Honors Private Music Study
Did you know Honors students with previous musical experience can participate in private music study with no additional cost to them? Students who successfully complete the audition process can take free private lessons for the first two semesters in the Honors College. The opportunity to take private lessons for academic credit is not open to beginners, but is intended for those who wish to continue previous study. Honors Private Music Study is intended for first-year Honors students who are NOT Music majors. Space is limited in some studios.
Honors Private Music Study (1 cr. MUSC150) includes a weekly private lesson, a weekly 50-min repertory class, and may include participation in an approved music department ensemble (credits vary). If interested in auditioning for Honors Private Music Study, please complete this form.
- Popular ensembles include: Marching Band, Chamber Ensemble, Symphony Orchestra, Concert Choir, and Jazz Ensemble
There are four categories of study: Vocal, Piano, Guitar, and Instrumental. You will be able to select one of the categories for audition in the form – please be specific and read the form information fully, as each category has slight variations for auditions and requirements.
Lola Babalola, ’27 – Voice
Lola has been singing for about 8 years. In high school, she was in all three choirs at her school and participated in All-State Choir. Her voice teacher was Mairin Srygley. Lola really loved working with her because she took the time to understand Lola’s voice, she worked hard to find the perfect repertoire for Lola, and she also made every voice lesson so fun. Additionally, Lola had 2 studio classes and a final voice recital each semester, and was able to meet and befriend other vocalists through these opportunities.
Lola’s favorite thing about Honors Private Music Study is that it’s a low pressure way for students to keep music in their lives! She really likes that lessons are a 1-credit class because she could easily fit them into her schedule. Lola would not have been able to pursue private voice lessons freshman year without this incredible opportunity. She would highly recommend this program for any Honors freshman who wants to continue their instrument!
Lola is an Economics major, with minors in Music Management and Musical Theater. Her freshman lessons counted towards her Music Management minor, and she will be taking voice lessons for Music minors her sophomore year for her Musical Theater minor.
Austin Gray ’22 – Trumpet
Austin has 12 years experience playing the trumpet and participated in a variety of ensembles including both high school and collegiate marching band, symphonic bands, jazz ensembles, pep bands, trumpet ensembles and All-State band and orchestra.
“I never officially had private lessons before I started college, but once I was receiving them, I found them extremely beneficial to my abilities as a musician,” he said. “Each lesson is focused and helps you practice a particular skill or skills. Your instructor acts as a guide each week to check your progress and provide tips, so much of the remaining work has to be done in a practice room. My current instructor, Dr. Chris Underwood, is a fantastic instructor and I am beyond thankful for what I’ve learned and for the experiences he has provided.”
His note on ensembles: “Each ensemble is different in its own special way. I couldn’t imagine my college experience without memories from the marching and pep bands playing for crowds at football or basketball games, or playing in the concert halls in the music buildings with the symphonic band.”
After participating in Honors Private Music Study for a year, he decided to add an applied music minor. He came to college without a clear academic plan, but knew he wanted music to be part of his experience. “I decided against studying music for the rest of my life and found passions elsewhere, but I couldn’t just put my instrument down that easily,” he said. “Adding the music minor was the best decision I could have made.” He continues to participate in ensembles, receive private lessons and perform solo pieces, just like the majors do, but with less requirements. “I’m also a brother of the men’s music fraternity here on campus – Phi Mu Alpha – and we strive to advance music in the local communities and region,” he said. “Most of all, I’m so thankful for the people I’ve bet and the relationships I’ve developed. My friends in the ‘music world’ are the most valuable people in my life at UD.”
Kate Greco ’23 – Piano
Kate first learned about Honors Private Music study during an Honors info session at Accepted Students Day. “Coincidentally, the student talking to us was a piano student like me,” she said. “After the session ended, I was able to go ask questions about the program and get insight on her experience with private music lessons. When hearing her praise for the opportunity, I immediately knew that I wanted to attend the University of Delaware. I felt confident in my decision, as I knew that this would be somewhere I could pursue my passion of playing piano with the commitment of a minor in music.”
She took lessons with the same piano teacher since second grade, so coming to UD and having a new instructor with a different teaching style was intimidating at first – especially since college lessons were more advanced than she was used to. “I have moved every second of my lessons thus far,” she said. “My professor has assisted in improving my playing and technique greatly over these past two years, and I look forward to continuing my journey during the remainder of my time at UD.”
As a sophomore in college, Kate plans to continue playing through Merit Study, an opportunity through the School of Music.
Jeff Lin ’23 – Cello
Jeff met Dr. Stomberg (the cello professor at UD) through connections he made in high school at the local music school. He’s been playing cello for 10 years, and took lessons with six or seven cellists for varying lengths of time, now including Dr. Stomberg. “He’s really intentional about pedagogy,” he said. “Dr. Stomberg is definitely demanding in terms of graded assignments (scale quizzes, juries, video projects), but offers fun, positive motivation.”
While taking private lessons, Jeff participated in two ensembles: chamber and symphony orchestra. “I love playing in the orchestra because we play professional-level repertoire and a lot of modern pieces,” he said. When not taking private lessons or an ensemble class it can be challenging to keep up with practice, so he plans to rejoin the orchestra in the fall semester. If you’re living in Louis L. Redding hall, you might even hear Jeff practicing in the building!