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Tag: business (page 1 of 2)

Invite for Business Interest students

Join Lerner students and a basics of business class to hear from a speaker in the hospitality industry. Dave Roberts will present and have some time for Q&A in the Lerner Hall atrium (big open space 1st floor of Lerner)

When: Friday, April 26th, 2024 (tomorrow!) 9:10-10:05am

Business casual clothes highly recommended     

If you want more info on Dave Roberts and have LinkedIn:

·  Current member of Faculty Cornell’s Nolan undergrad business school teaching Hospitality Management

·  Previously taught at Va Tech’s graduate business school

·  Retired early from Marriott at the Sr VP level.  (Headed world’s largest Revenue Management department)

·  Working on his second book

·  Has published research and patents

·  Was HSMAI’s 2023 Revenue Optimization Educator of the Year

·  Served on IBM’s Business Analytics Advisory Board

·  Has been featured on CNBC

For any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Julia Bayuk (

Student Spotlight-Rocco Bueti

Rocco Bueti has big dreams of becoming an actor or writer. Right now, he’s a Management Information Systems (MIS) major with minors in English (film) and Business Analytics. If careers in acting or writing don’t pan out, he plans further schooling to earn an MBA in MIS and to work within a tech department as a computer or business analyst.

The sophomore from Westchester, New York knew UD was right for him after considering a few college choices. He was attracted to UD’s business school, the size of the undergraduate class, and the fact that ample opportunities were available. What really cemented his choice was UD’s beautiful campus, which he continues to enjoy with the great friends he has made.

His UST advisor, Sarah Hutnick, recalls that Rocco came in mostly thinking about business management, but then wanted to explore various options. Ultimately, after doing independent research and listening to a family member talk about their career, he realized that his interests lied more in the MISY side of Management rather than Management itself. Sarah went on to say, “Rocco seems to have a rare knack for both the logical/analytical and the creative/artistic. It was clear that it was very important for Rocco to have both of these elements present in his studies at UD”.

At UD, Rocco says his favorite things include: the many clubs and activities you can be a part of, his wonderful professors, Main Street, and the student centers. Speaking about clubs and activities, Rocco has played on many intramural sports teams and plans to try out for UD club basketball. He is currently a member of STN 49 (a television network run by UD students) where he participates in live shows: “Bi-Weekly” and “Hens Sports Night”. Rocco plans to join a business fraternity in the future.

Rocco’s advice for UST students? “Applying yourself and being ready to learn and succeed is KEY in succeeding here, and in life. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, you never know where that question will lead you in life/school. Fear is the worst thing to fall to, don’t let yourself be scared to try something”.


Two events on October 3rd!

Business Interest? Two Exciting Opportunities for Next Week

Join business freshmen and Ernst and Young to learn more about what it means to study and work in Accounting.
Event is held in the Lerner Hall atrium (large open space on the first floor of Lerner). If you come, please plan to stay for the entire class period (55 minutes).

Monday, September 25th

Time Options:

8-8:55 am

9:10-10:05 am

1:50-2:45 pm

If you are interested in attending, please reach out to Dr. Julia Bayuk ( and let her know you intend to join! Here is some additional information about the BS in Accounting degree:

And Ernst and Young: EY US – Home | Building a better working world



Student Spotlight-Hannah Pash

Hannah Pash is a sophomore from West Chester, Pennsylvania. She fell in love with UD’s stunning campus and surrounding main street area when touring it. She also appreciated its proximity and convenience to her home. When she arrived she was undecided about her major, so it was important to her that the school had a wide array of strong academic programs that she could choose from.

At first, Hannah had the idea of a health science major in mind- maybe something having to do with physical therapy or exercise science. After taking a variety of classes her first semester, her mindset shifted drastically. After doing research, speaking with her UST advisor, and utilizing the many resources UD has to offer, she decided on a business major with a sociology minor. She believes the two complement each other and can be applied to numerous careers, expanding her future professional opportunities.

From the moment she arrived at UD, she felt that the UST Program reassured her that her desire to not declare a major right away was perfectly normal. Her advisor helped her to curate the perfect schedule to accommodate her exploration, while meeting breadth requirements, so she could “finish in four”. She is happy she has been able to take such a wide array of classes- from nutrition to criminal justice to women and gender studies and environmental humanities.

Hannah is involved with the Project Sunshine club on campus. This club focuses on providing arts and crafts, and other recreational activities to children facing medical challenges. She is also active on the Club Cross Country Team at UD. Although long-distance running is an individual sport, the friendship and bonds that have formed between her and her teammates have been a personal highlight for her. Hannah also recently applied to and got accepted by the Honors College!

Although not sure about a specific job title for the future, she hopes to secure an internship over the summer of her junior year, and hopes this choice will set her on track to obtain a job after graduation. Wherever she ends up, she knows she wants to be working with others, helping people, and expanding her knowledge through challenging situations.

Overall, Hannah says that the most important thing to remember is that it is OK to not know what you want yet. Utilize the UST program’s resources which will guide you through these difficult and weighty decisions. Additionally, it’s helpful to keep things in perspective; the major you choose isn’t necessarily what you will be doing in your long-term career.



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