Taegeom Lee

Black and white visual art

Man is evil

by Taegeom Lee, ’27
Visual Art, 2023

Major: Fashion Design

The theory that human nature is fundamentally evil is the view that human nature is evil. This means that “human beings have a tendency to lean on evil from birth,” not “human beings are evil from birth.”

I believe in the theory that human nature is fundamentally evil. At first glance, goodness and evil coexist in human. The opposite coexists. I think it is ironic.

As I said at the beginning, I wanted to express in terms of transition that humans are not evil in nature, but that humans are lean toward evil as they grow up.

As humans get older, evil tries to harm goodness and take personal gain. That is human nature. A wound in the heart develops and the infection of the wound grows by scratch on one‘s mind

Looking at the previous stage, it seems like goodness is trying to cover up evil, which expressed our society trying to stop it with education. But it did not work as you can see.

And the good is washed away by evilI illustrated three dark square as trinity A grown infection is scarred by the sharp human nature of others.

Man is evil