Salary Information

The table below allows us to begin the discussion of salary inequities for women across staff at UD and also faculty at UD.


Staff Salary Ratios Women to Men

Staff Salary Ratios Women to Men line chart
The pay differences between men and women staff members varies according to category. Women in secretarial/clerical positions earn $1.03 for every dollar earned by men in this category, while the biggest gap is found between technical/paraprofessional women, who earn $0.72 for every dollar earned by men. Among professional staff, women earn $0.84, among service/maintenance employees, women earn $0.93, and among skilled crafts, women earn $0.96 for every dollar earned by men. In the highest-paying positions at the university—executive and administrative roles—women earn $1.04 for every dollar earned by a man.


Faculty Staff Ratios Women to Men

Faculty Staff Ratios Women to Men line chart

Data is also provided on faculty appointments in the following categories: Faculty without administrative appointment, faculty with administrative appointment and a faculty chairperson/academic center director. Women in faculty roles without an administrative appointment earn $0.82 for every dollar men earn. Women in faculty roles who also hold an administrative appointment earn $0.77 for every dollar men earn. This ratio is down from last year when it was $0.86 for every dollar a man earned. Those women in a role of chairperson/academic center director earn $0.96 for every dollar earned by men.

Note: The data from Institutional Research varies use of male/female and men/women. We tried to follow what they provided in our discussion section.