November Victory!

We would like to thank the over 300 volunteers who helped the UD for Obama campaign over the last two months.

Here are the facts:

  1. Every weekend we sent between 15 and 80 people into Pennsylvania. In total, we knocked on over 1,500 doors.
  2. Every Pennsylvania student living on campus received an absentee ballot request form through the College Democrats regardless of party affiliation… that’s over 1,000 students.
  3. We registered over 200 new voters.
  4. 25 media mentions, approximately 4 each week.
  5. Rally for Change with Joe Biden: the Pennsylvania campaign saw the amazing turnout at the University of Delaware every weekend and thought it worthy of Senator Biden’s time to campaign on campus. Over 5,700 attended the most visible political rally in UD history, over 160 students volunteered.
  6. Over 130 UD students went to Pennsylvania on Election Day covering 260 volunteer shifts (that’s about 25% of the shifts needed in crucial West Philadelphia field offices). The University of Delaware provided more volunteers than Drexel and UPenn.

As an organization, we couldn’t be more proud of the University of Delaware. Just two years ago we were said to be one of the most apathetic college campuses in the country. Today, we can’t believe so. The enthusiasm we have seen over the past two months and the strong desire for change are evidence of a reinvigorated generation ready to believe again.

Now is about making change a reality. The agenda of President-elect Barack Obama will not be implemented without a strong coalition of College Democrats at his back. On November 4th, we reached a terrific milestone electing the first African American to the presidency. But we have many challenges ahead. Join us as we work to push the Obama agenda at the state and national level – it’s time to get down to business, it’s time to move forward.



Paul Ruiz
President, College Democrats at the University of Delaware

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