Registered Student Organizations

Perkins, Lower level, 015-G


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Student Central is campus’s “connection central” – its heartbeat – where students can discover, join, interact with their organizations, learn about events, and feel a part of the energy of University of Delaware’s community.

Student Organizations

Want to be a part of a Student Group or start your own? Visit StUDent Central to explore and connect with Registered Student Organizations (RSOs), Fraternity and Sorority Leadership & Learning, programs from the University Student Centers, our Blue Hen Leadership Program, and many other units within Student Life.

Student Media

The University Student Centers oversees student media groups on campus including the campus radio station, 91.3FM WVUD, and the student newspaper, The Review. Both of these groups can be found in the annex of Perkins Student Center as well as at and

Group photo of Greek Chapters members on the Green

Join a social, cultural, co-curricular or honors fraternity or sorority, and you’ll begin a lifelong bond with a community that has surpassed average campus GPAs for the past decade while donating an annual average of 55,000 hours of service to charitable organizations.

An award ceremony and celebration for our student leaders. This event is invitation only. Registered Student Organizations and Fraternity and Sorority Life participants are nominated every year for their efforts or campus events and acknowledged for their accomplishments collectively and individually.