Director of the University Student Centers at least 6 months prior to the event.
- A major event is any event that meets the following criteria:
- Has a budget at or exceeding $20,000
- Has planned attendance exceeding 600 people
- Involves the physical participation in an activity
- A student organization planning a major event must:
- Have completed Programmer’s Training.
- Have the approval of Student Involvement from an Associate Director or designee.
- Have a space confirmation from the on-campus venue and have met with Event Services.
- Have sufficient funding in their account (not including potential ticket revenue).
Novelties (Inflatable games, carnival games, photo booths, etc.)
Student Organizations are prohibited from hiring novelty performances or attractions without meeting the insurance requirements of the University Risk Management Office. Current insurance requirements are:
Novelties Not Allowed: The following novelty acts are not allowed at UD campus events:
- Bronco Bull/Bucking Bronco
- Dunking Tanks
- Water slides
- Slip n slides
- Inflatable pools or hot tubs
- Ax throwing
$1 Million Dollar General Liability Insurance Per Occurrence Required Novelty Acts: Those that have a student participate solo in a limited physical way with a non-threatening object(s); and those where the student asks for a personally designed item and the only interaction is to verbally request what they want.
The following novelty acts must have a provider with 1 million dollar general liability coverage:
- Photo booth
- Sand art
- Stuff-a-bear
- Spin art
- Caricature/Portrait
- Personalized name tags, buttons, stickers, road signs, hats, t-shirts, etc.
- Balloon art
- Carnival Games
- Bamboo/Plant art
- Trivia games
- Casino games
- Oscillating Misting Fan
$3 Million Dollar General Liability Insurance Per Occurrence Required Novelty Acts: Those that have a student participate in a limited physical activity but where limited physical contact is made by a vendor or third person with the student; and those that a student has physical (but limited) solo participation in an activity.
The following novelty acts must have a provider with 3 million dollar general liability coverage:
- Face painting
- Body art
- Henna art
- Temporary Tattoos
- Miniature golf
- Giant chess or checkers
- Money booth
- Inflatable maze*
- Basketball solo toss
- Tie Dye
$5 Million Dollar General Liability Insurance Required Novelty Acts: Those that have a student participate in a serious physical activity; and those that include physical contact with a vendor or third person.
The following novelty acts must have a provider with 5 million dollar general liability coverage:
- Bungee jump*
- Climbing Wall*
- Twister (either regular or inflatable)
- Velcro Wall*
- Joust*
- Moon Bounce*
- Laser Tag*
- Inflatable obstacle course*
- Foam party
- 1 on 1 or 3 on 3 – Basketball toss
- Zipline
- Black light parties
- Segway course
- Little bike riding course
- Wax Hands
*Inflatables: When a student organization wants to have inflatables at an event, they must first e-mail UD’s Fire Protection Engineer and provide them with:
- Certificate of flame resistance (obtained through rental/novelty company)
- Floor plan for your event with the location of all inflatables and other items.
- Student organizations must work with Student Involvement to complete this process correctly.
Outdoor Events
For the purpose of the Outdoor Events and Speakers on Campus subsections of this RSO Policy, all Student Organizations, including Registered Student Organizations, Fraternities and Sororities and Club Sports (hereinafter “Student Organizations”), may request to utilize UD spaces for Events and Displays.
Events may include speakers, tabling, demonstrations, protests and other Event-related activities. Events typically have multiple simultaneous attendees.
Displays include information-only pass-throughs, which may include flag displays, banners, signs and photo exhibitions. Displays are not expected to have simultaneous attendees at any given time. Any Display over 10-feet tall must be approved by the Dean of Students or designee prior to installation.
Participants in Events and Displays may use certain designated areas of campus. Please see the Speakers on Campus subsection below for more information.
Event and Display Spaces
The Old College Lawn and The Green (the North, Central Green and South Green) are reserved by Student Organizations through Auxiliary Services by using the Green Reservation Request Form.
The following are guidelines for the respective areas:
North Green (Delaware Avenue to Main Street)
- Amplified sound
- Inflatables allowed
- Stages allowed
- Bands/live music
- Bullhorns allowed
- Visual displays (poster, flags, banners)
Central Green (Delaware Avenue to Memorial Hall)
The grass area in front of Gore Hall on Central Green is the only reservable space for Student Organizations for Events and Displays.
- No amplified sound
- Inflatables allowed
- No stages
- No bands/live music
- No bullhorns
- Visual displays (poster, flags, banners)
- Theatrical performance (steps)
South Green (South of Memorial Hall)
- No amplified sound
- Inflatables allowed
- No stages
- No bands/live music
- No bullhorns
- Visual displays (poster, flags, banners)
- 5K races
Old College Lawn (North of Main Street)
- No amplified sound
- No inflatables
- No bullhorns
- Visual displays (poster, flags, banners)
Harrington Beach, the University Student Center (USC) patios and Independence Field are reserved as USC spaces by using the Student Event Space Reservation Form.
Athletics spaces are reserved through Campus Recreation by using the Recreation Facility Request Form.
Event and Display Regulations
All Events and Displays are subject to University policy, including those that occur in approved and designated on-campus spaces.
If discovered or determined that any Student Organization violated these regulations or any University policy, the University reserves the right to cancel the Event or Display.
All Events and Displays are subject to modification at the time of approval and/or at the time of the Event/Display based on administrative, safety and grounds-related infrastructure concerns. All Student Organization members sponsoring an Event and/or Display must comply with the directions of any University official acting in the performance of their duties related to the Event and/or Display.
Event and Display Specifications
Event and Display Signage
All Events and Displays reserved through the process above must include signage that states the following: “This portion of The Green has been reserved on a term basis by (STUDENT ORGANIZATION(S)/GROUP NAME(S)). You can refer questions or concerns to (STUDENT ORGANIZATION EMAIL) or by visiting (LINK).”
- No Event is to begin before 9 a.m.
- All Events must end by 8 p.m. (Sunday through Thursday) and by 10 p.m. (Friday through Saturday).
- Maximum of four hours for Events with amplified sound.
- Maximum of six hours for all other Events.
- May be set up at approved location(s) beginning as early as 6 a.m. on the first day approved and must be removed by 5 p.m. on the last day approved.
- Shall not be approved for longer than five (5) consecutive business days (Monday through Friday), each of which must occur within the same week with no intervening weekend days. Student Organizations may not collaborate to exceed the five-day limitation.
- The University may adjust or further limit the approved time period based upon demand for the location and grounds maintenance considerations.
- May be left overnight Monday through Thursday if approved for multiple and consecutive days. However, no Displays are permitted to remain overnight Friday through Sunday.
- May be approved for one-day only for Saturday or Sunday. Any weekend Display (Saturday or Sunday) must be approved in advance by the Dean of Students or designee. Weekend Displays may be placed on the approved location beginning at 6 a.m. and must be removed by 5 p.m.
- Any Display over 10-feet tall must be approved by the Dean of Students or designee prior to installation.
- Student Organizations may be approved for up to ten (10) days for Displays per semester, with no more than five (5) days per month.
Food (all food policies apply to outdoor events)
- To distribute food to participants/attendees, contact University Catering at 302-831-2891.
- To have food available for purchase by participants/attendees, contact Dining Services Concessions at 302-831-2891.
Power, Generators and Electricity
- If the outdoor Event needs electricity, request a generator or ask for access to a power outlet. Otherwise, there is no guarantee that power needs will be accommodated.
- All generators for Student Organization-sponsored Events or Displays must be provided by UD Electric Shop. No external companies may bring generators of any size or style. This includes any generators for sound, lights, inflatable games, etc.
- Request a generator through the Miscellaneous Services Form. Ask your vendor to provide all details about required power needs before submitting this form.
- For access to power outlets on Harrington Beach, USC Patios or Independence Field, contact Event Services at 302-831-2633.
- The Miscellaneous Services Form must be completed and submitted if power is required for DJs, bands, novelties, etc., in any other outdoor space.
Staging, Chairs and Tables
- If tables, chairs and/or staging are needed for the Event at any outdoor location other than the USC Patios, these items must be requested via the Miscellaneous Services Form.
- Events held on Harrington Beach or Independence Field using stages, tables, chairs or similar items will be required to follow the Turf Policies on USC Facilities Policies.
- Tables and chairs for Events on the USC Patios can be requested on the Student Event Space Reservation Form.
Garbage Cans and Waste Removal
- All Green space areas used by Student Organizations must be cleared of all personal effects, debris and waste, and the space returned to its original condition.
- For any outdoor Event, other than those on the USC Patios, the following must be ordered via the Miscellaneous Services Form: garbage cans, recycling containers and/or trash bags sufficient to hold all waste produced by the Event.
- At the conclusion of the Event, the organization is responsible for collecting any waste left around the event area and placing it into the garbage cans.
- When arranging a pick-up time, allow enough time for clean-up to assure that all waste is in the cans when the truck arrives for collection.
- If the outdoor Event has food, more than 500 people in attendance, or lasts longer than three (3) hours, it is required that UD Campus Grounds is arranged to pick up waste at least once per hour during the Event. Indicate this need on the Miscellaneous Services Form.
Audio Equipment and Amplified Sound
- Sound amplification is the process of increasing sound, however achieved, including through equipment, handheld devices such as bullhorns or microphones, voice or any other device or method.
- Any sound amplification for any Student Organization-sponsored Event must be identified and approved in advance through the applicable reservation form.
- Noise levels must not interfere with academic and administrative functions of campus or the privacy of residence hall students. Residence Life & Housing must approve any Event with amplified sound that is scheduled to take place in front of a University Residence Hall.
- Loud voices and chanting may be considered amplified sound if it is deemed to interfere with the academic and administrative functions of campus.
