Frequently Asked Questions

Does everyone need to take the Math Placement Exam?

Yes! Regardless of AP Scores or transfer credit, all students need to take the UD Math Placement Exam. The test and any remediation should be completed by June 15.  More information is available on the math department website. You will have the opportunity to take it more than once to improve your score, but it imperative to take it before June 15th at least once so that we can get you into the correct math course as soon as possible.

What is the Honors Calculus Placement Exam and how do I know if I should take it?

Honors students interested in taking Honors MATH 242 should take the Honors Calculus Placement Exam. In addition to completing the test, students need to have earned credit for MATH 241 and/or MATH 242 to be eligible for Honors Calculus. All exams must be sent to us electronically, (either .pdf or .jpg) to Honors Calculus Exams are due June 24, but contact us if you need an extension.

My Honors Virtual Advisement is not until mid-July. Will this hurt my chances of getting the classes I need in the fall?

No! The Honors staff works hard to ensure class availability is distributed among all appointment dates. You’ll have the same opportunities toward the end of summer as you will at the beginning.

I received registration information from my academic college. Should I complete their forms or worksheets provided by Honors?

It is important to read all information provided by UD offices with regard to NSO and academic registration. There are two worksheets that need to be specifically done in preparation for your Honors virtual advisement meeting, the Pre-Advisement Worksheet and the Honors ENGL110 & Colloquium Interest Worksheet.

My senior year AP Scores won’t be available until late July. How will that affect my registration?

In the Honor Pre-Advisement Worksheet, we ask you to report any known AP scores from before 2024 and to estimate scores from your 2024 tests.  Once your official scores are received we can adjust your fall schedule as needed. Please note: to get credit for any AP tests, scores must be sent officially from College Board to UD using this code: 5811.

I can see my courses in UDSIS – is my schedule finalized?

The Honors staff will ensure all Honors students get a schedule in the fall that fulfills major requirements and Honors expectations. The sections and timing of your courses may change as we accommodate all interests and learn about your AP/IB/dual credit results. Your schedule will be “final” on August 5th. This means we won’t make any further changes without discussing them with you first. First year students will have access to change your schedules after this date but we strongly encourage you to talk to us first before attempting any changes. Stay in touch with us throughout the summer with any questions or concerns.

I have more questions, who can I ask?

Please email your questions to