UD College Democrats endorse Jack Markell for Governor, Matt Denn for Lt. Governor

At the last meeting of the semester, the University of Delaware College Democrats voted on endorsements for Governor and Lt. Governor of Delaware. In order to receive an endorsement, a candidate has to receive a 2/3 majority of the votes. We are pleased to announce our endorsements of Jack Markell and Matt Denn.

Jack Markell, who is the current State Treasurer and a candidate for Governor, overwhelmingly received our endorsement. Students at UD and especially in the College Democrats can attest to Jack’s strong support among young people. He has impressed us with his continued involvement in the Newark and University of Delaware community along with his outstanding record as State Treasurer. His executive experience combined with his progressive ideals will lead Delaware on a road to prominence and success in the years to come.

Click here for our full news release.

The University of Delaware grants full funding to the UD College Democrats

After 30 years on the UD campus, the College Democrats have finally gained full funding from the University. This is huge! Until last week, the allotment of funds to partisan groups was half that of other groups in an attempt to keep the University from favoritism. However, in a joint effort with the College Republicans and College Libertarians over the past semester, we have finally proven our case. This is a huge step forward for UD, as it now recognizes the great potential for a more civic-minded student body. What does this mean for the future of the Dems? Better programming, more trips and programs, bigger name speakers, and free food!