- The noise level at your Event must also not violate the City of Newark’s Noise Ordinances.
- Sound systems and equipment for Events on Harrington Beach, Independence Field and the USC Patios can be requested on the Student Event Space Reservation Form.
- Audio equipment for Events at other outdoor locations can be requested using the Miscellaneous Services Form.
- The University reserves the right to control the volume level at any Event if it violates any applicable noise ordinance or interferes with regular University academic or administrative functions.
- If money is collected at the Event, UDPD must be arranged to work the Event. If there are multiple collection points, then there must be sufficient RSO organization and UDPD staff to cover all collection points.
- Events that will attract large crowds, or have other circumstances that may require assistance in maintaining the safety of the participants, will also require UDPD.
Tents, Staked Items and Temporary Structures
- Event tents are not provided by the University and must be provided by a vendor with adequate insurance, which must be provided as part of the Event reservation process.
- Tents of a certain size are required to have a building permit.
- Tents must be held up using sand bags or other weights that do not damage the ground. This is especially important for Harrington Beach and Independence Field. No staking of objects is allowed on University property.
- Submit permits and applications for tents or temporary structures of 400 square feet (20′ x 20′) or greater to the City of Newark to meet city regulations. The application and acquiring a permit are managed by the City Fire Marshal Office.
- Sleeping or camping overnight in any outdoor space on campus is prohibited.
- Any activities that involve the use of personal temporary shelters (e.g., personal temporary tents, boxes, etc.) are prohibited on University property unless prior written approval has been provided by the Dean of Students and Environmental Health and Safety.
Other Safety and Security
- Student Organization events on the North, Central and South Greens are not permitted to place anything on the fire lanes.
- All Events and Displays must not interfere with or block ingress and egress of campus buildings.
- Car-smash events and events that include wild animals are not permitted on University property.
- Damage to University property, including buildings, lawns, trees and shrubs during an Event or Display is prohibited.
This is not an exhaustive list of potential requirements for Events and/or Displays. Additional approvals and Event security may be necessary, depending upon the specific details of the Event such as timing, location and attendance for planned activities.
If you are unsure whether or not the Event or Display needs or meets any of the above specifications, or if you have Event or Display needs that are not explained above, please contact University Student Centers at 302-831-2633, 302-831-2429 or
Speakers on Campus
Student Organizations and Speakers
Student groups are allowed to invite and to hear any person of their own choosing, providing the groups do not violate the University Charter which forbids the University to show favoritism or preference among political parties. Guest appearances must not interfere with the University’s regular instructional, research and service programs. Student organizations desiring to invite persons from outside the University to speak on the campus shall invite such persons only after obtaining the approval of their faculty advisers. Except for ceremonial occasions, invited speakers should be prepared for a reasonable public discussion of their express views.
Additional guidelines for the sponsorship of such activities, based upon the University policies cited above, are as follows:
- Rules which apply to activities planned by both on-and off-campus groups:
a. The activity planned for University facilities must be sponsored by a college, division, department or other official administrative or service unit or by a recognized student organization;
b. No group may use University facilities as a headquarters to conduct activities in support of a political party or candidate;
c. Groups may not solicit funds on the campus in support of partisan political activities;
d. Distribution of free published materials must be in accordance with the University Distribution of Free Published Materials on Campus Policy;
e. Colleges, divisions, departments or other official administrative or service units or recognized student organizations may not use University funds to underwrite the cost of partisan political activities except to underwrite the cost of bringing an outside speaker(s) to the campus in accordance with the University Speakers Policy.
- Guests of Student Organizations with an expected attendance in excess of 50 people must use a room or performance space in Trabant University Center, Perkins Student Center, Pearson Hall, Mitchell Hall or the Center of the Arts due to security and classroom disruption concerns.
- Invitations may be extended by one or more bona fide Student Organizations after approval from the Executive Director of the University Student Centers or their designee based on the following considerations:
a. Certain speakers or Events may require special responsibilities for the University or a meeting with the President of the University. In these cases, the group extending the invitation may be asked to coordinate with the Office of the University President.
b. Contracts for paying speakers must be approved by the Executive Director of the University Student Centers or their designee.
c. Invitations issued in the name of the University must be made by the Office of the President.
d. All other invitations should clearly indicate that the Student Organization, not the University, is issuing the invitation.
Spontaneous Demonstrations
It is the goal of the University that all demonstrations on campus occur with minimal threat to the safety and security of persons or facilities through advanced planning and scheduling Occasionally, events occur which demand immediate public outcry, and it is not the intent of this policy to limit students’ rights to protest such events provided these activities do not otherwise violate this policy.
Unscheduled demonstrations, rallies or equivalent activities may be held by recognized University organizations, and full- or part-time students of the University in the areas defined above provided that the activity does not interfere with any functions for which that space has been reserved in advance.
However, it is inappropriate for Events that have been planned to circumvent the policies by claiming to be spontaneous. In deciding whether a demonstration is spontaneous or planned, the University may consider any relevant evidence, including (a) whether signs or placards used at the demonstration were commercially produced, (b) whether participants used amplification equipment, (c) whether security was alerted, or media contacted, in advance of the demonstration or (d) whether other circumstances demonstrate advance planning by one or more organizations.
Theater Set Construction
It is acknowledged that when building theatrical sets, tech crews of theatrical RSOs will engage in the safe use of power tools. To ensure that these student crews are working safely, the below process must be followed. It will be the technical/production coordinator’s responsibility to confirm that any students working with power tools have adhered to this process.
- Student organizations will identify no more than five people in each organization to be trained and earn exclusive right to use any equipment defined as a power tool during the construction of theatrical sets. Powered tools are defined as any device that uses electricity, compressed air or explosive forces to provide useful work. These tools include, but are not limited to, jigsaws, electric saws, circular saws and drills.
- Each identified student on the tech crew must complete both the online orientation and in-person training offered by the MakerGym in Pearson Hall prior to the start of any set construction.
- The technical coordinators of theatrical RSOs will coordinate their training with the Manager of the MakerGym.
- The technical coordinators will keep a written record of students who have completed the training and dates training was completed. These records will be maintained by the student organization.
- Training of the student theater group tech crew should occur no more than twice per year. Ideally, they will occur at the start of each semester to accommodate new members of any tech crew. Scheduling will be based on MakerGym staff availability to conduct training.
- Any power tools purchased by a student organization will be contingent upon completed training in that particular year.
- Student organizations must maintain a record of power tools purchased.
- Power tools must be stored safely in the student organization’s tech closet in Pearson Hall.
- Student organizations must have an EHS Theater Checklist approved before any power tools are used for a show.
- This protocol is managed by the University Student Centers and will be enacted upon approval from the Environmental Health & Safety Office.
Travel by a Student Organization Using University Motor Pool Vehicles
All policies below apply to RSOs regardless of means of transportation. The policies only apply to Fraternities & Sororities if University Motor Pool vehicles are being utilized for planned travel. For any travel by bus or larger vehicle, see the next section on travel.
RSOs are allowed to make travel plans within a 350-mile radius and six hours of driving time as long as the trips fall within the mission of the organization and during specific allowable times. Exceptions can be made at the discretion of the Executive Director of the University Student Centers with the consultation of the RSO’s advisor.
- The University encourages student leaders to carefully review travel plans, destinations, hotel information, etc. to ensure the utmost safety of all participants.
- Student leaders need to think about the weather and how it may affect travel and about accessibility to nearby emergency facilities like a hospital, police, park ranger, in case of emergency.
- The University reserves the right to cancel any trip due to weather alerts and other safety concerns.
- Participants in the trip should bring a cell phone and are encouraged to notify their parents and roommate(s) about their travel plans.
- Travel to anywhere outside the contiguous United States may only be done if the trip is part of an Academic Service Learning Program or part of a Study Abroad Program.
- No travel can be sponsored by your RSO on or after reading day, during finals week, holiday breaks or summer break.
- RSOs may not use University vehicles during the summer.
- Drivers are required to stop every three hours of travel for a minimum of a 15-minute break.
- RSOs should not be on the road between midnight and 6:00 a.m.
- RSO spring break trips must fall within the mission of the RSO and be within an approved distance.
- All RSOs must fill out the Mandatory Trip Form when planning a trip.
- All RSOs must submit the Mandatory Trip List immediately before departure. This should have a complete list of all UD students, personnel and community members that are traveling off campus.
- All RSO travel must be approved by the Executive Director of the University Student Centers or their designee with consideration of destination, safety, etc.
- If any time during a trip there is an emergency, accident, etc., a student participant should immediately notify the UDPD by calling 302-831-2222.
- Whenever RSO travel plans change, the trip leader must contact the staff in 015G Perkins Student Center by calling 302-831-2429 immediately with an updated travel itinerary.
- Travel involving advanced sporting activities (hiking, climbing, canoeing, skiing, etc.) must be planned with appropriate local permits. Additionally, a WFA/WFR certified support person must be in attendance at all times. Whenever possible, RSOs should hire a local outfitter for professional guidance and support.
- Any approved travel beyond 350-miles and six hours of driving distance must be approved by the Executive Director of the University Student Centers. The RSO’s advisor must be in attendance for the entirety of the trip.
- Please review the RSO Travel: Risk Management and Incident Response procedures and the RSO Travel: Emergency Notification Protocol.
Travel by a Student Organization Using Buses to Pick Up and Return to Campus
All students and student organizations must submit a Bus Notification Form when having a bus pick up or drop off students. The purpose is to inform Parking Services so they can assist with student safety and proper traffic flow. The University of Delaware Police Department (UDPD) will also be notified. When available, UDPD will have an officer in the area during pick up and drop off times. This form must be completed at least one week in advance. If another organization is already confirmed for the same date, time and location, the person who submitted the form will be contacted and required to alter their request.
