Become Involved

Gifts from individuals, companies, and foundations provide the College of Engineering with the necessary resources to assure the vitality and growth of our educational and research programs.


Your gift may be designated to the Department or Fund of your choice with the confidence that it will be used for the purpose you intended. The College’s giving opportunities are described below.

Annual Support for the College and Departments


ISELabThe College of Engineering utilizes unrestricted funds to recruit outstanding faculty, support students, enhance research and underwrite graduate students.


Gifts can be directed to the College of Engineering and to each of the engineering departments, centers and programs:


Biomedical Engineering, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Computer and Information Sciences, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering.

Major Gift Support for Capital Projects and Needs


Women in Engineering (WIE) exists to mentor and encourage the participation of women, an under-represented sector of students and faculty in the College of Engineering.


Resources to Insure Successful Engineers (RISE) seeks to provide a supportive atmosphere to insure academic success. RISE programs serve students with particular focus on African American, Hispanic American and Native American students. A professional staff provides mentoring assistance and, when needed, financial assistance for books and other expenses. Funds are often provided for tutoring and special academic advisement. RISE maintains a Student Advisory Council that ensures continuous improvement in workshops, mentoring and tutoring efforts.




Interdisciplinary Science & Engineering Laboratory


Currently under construction, meant to accommodate expanded enrollment in the University, which is expected to increase by 50% by 2014. The building would house facilities for multidisciplinary research and problem-based learning instruction in the natural sciences and engineering. (Opening Fall of 2013)

Endowed (permanent) Funds



Academic Enrichment Awards are used to recruit outstanding students offered at the time of admission, and are usable at some point during the undergraduate experience for Study Abroad (students attain a global perspective in their area of study with a renowned faculty member during Winter Session); Service-Based Learning (students participate in activities such as Engineers Without Borders that combine classroom concepts with real-world implications and social responsibility; Undergraduate Research – (students work with faculty to solve current and challenging research problems.)


Undergraduate Scholarships provide tuition assistance to students who demonstrate exceptional merit based academic promise or financial need with specific criteria determined by the donor. The annual Celebration of Scholarship program affords the opportunity for donors to meet the recipients of the scholarships and awards.


Graduate Fellowships provide 9-month stipends of $22,500 for first-year graduate students, essential for the recruitment of top doctoral students. Fellowships are for the first two semesters of study, allowing selection of research focus; subsequently, students are paid through research grants.


Young Faculty Chairs provide an annual stipend of $50,000 that is used to recruit and retain talented young faculty. The stipend complements their compensation with funds for special research, speaking engagements, conferences and publications.


Senior Faculty Chairs are highly prized by outstanding faculty because of their prestige and academic value. Presently, 23% of faculty in the college hold named professorships. The Endowed Chair is a most coveted position with funds providing a portion of the professor’s annual expenses.


The University Board of Trustees sets the endowment income expenditure rate. Currently the spending rate is approximately 4.0%.

Does my company have a matching gifts program? I’d like to give now!

For more information, please contact:


Director of Development Associate Director of Development Assistant Director, Donor Relations
Barbara Maylath
Phone: (302) 831-7273
Michele LeFever Quinn
Phone: (302) 831-0840
Susan Lamedica
Phone: (302)831-6892