The Status of Women at UD: University Employees

The Status of Women at UD: University Employees

Faculty and Staff Numbers The University of Delaware includes four categories of employees: exempt staff, non-exempt staff, hourly workers, and faculty members. Employees with different classifications have different access to benefits, including sick leave and job...
The Status of Women at UD: University Leadership

The Status of Women at UD: University Leadership

Note: All percentages have been rounded to the nearest percentage point. Board of Trustees According to the Charter of the University of Delaware (UD), “the Board of Trustees shall have the entire control and management of the affairs of the University.” The Board is...

Letter from the Chairs

Dear University Community: We are pleased to bring you the seventh annual report of the Women’s Caucus. The caucus was inaugurated in Spring 2011 and advocates for positive change on issues of concern to women faculty and staff at UD. In honor of Women’s History...