Please note the only locations approved for bus pick up or drop off on the University of Delaware campus are:
- Trabant Circle
- Perkins Student Center
- Christiana Commons
- Center For the Arts Circle
- Buses or other forms of large transportation cannot pick up students at any other on or off campus location during that time period for event transport. Upon returning from the event, buses and other forms of large transportation must drop off participants at one of the four approved locations. Buses may not stop at any other areas on or off campus.
- It is the responsibility of the student organization to ensure this policy is followed and that transportation companies use approved locations. Any violation of this policy or other reported policy violations will be referred to the Community Standards & Conflict Resolution.
- NOTE: RSOs planning such bus trips still need to follow the Travel Policies Using University Motor Pool Vehicles that are listed in the above section.
Student Organization Marketing and Advertising
Published Materials:
Freedom of expression is essential to the life of the University. To guarantee this freedom to every member of the University community and in order to provide an atmosphere in which free and open debate will prosper, the following policies have been established governing the distribution of published materials on the campus:
- Student organizations may distribute published materials on campus with the understanding that doing so must be done in compliance with all applicable laws and University Code of Conduct.
- The University requires those who publish materials to identify themselves.
- Any member of the University community with sponsorship by a department or student organization may distribute published materials at any point on campus except in the University Bookstore; the library (unless in the commons area); and dining halls and other areas where such distribution may reasonably be limited.
- In areas restricted to members of the University community, identification may be requested.
- A person who is not a member of the University community may distribute published materials on the campus if they have obtained the sponsorship of a member of the University community who has determined that the manner of distribution is in accordance with this policy.
- The name of the sponsoring member of the University community or student organization must appear on all materials distributed.
- Space on campus for live distribution must be reserved through Events Services.
- If the time, place or manner of distribution of published materials constitutes a violation of this policy or a disruption of normal University activity, a University official will require that distribution be discontinued. If the distributors do not comply, the official shall advise them of possible disciplinary action.
- The University will not limit the distribution of published materials on the basis of content.
Copyright Law:
Student organizations are subject to international copyright law. Before using any photos, slogans, images, etc. in publications verify that the materials to be used are not protected by copyright. This includes creating any videos, CDs or other sharable materials and whether the distribution is intended to be free or for an exchange of funds. Please read the UD Copyright and Fair Use in Instruction Policy and the UD Copyright Guidelines for more information.
The following policies pertain to the use of University bulletin boards:
- Designated bulletin boards in University buildings are intended for notices and other materials related to the mission of the University. Commercial advertisements, promotions, etc., are not to be displayed on these bulletin boards.
- Student organizations may post materials on designated bulletin boards with the sponsoring name listed on each piece of material.
- Items are not to be posted on other University property including walls, trees, doors, windows, pedestrian crosswalks, lamp posts, emergency phones, fence posts, steps, pathways, etc. Violations will subject the sponsoring organization to cover the cost of removal, repair costs for damages, etc., resulting from the unauthorized posting.
- No more than one poster (11″ by 17″) or two standard flyers (8.5″ by 11″) may be posted on any individual bulletin board concerning a single issue or event.
- Materials promoting an event must be removed no later than 48 hours after the event. Non-date-specific materials will be authorized for posting for thirty days from time of stamping.
- All materials posted on designated bulletin boards will be removed approximately at the end of each month and/or end of each semester or when the board becomes overcrowded with materials.
- The University reserves the right to clear materials at any time and is not responsible for materials removed by unauthorized individuals.
- Materials to be posted are to be brought to 103 Trabant University Center or 107 Perkins Student Center for authorization before mass-producing the material. The copy will be returned with an “Authorized Posting” stamp, for reproduction.
- If more than one copy of the material is to be stamped, allow 24 hours for the approval process.
- All materials for the University Student Centers and/or Residence Halls bulletin boards must display the “Authorized Posting” stamp.
- Authorization for posting will not be based on the content of the message.
- Materials may be posted on bulletin boards only after authorization by the office responsible for each bulletin board, as follows:
- Academic Departments/Academic Buildings: Department or office concerned
- Library Commons: Director of Libraries or designee
- Residence Halls/Residence Commons Areas: Director of Residence Life and Housing or designee
- University Student Centers: Executive Director of the USC or designee
Copyright Policy for Music-Performing Groups
Musical Performances
- The University pays an annual license fee to both ASCAP and BMI in order to allow public and private, live and/or originally recorded music at the University.
- If you wish to perform an original piece of music, you may do so without permission or fees.
- If you wish to perform a copyrighted piece of music, as it is written and published, without any changes, you may do so without permission or fees.
- If you wish to perform your own arrangement of a musical piece you may do so without permission or fees, after following the policies below.
Musical Arrangements & Recordings
- Any arrangement of copyrighted musical work made without permission from the copyright owner is a copyright infringement.
- Your student organization must be granted permission to arrange music before starting to work on the selected piece of copyrighted music. The copyright owner or publisher is under no obligation to grant permission. If permission is not granted, you may not use the arrangement or recording.
- All recordings of copyrighted material made and distributed, whether for profit or not, are subject to a compulsory mechanical royalty.
- To get permission to arrange and/or record a work, RSOs are required to use Loudr (
- When permission is granted, your group may or may not have to pay a fee. Charging a fee and the amount to be charged is at the discretion of the copyright owner or publisher.
- Under the terms of the Compulsory Mechanical License Act, a copyright owner or publisher cannot deny a recording of his/her work if a recording has already been made.
Music Sales
- After securing permission to perform, arrange and record music, RSOs are permitted to sell and distribute copies of these songs as long as they use Loudr ( to do so legally. RSOs must make payments as required by the Loudr service in a timely fashion.
- All royalties and album sales must be deposited in the RSO’s checking account (managed by the Student Involvement Office). Royalties and album sales are prohibited from going to any outside accounts or individual students.
- Use of any service other than Loudr is prohibited unless approved by the Director of the University Student Centers or designee.
StUDent Central/Mass Emails:
- The University Student Centers will use StUDent Central to communicate with student organizations.
- Student organizations conducting a mass mailing of other student organization presidents must do so through Student Central.
- Student organizations are required to have a Student Central account and are responsible for reading emails.
- Presidents are responsible for all content shared on their Student Central pages (including social media content shared through their page: tweets, YouTube videos, Facebook events)
Student Media/Freedom of Expression at University of Delaware:
The University Faculty Senate, in consultation with the Division of Student Life, is responsible for providing clarification of the role of University student media, standards to be used in their evaluation and the limitations on external control of their operations. The editorial freedom of student editors and managers involves the corresponding obligation to be governed by the canons of responsible journalism. These entail the responsibility to avoid libel, undocumented allegations, techniques of harassment and innuendo and so forth. At the same time, the following provisions safeguard editorial freedom:
- Student publications are free from censorship and advance approval of copy.
- Editors and managers are free to develop their own editorial policies and news coverage. In the delegation of editorial responsibility to students, the institution provides sufficient editorial freedom and financial autonomy for student publications to maintain their integrity of purpose as vehicles of free inquiry and free expression in a University community.
- The Faculty Senate, through its Committee on Student Life, will ensure that all campus media has written operating documents and will provide faculty representation on boards of advisory committees. For the purpose of this statement, the term media is construed to include the campus student newspaper(s) and the campus student radio station.
Outdoor Banners:
Student organizations may use banners as a means of marketing. Content of the banners falls under the same policies of posting on campus that are referenced above for posting flyers on campus.
Banners on University Student Centers or authorized campus buildings:
See Section 8 of the Facilities Policies
Banners in a Residential Dining Location:
Requests for hanging banners in a Residential Dining Location can be made by student organizations. Requests must be made in writing to Dining Services at least 10 days prior to the requested date of hanging.
- Specific wording from the banner and the length of time it will be displayed must be included in the request.
- Requests will be considered in the order in which they are received.
- Banners must contain the name of the sponsoring organization and only banners which announce multiple date performances, recruitments or lengthy celebrations (week/month long, for example) are permitted; one day events will not be permitted to be posted.
- A University of Delaware PeopleSoft (PS) code will need to be submitted, so that charges can be transferred for the cost to hang and remove the banner by UD Facilities Roofers.
- Dimensions for Residential Dining Location banners must be 4’x10′.
Student Organization Food Policies
Food/Catering at Student Organization Events:
University Catering is required if planning on having food at a meeting/event on campus when the attendance exceeds 30 people or more. However, the following exceptions (number of attendees, location, ethnic/specialty prepared or donated) have been approved for student organization events when attendance is fewer than 30. A number of criteria must be met for each type of exception:
If your event is in one of these Perkins Student Center rooms: Williamson, Read, Collins, Rodney, Ewing, Bacchus, 203, 303, 304, 015R.
Or if your event is in one of these Trabant University Center rooms: 207, 209/211, 213, 217, 218, 219 or Multipurpose rooms.
Then you may bring your own or non-UD catered food under the following guidelines:
- You may bring your own lunch/dinner/potluck or catered meal if the event/meeting is limited to fewer than 30 people.
- You may bring in commercially prepared and pre-packaged snack items (such as chips, cookies, veggie trays or pretzels) if the event is open to the University community and/or general public and exceeds 30 people.
Then Non-UD catered food may be used under the following guidelines:
- Lunch/dinner/potluck meal may be brought in from home or catered if the event/meeting is limited to fewer than 30 attendees.
- Commercially prepared and pre-packaged snack items only (such as chips, cookies or pretzels) may be brought in if the event is open to the University community and/or general public.
Other stipulations:
- Cooking and/or heating the aforementioned food or the use of Sterno/hot plates, crock pots, etc. is not permitted.
- Delivery of the aforementioned food is not permitted; the food must be physically brought in by the organization.
