The spring semester is in full swing! With the first round of midterms coming up for many (and some having already taken that first test), your peer liaisons want to remind you that we are here for you! Whether you want advice about a class, finding a major, study techniques, or just need to vent, we’ve got your back.

In the meantime, don’t forget about these awesome resources available to you right here on campus:

  1. That chemistry class got you down? Free drop-in tutoring is offered for a variety of subjects through the Office of Academic enrichment Sunday through Friday. Check out their schedule here.
  2. Study better in a group? Don’t forget that you can book a study room on the library website (here) for you and your friends any day of the week!
  3. If you’re ever feeling overwhelmed, know you’re not alone. The Center for Counseling and Student Development is an awesome resource for handling the extra pressure you may be feeling this semester. Their counselors offer walk-in hours in Perkins every week day, and the UD helpline is available to you 24/7. You can learn more on their website.
  4. The peer liaisons! Remember that we’re students just like you and we’ve all been in your shoes before. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need our help. A list of all the peer liaisons and our emails is located here.

Most importantly, be kind to yourself. You can do it! And spring break is right around the corner….