- If purchasing beverages for the event in the above scenarios with University funding (*all RSO money is University funding; Fraternity & Sorority funds are not) then only Pepsi licensed beverages may be purchased.
- Student organizations may not grill/barbecue on University property. Contact UD Catering at 302-831-2891 to arrange event grilling/barbecuing needs.
- Student organizations are responsible for all clean-up of food/beverage waste.
- Excessive clean-up fees will be charged to organizations for any excessive mess or damage.
- Food is for event attendees only, not for the general public and not for resale purposes. Violation of this policy may result in referral to Community Standards & Conflict Resolution, sanctions, excessive cleaning fines and/or suspension of reservation privileges for not less than one academic semester.
- Violation of this policy may result in referral to Community Standards & Conflict Resolution, sanctions, excessive cleaning fines and/or suspension of reservation privileges for not less than one academic semester.
Campus Areas Where Food is Never Allowed (Even if UD catered):
Other than approved designated areas for concessions or catering, food and beverages of any kind are not permitted in:
- Academic Classrooms
- Mitchell Hall
- Pearson Hall
- Carpenter Sports Building
- Bob Carpenter Convocation Center
- Roselle Center for the Arts
- Trabant Theater
Food Waiver Request:
If the event requires specially prepared food, recipes may be submitted at least three weeks prior to the event to Dining Services to prepare the food or request a waiver to have an outside caterer supply the food. Organizations may provide recipes to Dining Services in the event the selected vendor cannot comply with Department of Health standards and insurance requirements. Contact Dining Services/Catering for specific information and regulations at 302-831-2891.
Donated Food:
Student organizations may be eligible for a food waiver if the food is donated by a licensed and insured commercial food establishment that meets the Department of Health standards and University guidelines. The food cannot be for sale purposes. Please contact the Director of Catering at 302-831-2891 for additional information including all requirements that must be met by the donating establishment.
Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) Use of Allocated Funding for Food:
RSO Executive boards are prohibited from using the standard allocation or group dues to pay for executive meals. Groups may have start and end of the year banquets for leadership but no more than a total of $200 of the General Operating Budget can be used on banquets. Failure to adhere to this policy will result in the members either not being reimbursed or a poor audit for the following semester. See the allocations policies later in this document about using allocated funding for food and other items.
RSOs are permitted to use deposited revenue and donations to pay for such banquets. Also, RSOs are permitted to use its General Operating Budget to pay for food expenses at events open to the entire campus. However, clubs are encouraged to require payment to better offset group expenses.
Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) Use of Food at Involvement Fairs:
Delaware State Law prohibits RSOs from providing any prepared food at Involvement Fairs. Pre-packaged snacks and candy (e.g., mini-candy bars, mints and gum) are allowed but members of the RSO must keep these items individually wrapped. Pre-packaged foods cannot be opened and modified in any manner (i.e. opening sealed bread and peanut butter to create sandwiches).
General Student Organization Policies
- If an accident or injury occurs at an event on campus contact UDPD at 302-831-2222 or 911 immediately, if there is a medical emergency.
- If an accident or injury occurs while traveling as an organization or at an event off campus then contact 911 immediately and then once the matter has been resolved then a call should be placed as soon as possible to UDPD back here on campus at 302-831-2222.
- As soon as possible following the emergency, an emergency report form must be completed.
Requesting UD Services:
Two working weeks’ notice is required to order any service from any department on campus. However, there is no guarantee that a requested service can be provided as resources and quantities are limited. Service requests are filled on a first-come first-serve basis. Student organizations requesting services must have sufficient funds to cover the expenses.
Student Organization “Salespeople”/Soliciting Door to Door:
- Student organizations may not conduct sales promotions in the residence halls. Details may be found at the Residence Life Hall Regulations Page
- No student on behalf of an organization may conduct sales with off-campus buyers in University buildings or elsewhere on the campus; sales on a door-to-door basis; or a general (as opposed to a voluntary individual request of a buyer) sales campaign on campus.
- Both the student sales representative and the company involved will be held responsible if the procedures listed in this policy are not followed.
- If these procedures are violated, both the student and the company will lose the right to conduct future sales on campus.
- Student sales representatives are liable for clean-up, repair and charges for fliers, etc., that are placed on unauthorized locations (e.g., walls, trees, doors, windows, cars). These charges will be imposed on the student regardless of whether the damage was done by that student or another individual connected with the sales promotion.
Ticket Sales:
- An RSO that plans to sell tickets for an event must utilize Ticketing Services for on- and off-campus ticket sales. RSOs must complete the Ticketed Event Form.
- Fraternities & Sororities are encouraged to use Ticketing Services for events on campus.
- Sales/Solicitation policies still apply to all student organizations when using Ticketing Services.
- Tickets may not be sold by any outside ticket provider or third party vendor. This applies to free or paid events.
- RSOs wishing to sell their own tickets can request an exemption from the policy on the Ticketed Event Form. A copy of all ticket holders must be provided upon request from University staff.
- If an exemption is approved: RSOs are required to request the presence of UDPD for ticket sales at any on campus location where tickets are being sold (unless inside one of the University Student Centers during day time hours at a kiosk or table).
- Student organizations may use FLEX to collect funds at their events and avoid collecting cash.
- Two weeks advance notice is required.
- Fill out and submit a Flex Card Reader Request Form
- There is no charge for use of the card reader
- Sales/Solicitation policy still applies
Using Personal Vehicle for Organization Purposes:
The use of personal vehicles by students for travel for student organization purposes is strongly discouraged. If a student drives their own vehicle for student organization purposes, then the student assumes the risk associated with the vehicle use.
More information on travel by a student organization can be found earlier in these policies in the section on travel.
Property Rental by Registered Student Organizations:
RSOs are not permitted to rent apartments, condominiums, beach houses or similar accommodation/property. When traveling, RSOs are only allowed to reserve rooms in hotels, motels, parks or campgrounds.
RSOs are permitted to use AirBnB for temporary lodging. However, Student Involvement will not pay for AirBnB rentals with UD credit cards. The initial payment is the responsibility of the individual students or advisor making the reservation.
Storage of Registered Student Organization Property/Equipment:
- All property/equipment owned by an RSO is considered University property and when possible should be maintained on campus. Lockers and other storage spaces are available in the Perkins Student Center.
- Any property/equipment that is valued at $5000 or more must be stored in a campus facility.
- Any storage area for equipment valued at $5000 or more that is not a University facility must be approved by the University Student Centers.
- A student’s residence hall room does not qualify as an approved campus storage space. Leaders or members of RSOs may not store organization property in their residence hall rooms for any length of time.
- Any organization property that is considered a weapon by the University’s Code of Conduct must be stored at UDPD, signed out for specific events and returned to UDPD immediately following the event.
- An equipment inventory (listing all equipment owned by the organization and where it is stored) is required annually as part of the Treasurer’s books and audit process.
- RSOs that purchase equipment with allocated or raised funds and do not submit an equipment inventory form will also receive a poor audit.
Verbal Agreements by Registered Student Organizations:
- RSOs are prohibited from making any verbal agreements with outside entities for services, financial support, performances or other temporary relationships.
- RSOs cannot commit to sponsorship agreements verbally.
- Any contractual obligations with entities outside of the University must include a contract and must be approved by the appropriate designee from the University Student Centers.
- No contracts may be entered into without approval from the University Student Centers.
Recreational Registered Student Organizations Policies
RSOs that fall into the category of Recreation or those RSOs that may on occasion sponsor recreational type activities (such as rock climbing, 5Ks, ice skating, etc.) are subject to the following policies:
Agreement to Participate:
- Each participant must be a full-time matriculated undergraduate at the University of Delaware.
- Each participant must complete an Agreement to Participate form and have it on file in the Student Involvement Office before participating in any group activities, including try-outs, practices or other events in which physical activity occurs.
General Guidelines:
- If equipment is used in your activity, it is up to individual participants to completely inspect their personal equipment item for excessive wear and proper functioning capability.
- Proper warm-up should always precede participation in any physical activity. Be aware of any special exercises or stretching techniques necessary for your particular activity.
- If special safety equipment is needed (i.e. protective gear, helmets, gloves, etc.) it is up to the individual participant to provide and maintain their own safety equipment. If supervision is required for the activity (i.e. spotters, medical personnel, qualified instructors, etc.) always ensure that these persons are present at the event before beginning the activity.
- Student organization officers are responsible for the inspection of facilities, equipment owned by the organization and equipment storage that is managed by the organization so as to ensure high standards of safety and preventive care.
- Recreational equipment may be used by student organization members only.
- Inventory of owned equipment needs to be completed for each student organization’s own record.
- Equipment owned by the individual participant is the responsibility of the owner to maintain and inspect for his/her own personal safety.
- If an officer or responsible member of the organization believes that the condition of a participant’s personally owned equipment is endangering others, then the organization has the right and responsibility to remove that participant from the activity.
Registered Student Organizations Financial Policies
The University, by allowing RSOs to register on campus, permits them to conduct certain activities, one of which is the collection and management of funds for organizational programming. Consequently, any funds allocated to or collected by such RSOs are University funds, subject to University policies.
Policy on Conflict of Interest and Ethical Conduct
Members of the University community are expected to maintain at all times relationships and practices in their University activities that are legal, ethical and morally correct. Further, it is expected that students with responsibility for the administration of University funds, property or services will conduct University business and their private affairs that might impinge upon the University in a manner that will stand the sharpest scrutiny by those who would seek to find wrongdoing.
To ensure propriety and avoid even the semblance of wrongdoing, such students must follow the practice of full prior disclosure in writing to the Executive Director of the Student Centers of any association, relationship, business arrangement or circumstance that might suggest to disinterested and objective persons that decisions were made contrary to the best interest of the University and for personal gain or the gain of family, close friends or non-University business associates at the expense of the University.
Interest and actions that might be questionable may be judged to be entirely proper by the Executive Director of the Student Centers if the rule of full prior disclosure is followed. If, however, interests and actions by University students responsible for the administration of University funds, property or services are deemed to be a clear conflict of interest, appropriate judicial action will be necessary to preclude any potential problems.
As indicated above, students who have questions or a concern about how this specific policy might apply to them are urged to contact the Executive Director, Perkins Student Center, 302-831-1036.
Campus Sales and Solicitations (collecting money on or off campus)
By definition, sales/solicitations includes solicitation for membership dues, admissions, charges for events, donations and any funds derived from programs and services rendered or sale of goods.
- All on-campus sales/solicitations by all student organizations must be authorized by the Associate Director (or designee) of the University Student Centers for Event Services, Room 103 Trabant University Center.
- Guidelines for granting or refusing authorization for sales/solicitations are available from the Associate Director (or designee) of the University Student Centers for Event Services.
- All funds derived from on-campus sales/solicitation must be deposited within 24 hours to the organization’s University internal account or University supervised checking account.
- After expenses are paid from either account, the remainder of funds may be used only to support the on-campus programming activities of the organization. (Exceptions are made in the case of funds received as part of a religious worship service and in the case of solicitations for non-religious, off-campus charitable organizations as defined by the Internal Revenue Service.)
- Student organizations may not conduct sales/solicitations on a door-to-door basis in University facilities.
- Student organizations are not permitted to raise funds by reselling licensed products (clothing, mugs, etc.) featuring the UD logo or any licensed UD images. They may, however, resell licensed products that contain their organization’s name only.
- Certain fundraising activities are regulated by the State of Delaware such as games of chance (see policies on raffles and other games of chance earlier in these policies).
- The sale of food that is not commercially prepared and packaged is prohibited by state law. Please review the RSO food policy
- In all circumstances where an organization is collecting funds at an event on campus at least one UDPD cadet must be hired for the event. The Cadet is to be stationed at the money collection site and then escort the person who makes the deposit of the collected funds. This is not required if the event is occurring in the Perkins Student Center.
- Off-campus individuals or firms are not permitted to conduct Sales and Solicitations on campus except when sponsored by a University department, student organization or a residence hall government. Specific criteria for the authorization of such sales are available from the Associate Director of the University Student Centers for Event Services.
- Student organizations desiring to use a dining hall as the site for Sales and Solicitations must obtain authorization from both the dining hall manager and the Assistant or Associate Director of Dining Services as well as the Associate Director of the University Student Centers for Event Services and the Assistant Director of Residence Life for Residence Education.
- Authorization to sell on campus does not constitute an endorsement by the University of either the product sold or the service rendered.
- RSOs are not permitted to collect money, sell tickets, make transfers, nor utilize any online money transfer systems in any way. This includes, but is not limited to, Venmo, Google Wallet, Square Cash/Cash App, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, PayPal, Zelle and others.
- RSOs are not permitted to accept gift cards without prior approval from the Executive Director of the University Student Centers or designee.
- Individuals or companies who want to donate funds to an RSO should be referred to Development’s gift website.
- Any donations to the University specified for a student organization will be deposited into the RSO’s internal account.
- View information regarding sales and solicitations in UD Residence Halls.
- For online ticket sales, student organizations must submit a box office request form to use UD’s online ticket services. RSOs are not permitted to use any other vendor for ticket sales or reservations.
Treasurer Responsibilities/Record Keeping
- Every RSO treasurer is required to attend a mandatory training session once per academic year.
- RSO treasurers must complete an Official Student Involvement Membership/Dues Payment Record if the RSO collects any form of dues.
- A copy of the form must be kept in the club’s treasurer’s file. Items to be recorded are as follows: date, name, amount collected, type of payment (cash or check) and dues amount required per member per year or semester and amount due to regional, national or international chapter.
Equipment Inventory
- Every RSO is required to submit an RSO equipment inventory form regardless of whether the organization has equipment and/or instruments.
- This list shall include brand names, model and serial numbers, colors and any other descriptive material that will serve to clearly describe the items.
Checking Accounts/Reimbursements
- The appropriate personnel from the Student Involvement Office will make arrangements with a commercial banking firm to establish checking accounts for RSOs at the University.
- All the funds of RSOs must be maintained in a University authorized checking account.
- The University has designated an Associate Director of the Student Centers for Student Involvement as the individual through which bank officials may direct on-going correspondence or communications regarding the accounts.
- Receipts must be submitted to the Student Involvement Office for processing.
- Checking account balances will be maintained at $10.00 or higher.
- A completed ledger of expenses and deposits must be maintained.
Deposits of Revenue (cash or check)
- All monies received, whether cash or checks, must be deposited into the University authorized checking or UD Internal account designated for the organization.
- All deposits must be made within 24 hours after receipt.
- The total amount of the deposit must be entered immediately on the ledger.
- Revenues for different events should be deposited on separate deposit slips for easy reference.
- All checks received for deposit by an organization must be endorsed with the group name For Deposit Only with the organization’s checking account number within 1 1/2″ of the top edge of the check.
- To make a deposit:
- List all cash on the cash line of the deposit slip
- List all checks being deposited (check # and amount)
- Fill in the total amount of the deposit
- Be sure to indicate the organizations’ name and account number if not using pre-printed deposit slips.
- If deposits contain a large number of checks for the same amount (i.e. dues) we recommend that the deposit is prepared in either the Event Services Office or Student Involvement Office.
- Deposits must be made at the Event Services office ini Perkins. See below for detailed instructions:
- To use the Day/Night Depository on the first floor of the Perkins Student Center
- Have the deposit slip completed
- Paper-clip or rubber-band the deposit slip, cash and checks together. Make sure denominations are clipped neatly together and are facing the same direction.
- Sign out a deposit bag by filling out the deposit bag list (Perkins Center Events Services Office, Perkins Room 107)
- Complete information on the bag, insert the deposit and seal it.
- Remove the tear-off strip which bears the deposit bag number and write the date and dollar amount of the deposit on the strip. This is to go in your file in the Student Involvement Office after the deposit is made.
- Drop deposit bag in Day/Night Depository (located near the information desk in Perkins)
- Re-open the Depository to ensure the deposit bag has gone down the chute.
- The deposit should be posted on the ledger kept in the club’s treasurer’s file.
Expenditures (making payments, etc.)
- All payments for expenses will be made by organization check. Under no circumstances may cash or checks payable to the organization be used to pay a bill of the organization.
- Expenses are to be recorded on the checking account ledger. Items to be entered for each transaction are: date, payee and purpose of the expense. Deduct the amount from the prior balance in the balance column and enter the new balance.
- Treasurers must provide all original bills, receipts and invoices to the Student Involvement Office for payment.
- Treasurers have 45 days from the date of purchase to bring the receipts to the Student Involvement Office.
- A reimbursement form must be completed for all reimbursements.
- Members of an organization may not incur financial obligations which will bind subsequent members to debts during subsequent fiscal years. Exceptions may be made only by an Associate Director for Student Involvement.
- Reimbursements for the current fiscal year must be completed in time to clear the bank by June 30.
- Receipts must be provided for all reimbursements.
- One check will be written to reimburse one person for multiple receipts.
- Receipts from restaurants serving alcohol must be itemized. You should inform the server of your requirements prior to ordering.
Registered Student Organizations may not use any organizational funds for items or events that conflict with policies of the University and/or the Code of Conduct, nor can the Allocation Board provide supplemental funding for such items or events. Items (or events with below items) covered by this policy include but are not limited to:
- Alcohol
- Candles, lighters or other open flame devices
- Drugs or drug paraphernalia
- Explosives
- Fireworks/Sparklers
- Listening devices or any type of “spyware” that would invade the privacy of others
- Tobacco products or devices for smoking tobacco or other herbal products
- Weapons such as rifles, guns, crossbows, swords (even for display purposes), martial arts items that may inflict harm, etc. as well as ammunition for weapons such as bullets, arrows, pellets, etc.
Executive Meals
Executive boards are prohibited from using the General Operating Budget or club dues to pay for executive meals. Executive Boards may hold banquets at the start and end of the school year for leadership but no more than a total of $200 of the General Operating Budget can be used on executive banquets. Failure to adhere to this policy will result in the members either not being reimbursed or a poor financial review.
RSOs are permitted to use deposited revenue and donations to pay for such banquets. RSOs are permitted to use its General Operating Budget to pay for food expenses at events open to the entire campus. However, clubs are encouraged to require payment to better offset club expenses.
Receipts for Gas
Receipts submitted for reimbursement of travel expenses must include a mandatory trip form, gas receipts and mileage information. RSOs will not receive 100% reimbursement of gas expenses unless it is proven that the mileage traveled equals the gas used or if the RSO traveled in a vehicle from Motor Pool. It is recommended that RSOs request for mileage to be reimbursed based on the current federal guidelines because this calculation will include depreciation.
Gift Cards
If RSOs purchase gift cards as gifts or prizes, the treasurer must provide the name and student ID # of the student receiving the gift card. Gift cards cannot be used in lieu of RSO checks for payment and RSOs cannot purchase gift cards that act as credit cards (American Express, Visa, etc.). Gift cards may not exceed a value of $100 per card.
Contracts (Agency, Bands, DJs, etc.)
When a student organization is working with an outside agency that is providing a service; fundraising activity, entertainment, speaking engagement, etc., it is important that a contractual agreement be made between the organization and the outside agency. The Student Involvement Office provides blank contract forms which your RSO can use to make a contractual agreement with an outside agency or artist.
- If the fee is under $1,000, a RSO check can be issued.
- If the fee is $1,000 or more, payment must be processed through the University Procurement Office. We will also need the artist to complete a UD W-9 tax form. A minimum of 6 weeks is required for the check to be processed and ready. Be responsible and plan accordingly in order to have the check ready for the artist in time.
- The final contract must be reviewed and approved by the Associate Director for Student Involvement or designee prior to submitting to the outside agency or artist
- The Artist Contract Blank should be used when paying for the services of the DJ, Band, Speaker or other performing artist. This contract may only be signed by University Student Center staff.
- The Vendor Contract Blank should be used when an organization is sponsoring an outside vendor on campus and will be taking a portion of the revenue that is raised by the Vendor. This contract may only be signed by University Student Center staff.
- The Co-Sponsorship Blank should be used when the organization is sharing the expenses of an event with another organization or has been promised monetary support from another organization, campus department or other source. Organization leadership may sign this agreement.
UD Internal Accounts
UD Internal account numbers will be maintained for each organization to accommodate billing by University departments. The Student Involvement Office has the internal account numbers assigned to each organization and must authorize use of your internal account.
- UD Service departments on campus will assess charges for services rendered against this internal account after the service has been provided. The following UD departments will bill in this manner:
- University Media Services
- Dining Services
- Facilities (Movers, Custodians, Electricians, Plumbers, Grounds)
- Motor Pool & UD Transit
- Quick Copy & Graphic Communications
- UD Internal Account Statements are generated monthly and only when services have been performed and billed. The Student Involvement Office receives the statements to review. The Student Involvement staff will notify the treasurer when charges occur.
- Payments for UD services will be made by check payable to the University of Delaware by the staff of the Student Involvement Office. The Notice of Bills Due form will serve as an explanation for expenditures. When the treasurer receives the Notice of Bills Due form in their treasury file, they must update their ledger.
- An Associate Director for Student Involvement or designee may investigate if problems arise in transactions involving a University service department and a Registered Student Organization.
- All student organizations must have enough funds to pay all debts to the University within 30 days. If their accounts become delinquent, then University privileges and/or recognition may be suspended.
- Student organizations may lose privileges and/or recognition if a financial review determines that the organization would incur an unacceptable level of financial obligation. This unacceptable obligation may be caused by an event, meeting, conference or other occurrence. Grants and agreements with vendors or organizations external to the University of Delaware automatically trigger a financial review by the Student Involvement Office.
- The Student Involvement Office will place notices of bills due in the organization’s treasurer’s file informing them of the bills received.
- Some service departments do not charge for the delivered services immediately. Funds must be maintained to cover future bills.
RSOs funded totally or partially by the University are discouraged from using any of their funds to reimburse individuals for work done for the organization. If, however, an organization believes it is essential to pay employees, prior approval must be granted by an Associate Director for Student Involvement or designee and they will be paid through the University’s Payroll System.
Travel Reimbursements
Although it is normally the policy of the University not to utilize University funds to cover the cost of student travel there may be occasions that might warrant an exception to this policy. If an RSO believes an exception should be made, the following policies and procedures must be adhered to:
- Money to reimburse student travel must have been budgeted by the organization and approved by the Allocation Board or an Associate Director for Student Involvement.
- The following travel limitations are the maximum amounts that may be reimbursed according to University policy. Each request, however, will be considered on its own individual merits within the funds available.
- Before taking a trip by automobile, approval from an Associate Director of Student Involvement or designee must be obtained. See travel policies earlier in this document.
- If a University vehicle is used, mileage will be charged to the student organization: tolls and parking may be reimbursed to the driver. Receipts must be obtained. Credit cards for gasoline may be obtained at Motor Pool and must be used if gasoline is needed. When signing the receipt for gasoline, the individual should sign his or her own name and indicate the name of the organization he or she is representing.
- Receipts for Gas: Receipts submitted for reimbursement of travel expenses must include a mandatory trip form and include mileage information. RSOs will not receive 100% reimbursement of gas expenses unless it is proven that the mileage traveled equals the gas used or if the RSO traveled in a vehicle from Motor Pool.
- Hotel accommodations: It is expected that minimum hotel rate accommodations will be requested, taking advantage of any convention or educational discounts.
- Meals: Meal costs must be itemized and receipts must be attached.
- Miscellaneous – Luggage, telephone and service charges should be itemized on the request for reimbursement, not included as part of the hotel bill. Taxi, bus and subway charges should be itemized. Registration fees must be supported by a receipt
Corporate Sponsorship/Approaching Businesses for Funding
- RSOs are not permitted to approach corporations, businesses and/or companies for the purposes of seeking funding, sponsorship, underwriting or any type of financial solicitation.
- RSOs may approach Main Street vendors for gift certificates, prizes or fund-raising activities where a percentage of the vendor’s sales on a given day are donated to the RSO.
- If an RSO would like to solicit other types of businesses then the following procedures must be followed:
- Interested RSOs must submit a written request to the Student Involvement Office detailing the following information:
- Purpose of solicitation
- Who will be solicited?
- Timetables for solicitation
- Who is responsible for creating and producing the solicitation?
- How and by whom the solicitation will be made
- Interested RSOs must submit a written request to the Student Involvement Office detailing the following information:
- If approved by the University Student Centers, the proposal will move forward to the University’s Corporate and Foundation Relations for final review and authorization.
- Corporate and Foundation Relations must authorize all solicitation on behalf of the University and its affiliated programs, including student organizations.
- If the solicitation request is authorized, a member of Corporate and Foundation Relations will determine the appropriate solicitation strategy, including priority, timing, processing and acknowledgement procedures and any necessary modifications. Corporate and Foundation Relations will have final approval of all letters, texts, scripts and other components related to such solicitation.
- Student organizations and individuals are prohibited from using the University of Delaware’s name or trademarks to solicit support without written permission of the Office of University Development.
- For purposes of this policy, solicitation is defined as all requests for support directed to any person or organization, including alumni, students, friends, employees, parents, corporations, foundations or associations for the purpose of generating gifts for the University and its affiliated programs. This includes, but is not necessarily restricted to, any solicitations conducted via mail, phone, newsletters, personal visits or electronic means.
Financial Reviews
- The staff from the Student Involvement Office may perform spot reviews from time to time on the financial records of all RSO. An Associate Director for Student Involvement or designee has the authority to call for a financial review of any RSO. The spot reviews may take place at such time and with such frequency as may be deemed advisable or necessary for the maintenance of proper accounting standards.
- The results of these reviews will be shared with the Executive Director of the University Student Centers as well as the Allocations Board.
- Any individual(s) may request a financial review to be performed on the record keeping of an RSO. The request should be submitted to an Associate Director for Student Involvement or designee to determine whether an audit is warranted.
- If the review is performed and irregularities are found in the record keeping or if any of the above policies have been violated, the organization will be contacted. An Associate Director for Student Involvement or designee will decide what course of action is appropriate – a conduct hearing, an administrative hearing or civil action against the organization or individual members responsible for the violation.
- If legal or disciplinary action becomes necessary, the organization in question, depending upon the disposition of the case, may appeal to the appropriate judicial body or administrative official, for further consideration of its case.
Requesting Funds from the University’s Comprehensive Fee
RSOs have the privilege of requesting funds that are collected from undergraduate students via the University’s Comprehensive Fee. The policies and procedures regarding this privilege are under the Allocation Board Policies.
The Allocation Board Policies
The University Of Delaware Board Of Trustees approved the Comprehensive Student Fee in May 1988. This is a mandatory fee charged only to all full-time undergraduate students and most recently approved for part-time undergraduate students. The purpose of the Comprehensive Fee is to improve the co-curricular on-campus environment for undergraduate students by providing financial support for Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) that are recognized by the University Student Centers. The monies collected by the University of Delaware for funding RSOs are public funds that must be administered in a manner consistent with the educational purpose of the University as well as with state and federal law.
The Board is responsible for providing funding to almost 400 RSOs. There is only a limited amount of funding available on a yearly basis.
RSOs may submit a budget request for funds; however, no funds may be issued to student organizations that conduct any activities prohibited by the Charter of the University of Delaware or the Internal Revenue Code. Delaware Code Title 14, Section 5103 states, “The University shall never be managed or conducted in the interest of any party, sect or denomination.” In describing the activities of organizations eligible for tax-exempt status, the Internal Revenue Code, Section 501 (c)(3) states “…no substantial part of the activities of which is carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation and which does not attempt to participate or intervene in (including the publishing and distribution of statements) any political campaign.” These restrictions are reflected in policies below.
The viewpoint or purpose of the RSO will not be considered when making funding decisions and each organization must make it known that its views and positions are its own and shall not be ascribed to the University. Funding is based on the policies and procedures explained throughout and any funding must be in line with the reported purpose and mission of the RSO.
Allocation Board
The Allocation Board is composed of the following members: a professional advisor, a University Student Center Business Office assistant and a group of full-time undergraduate matriculated students with a minimum GPA of 2.5. Complete an application to serve on the board.
Membership on the board is intended to be for the length of one’s time as an undergraduate student at UD and a balance of freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors is maintained in order to ensure continuity on the board. Continued membership on the board is at the discretion of the advisor and board members. A member may be excused from meetings for academic or health reasons or may be excused for an entire semester if based on academic pursuits such as study abroad, internships, etc. Absence for two straight semesters will necessitate stepping down from the board. Members of the board may also be removed if violating confidentiality or for other acts of impropriety.
In order to avoid any conflict of interest, a board member is not permitted to participate in any review of a funding request submitted by an RSO in which they are involved. The board member will be excused from the meeting room during such situations.
The following positions/tasks are maintained by the members of the Allocation Board:
Financial Controller: Presides over all meetings of the board and is a deciding vote when there is a tie during any formal votes by the board. Provides suggestions for policy or funding parameter changes annually. One member will be appointed “Assistant Controller” to fill the position if the Controller is absent.
Recorder: Maintains the minutes of the board.
Archivist: Reviews current and past funding of an RSO for which funding is being considered.
After Events Reporter: Reviews any After Event Reports that may pertain to a new request.
Audit & Levels Analyst: Reviews the current audit and levels standing of an RSO for which funding is being considered. Certain levels of funding are restricted by what level the organization is categorized in the Student Involvement Office. Additionally, any RSO who received an Unsatisfactory in the latest audit period will be subject to a 15% penalty applied to any funding decision.
Researcher: Using the internet, researches such items as requested capital equipment, the history of an RSO, the “popularity” of an artist and any other information that will assist the board in a funding decision.
SGA Representative: One member of the allocation board is a representative from the Student Government Association appointed by the SGA to serve for one or more consecutive years.
The Allocation Board annually sets standards and procedures used to review and impact funding. For example, there are many expenses that have a maximum amount of funding by the board. These standards, referred to as caps, to funding are set for an academic year and may only be changed at the end of the spring semester and set in place for the following academic year. In other words, unless a set of unique circumstances exist, policies and standards are not changed during an academic year.
The Allocation Board may determine at its own discretion that a professionally advised RSO may seek an Annual Budget if the RSO has shown a consistent pattern of submitting the same or similar Event, Capital, Conference and/or Series requests yearly. All yearly budgeted groups must submit all purchases in advance. This includes equipment costs and performance acts for the entire year. Additional requests will not be considered.
Meeting or Communication with the Allocation Board/Advisor
If an RSO needs assistance with completing any type of budget request or has questions regarding any of the Allocation Board policies then they are welcome to meet with a staff member of the Student Involvement Office or specifically the advisor to the Allocation Board. The advisor may provide assistance in completing the form, but cannot advocate for an RSO within the funding process once the request is before the board.
When an RSO Event Supplemental request exceeds $5000 then the RSO will be required to send a representative (or up to three) to a board meeting to discuss the request and answer questions about the request.
The Allocation Board may also table (hold finalizing decision on funding to a future meeting) any request and either have the advisor contact an RSO for further information or may request an RSO representative to attend a board meeting to answer specific questions.
Any RSO submitting any form of a request may ask for a meeting with the Allocation Board to talk about the request. Please note that meeting with the board does not guarantee or influence funding and is not encouraged unless unique circumstances exist.
The board meets on Thursdays at 3:30 p.m. (except during the winter session and summer sessions), so a representative from your RSO must be available at that time to speak with the board.
Allocation Board Member Attendance at Events
Organizations that receive a General Operating Budget or Supplemental Funding agree to allow fee attendance to the supported event by an Allocation Board member and their guest. One Allocation Board member may be required to attend any event that the Allocation Board supports. This is to ensure that the event takes place and that requested expenses are indeed incurred. Allocation Board members will have a UD ID identifying them as a board member.
Funding That Is Not Used
Please note that any type of funding allocated to the RSO through that is not used as approved must be returned in full to the Allocation Board. Student organizations are not permitted to re-allocate these funds to other activities even if the activities would normally be supported by the Allocation Board; in such a case, unused monies must be returned and new request(s) submitted.
Requirements for Eligibility to Request Allocation Board Funds
- Must be an official RSO with the University Student Centers Student Involvement Office with current mission statement and constitution on file.
- RSO must provide all proof of expenses before approval. This includes invoices, rental agreements, equipment costs and audio/visual needs.
- Budget forms are available online on the University Student Centers Forms page.
- The Allocation Board will review all General Operating Budgets, Event Supplemental, Conference Supplemental, Event Series Supplemental and Capital Supplemental requests.
- If information regarding any request needs clarification, an Allocation Board representative or staff member will contact the organization representative.
- The Executive Director of the University Student Centers or designee maintains final authority and approval on all funding requests.
- RSO treasurers are required to appear at one of the University Student Centers Student Involvement Office Treasurer Trainings. Student organizations will not be able to receive a General Operating Budget or Supplemental Funding without a trained Treasurer.
Guidelines and Restrictions That Determine Levels of Funding
- The current financial balance of the RSO; an RSO should only be asking for funding if they have not raised enough funds or maintain enough funds for the needed item or activity.
- The amount of activity and opportunities the RSO is providing to the undergraduate population and the campus. Activities geared at target audiences that are not undergraduate students will not be considered.
- How the event or activity relates to the RSO’s mission and purpose. If an activity is not part of the RSO’s mission then it will not be considered.
- The financial audit history and current standing of the RSO.
- The RSO’s efforts in doing its own fund- raising; the amount of funds raised; and adherence to financial policies.
- The anticipated audience of an event (or number of people impacted by an activity) versus the cost of the event or activity.
- The RSO’s efforts to have co-sponsorships for an activity whether or not that co-sponsorship is financial.
- The RSO cannot be in debt from the prior year.
- Allocated funding may not be used to pay off a debt.
- Events/activities offering opportunities for campus-wide participation are a priority.
- Events/activities that are co-sponsored by other registered student organizations or departments are a priority.
- Events/activities geared at raising school spirit and participation including programs that are non-alcoholic and/or with a reasonable admission charge are priorities.
- Advertising for appropriate events/activities may be funded.
- Films: License fees through a collegiate film distributor (because of federal laws regarding copyright, the Board cannot fund movie rental or purchase) will be funded.
- Leadership activities geared for the entire campus are a priority.
- Speakers (guest lecturers, entertainers, etc.) that promote education on a topic are a priority.
- University services (such as UDPD, Custodial, Facilities, etc.) required by the University for an activity will be funded.
- Events, activities or purchases that support a classroom or departmental activity that is also part of an academic program (e.g. an honoraria for a lecturer/performer to do a master class; promotional material for another UD department) will not be funded.
Types of RSO Funding
There are five types of funding that an RSO can receive: General Operating Budget, Event Supplemental, Conference Supplemental, Event Series Supplemental and Capital Supplemental.
Each type of funding has its own online application form available on the University Student Centers Forms page and is described briefly below.
All requests have a timeline (advance notice) in which the request must be submitted, but all RSOs are encouraged to do as much advanced planning as possible. Indeed, if an RSO has planned an entire semester of activity(ies) they are encouraged to submit all requests at once or as far in advance as possible. An RSO does not have to, nor should, wait for the current semester to apply for funding if they know what they are doing.
General Operating Budget
Applied for once a year. Every RSO is entitled to a general operating budget of up to $800 for the year. The General Operating Budget is given to the organization for recruiting members, participating in campus activities, such as Involvement Fairs or Homecoming and supplies and expenses for mission-supported organization activities. It is understood that the organization will need to do some of its own fundraising; an organization needs to plan its general operating budget wisely.
General Operating Budget Funds May Not Be Used For:
RSOs may not use any organizational funds for items or events that conflict with policies of the University and/or the Code of Conduct, nor can the Allocation Board provide supplemental funding for such items or events. Items (or events with below items) covered by this policy include but are not limited to:
- Alcohol
- Candles, lighters or other open flame devices
- Drugs or drug paraphernalia
- Explosives
- Fireworks/Sparklers
- Any devices or spyware that would invade the privacy of others
- Tobacco products or devices for smoking tobacco or other herbal products
- Weapons such as rifles, guns, crossbows, swords (even for display purposes), martial arts items that may inflict harm, etc as well as ammunition for weapons such as bullets, arrows, pellets, etc
Other items/expenses that may not be paid for using general operating budget funds:
- Donations (outright funding to another organization) does not include Co-sponsorship of events.
- Safety Equipment for personal use (mouth guards, shin guards, helmets, etc)
- Political Lobbying, Electioneering: Lobbying is defined as trying to influence the thinking of legislators or other public officials for or against a specific cause. Electioneering is defined as the act of taking an active part in a political campaign for example by canvassing.
- Worship services: defined as the organized worship of a deity, divine power or supernatural entity, whether or not such activity is consistent with the precepts of an organized religion or denomination. Artistic performances with religious content are permitted.
- Departmental Activity: Events, activities or purchases that support a classroom or departmental activity that is also part of an academic program (e.g. an honoraria for a lecturer/performer to do a master class; promotional material for another UD department)
- Dues: The General Operating Budget may not be used to pay for individual dues or affiliation fees to National/Regional/Local organizations. They may be used to pay for an overall organizational dues or fees (unless that overall dues or fees is calculated on the number of individual members times a specific amount).
A General Operating Budget may be requested anytime within the current academic year up until the Wednesday prior to that academic year’s Spring Break.
Again, only one General Operating Budget may be granted per academic year, even if applied for in advance.
Event Supplemental
Any RSO receiving an Event Supplemental must complete the form: Allocations – After Event Report, within two weeks following the date of the event. Failure to complete this form after your funded event may impact future funding of your RSO.
- Applied for funding an event.
- Restrictions apply and applications are considered on a case by case basis (Available on the University Student Centers Forms page).
- An RSO may apply for this type of funding in order to support an on-campus activity aimed at undergraduate students that falls under the mission or purpose of the applying organization.
- RSO must provide all proof of expenses before approval. This includes invoices, rental agreements, equipment costs and audio/visual needs.
- The Allocation Board determines funding based on a set of criteria applicable to all organizations.
- If certain University services are required for the event (such as UDPD, Custodial, etc), the University service will be fully funded.
- Event Supplemental forms have a category of “expected income from ticket sales”. If an RSO is going to be charging admission to your event, please make sure this area is completed on the form under income.
- If the request is $5000 or over it must be submitted at least 14 school days before the event date and the RSO must meet with the board (see next section).
- If the request is under $5000 it must be submitted at least 14 school days prior to the event.
- School days are days that the University is open and classes are being held. Fall Break, Election Day, Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, Spring Break and Summer Session do not count as school days.
- If the Event Supplemental is not submitted by the deadlines listed above then the Allocation Board will attempt to review the supplemental, but the amount approved will be subject to a 50% penalty.
- Event Supplemental forms may not be submitted after the event.
Admission Requirements
Due to the fact that only undergraduate students pay the Comprehensive Fee that supports this funding, there are requirements around charging admission to events supported by an Event Supplemental.
If the event is free then it is suggested that at least $1 admission be charged to any non-UD undergraduate student (that means Graduate students as well since they do not contribute to the Comprehensive Fee).
If the event has an admission charge for UD undergraduate students then the admission must be at least $1 higher for all others, but an even higher difference is encouraged.
For any event where requested funds are higher than $5000 then admission must be charged with, again, at least a price $1 higher for non-UD undergraduates.
Event Requests of $5,000 or Over
If your request for funds is $5,000 or more your organization must meet with the board. Such an event must have an admission charge to cover costs (see above policies on Admission). Large events like this should also be planned a semester or a couple of months in advance to maximize the success of the program.
After the Student Involvement Office receives your request, be prepared to get a call or e-mail to meet with the board. The board meets on Thursdays at 3:30 p.m. (no exceptions) so someone from your group must be available at that time to speak with the board. The person meeting with the board should be familiar with the group and the request. The meeting should be about five-ten minutes long and the group representative should be prepared to talk about the costs associated with the event.
The Allocation Board does not fund more than $10,000 per Event Supplemental. However, the request itself may be higher than $10,000 and the board will still review the request.
Non-Funded Events
The following types of group events will not be considered for funding with an Event Supplemental Form. RSOs wishing to do these types of events must use their own funds or General Operating Budget monies to do so:
- All banquets (socials, award receptions, induction ceremonies, faculty recognition or parties for group members only)
- All charity events (where funds raised are going to support a charity)
- Events/Activities that support a classroom or departmental activity that is also part of an academic program (e.g. an honoraria for a lecturer/performer to do a master class)
- Events/Activities occurring when the University is not open (holidays, spring break or during summer)
- Career related and networking activities for only select members of the RSO – activities assisting individuals with employment needs
- All events held off-campus (unless the event falls within the specific mission of the RSO and is open to all campus)
- All events aimed for an audience exclusively outside the University community (unless the activity is specific to the mission of the RSO)
- All field trips (these should be break-even events). If a trip is related to the mission of the RSO, then it may be considered for funding.
- Political Lobbying, Electioneering: Lobbying is defined as to try to influence the thinking of legislators or other public officials for or against a specific cause. Electioneering is defined as the act of taking an active part in a political campaign for example by canvassing.
- Worship services: defined as the organized worship of a deity, divine power or supernatural entity, whether or not such activity is consistent with the precepts of an organized religion or denomination. Artistic performances with religious content are permitted.
Non-Funded Event Items
The following items may not be purchased with Event Supplemental Funding. If you choose to have these items as part of your event then they need to be listed in the non-funded column of the application form.
RSOs may not use any organizational funds for items or events that conflict with policies of the University and/or the Code of Conduct, nor can the Allocation Board provide supplemental funding for such items or events. Items (or events with below items) covered by this policy include but are not limited to:
- Alcohol
- Candles, lighters or other open flame devices
- Drugs or drug paraphernalia
- Explosives
- Fireworks/Sparklers
- Any devices or spyware that would invade the privacy of others
- Tobacco products or devices for smoking tobacco or other herbal products
- Weapons such as rifles, guns, crossbows, swords (even for display purposes), martial arts items that may inflict harm, etc as well as ammunition for weapons such as bullets, arrows, pellets, etc
- Banners
- Costumes (unless pieces are reusable and can be stored on-campus)
- Decorations
- Individual or organizational dues or affiliation fees to national/regional/local organizations
- Food (any food expenses must be covered by General Operating Budget or admission costs, etc)
- Gifts of any kind (even those to guest speakers)
- Invites to event (this is kind you mail- not flyers or posters)
- Large ads in the Review (the board will fund usually up to a 1/8 or 1/4 page)
- Letterhead stationary
- Lodging for guest speakers, students, etc.
- Newsletters (hard copy paper; on-line newsletters and software to support it is acceptable)
- Photos, scrapbooks
- Prizes, trophies, awards
- Programs
- Safety equipment for personal use (mouth guards, shin guards, helmets, etc)
- Souvenirs
- Travel and hotel for guest speakers, performers, etc; (these costs should be part of the negotiated fee for the contract)
Secondary Items for Event Supplementals
The following items must meet the criteria listed with the item in order to be considered for funding. These are not considered priority items and might not be funded.
- Activities geared at an audience other than full-time undergraduates, such as activities for faculty, staff or alumni
- Requested (as opposed to required) University services such as security, grounds, technical equipment
The following items have the following limits on the amount of funding your organization may receive.
- Advertising (copies and other means) $100
- Review Ads (the board will only pay for a ¼ or 1/8th ad)
- Computers: $1000 ($800 for computer/$200 for printer)- only every 3 years
- Local acts/bands: $750
- Local DJs: up to $500
After Event Report
RSO receiving an Event Supplemental must complete the form: Allocations – After Event Report, within two weeks following the date of the event. Failure to complete this form after your funded event may impact future funding of your RSO.
Series Supplemental
This is a specialized version of the Event Supplemental form and is used when a series of events is being asked for (i.e. lecture series, film series, band series). All of the information provided under the Event Supplemental applies to this form as well. Additionally, the total series cost for artists fees cannot exceed $5,000.
All series requests must be submitted at least 14 school days prior to the first event date in the series or the request may be subject to a 50% penalty after funding.
Conference Supplemental
All RSOs are limited to two (2) conference requests per academic year (one per semester). The current standard (cap) allocation is $500.00 per semester. Conferences should be within the mission of the RSO and be inclusive of as many members of the RSO as possible. Conference registration information must be provided with the request. Conference requests will be considered on a case by case basis.
All conference requests must be submitted one month (30 school days) prior to the conference or the request may be subject to a 50% penalty after funding.
Capital Supplemental
This form is used to apply for equipment or items that are not needed yearly. For example, it is an item that will be used for a long time (as opposed to for only one event or activity). The funds for these items are limited and the RSO must have a campus approved location where requested capital equipment or item is going to be maintained. Capital Expenditures (such as computers, uniforms and other large ticket items that are needed by the organization on an occasional basis) may be purchased with General Operating Budget funding but would most likely deplete that money. Instead, monies for such items may be requested by completing a Supplemental Request Form for Capital Expenditures. Capital Expenditures, by their very nature, are not always funded and the requesting organization must make a strong case for the need of the purchase.
The following guidelines apply to requesting Capital Expenditures:
RSOs may not use any organizational funds for items that conflict with policies of the University and/or the Code of Conduct, nor can the Allocation Board provide supplemental funding for such items or events. Items (or events with below items) covered by this policy include but are not limited to:
- Alcohol
- Candles, lighters or other open flame devices
- Clothing/Uniforms: Only eligible for funding if maintained by the organization and items are re-usable from year to year, not given to members to keep and are stored on campus.
- Computers: Only eligible for funding if the organization has been active for at least two years; has an office in a University building where equipment will be secured and has a clear need for the computer and supporting equipment.
- Drugs or drug paraphernalia
- Explosives
- Fireworks/Sparklers
- Any devices or spyware that would invade the privacy of others
- Political Lobbying, Electioneering: Lobbying is defined as to try to influence the thinking of legislators or other public officials for or against a specific cause. Electioneering is defined as the act of taking an active part in a political campaign for example by canvassing.
- Tobacco products or devices for smoking tobacco or other herbal products
- Weapons such as rifles, guns, crossbows, swords (even for display purposes), martial arts items that may inflict harm, etc as well as ammunition for weapons such as bullets, arrows, pellets, etc
- Worship services: defined as the organized worship of a deity, divine power or supernatural entity, whether or not such activity is consistent with the precepts of an organized religion or denomination. Artistic performances with religious content are permitted.
All capital requests must be submitted before the RSO makes any capital purchase. Funds will not be provided if the RSO has already purchased the equipment.
Catering Supplemental
RSOs are limited to one catering supplemental request per semester. Catering Supplementals are limited to $800.00 per semester. RSOs are expected to do their own fundraising to cover additional costs exceeding this amount. Catering Supplementals are part of an Event Supplemental request. They do not have a separate form.
- Catering Supplemental funding is limited to food provided by UD Catering (unless a waiver for an outside catering source is provided by UD Catering and presented to the Allocations Board).
- An RSO may apply for this type of funding to support an ON-CAMPUS ONLY activity or event and must fulfill the following requirements:
- Event is intended for UD undergraduate students.
- Event must fall within the mission or purpose of the applying organization.
- Event must have an estimated minimum of 30+ attendees.
- An applying RSO must provide proof of expenses before an approval can be made. This includes the catering invoice with an itemized list of each menu option.
- Beverages do NOT apply to this supplemental.
- The Allocations Board determines funding based on a set of criteria applicable to all organizations.
- All requests for catering must be submitted with an Event Supplemental at least 14 school days before the event date.
- Your event must be open to and marketed for all UD undergraduates.
Internship and Career Experience Grant Intended Use
In collaboration with the Career Center, the Allocations Board manages the distribution of Internship and Career Experience Grants. This funding supports experiences throughout the academic year. These experiences include:
- Internships
- Field experiences
- Job shadowing
- Research with organizations outside of UD
- Professional conferences
To request this funding, include any non-registration expenses on a Conference Supplemental form. The Allocations Board will determine the amount provided to RSOs on case-by-case and need bases.